
Homework Helper: Virtual School Tours Of Famous Irish Places

Go on a “Virtual School Tour” of famous Irish places.

The annual school tour is always a much loved end-of-year activity for pupils from all primary schools. Now with home schooling while schools remain closed and with travel restrictions in place, why not take pupils and indeed the whole family on a virtual school tour to some of these famous Irish tourist destinations named hereunder.

Dublin Zoo.

Children will love watching the elephants (View HERE); penguins (View HERE) and animals of the African Savanna (View HERE) with the help of Dublin Zoo’s Webcam.

No. 29 Fitzwillian Street Lower.

Take a step back in time and experience life in a Georgian house in Dublin [Georgian era: 1714–1837], with the help of the No. 29 virtual experience, by visiting HERE.

Long Room Trinity College, Dublin.

The Long Room at Trinity College Dublin is considered one of the world’s greatest and most beautiful libraries, built between 1712 and 1732. Visit HERE and see why.
Some 65 metres in length, it is filled with 200,000 of the Library’s oldest books, including the Book of Kells. Did you know it also served as the inspiration for the Jedi Library in Star Wars?

National Gallery of Ireland.

The National Gallery of Ireland houses the national collection of historic Irish and European fine art and is a must visit for art lovers. (View HERE.)

National Museum of Ireland.

Travel across Ireland, with the help of the National Museum of Ireland, explore natural history (View HERE); the history of country life (View HERE); archaeology (View HERE), or decorative arts and history (View HERE).

The Titanic Experience.

Take a trip to Cobh and experience the last port of call for the tragic Titanic ocean liner. (View HERE).

Enjoy your armchair travelling

Will NASA SpaceX Rocket Be Visible Over Tipperary Tonight?

This evenings cloudless sky could mean that residents of Ireland should be able to view the NASA SpaceX rocket as it soar across our skies tonight.

Of course this launch will depend on the weather in Florida, but hopefully the rocket will launch at 8:22pm Irish time, with two astronauts on board.

If all goes according to plan viewers should be able to view the Falcon 9 rocket under the moon, in the south-west some ten to fifteen minutes later.

The Falcon 9 rocket will take off from launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida and journey to the International Space Centre.

Take Note: If the SpaceX rocket decided for one reason or another to abort after its anticipated take off this evening, it could land off the west coast of our Emerald Isle.

All Expenses Paid, World Tour, Courtesy Thurles.Info

I Think It’s Going To Rain Today

Broken windows and empty hallways,
A pale dead moon in a sky streaked with grey.
Human kindness is overflowing,
And I think it’s gonna rain today.

Bright before me the signs implore me
Help the needy and show them the way
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it’s gonna rain today

Lyrics Randy Newman – Singer Neil Diamond.

First it was the Donegal Sinn Féin TD Mr Padraig Mac Loughlin on April 6th, sending back his almost €9,000 wage increase, to support Irish frontline healthcare workers, or so he claims.

Next it was Ms Amy Huberman; having hammered away for hours over her cast iron shoe last; she has already or is presently, giving away, free, 20 pairs of shoes from her latest manufactured collection, to Irish healthcare workers.

Then it was the great Rock Band U2, who admit to earning around €5 million a night from its concerts, donating two nights takings, possibly from their low-tax jurisdiction, based in the Netherlands; to buy personal protective equipment (PPE) for Irish frontline health care workers.

We are unsure of the actual shoe sizes on offer, or indeed how this major generosity will be split up between the 40,000 healthcare workers who signd up to fight the Coronavirus COVID-19 in Ireland.

However, not to be outdone, and having read all this accidently leaked details of generosity on offer, we here at Thurles.Info will not now be seen to be wanting, with regards to demonstrating our extreme generosity.

This said we have decided to send our thousands of daily readers, yes, on an “all expenses paid world tour”, starting this very night.

Pack your bags, as we now invite you to go on our VIRTUAL TOUR to visit some of the most amazing attractions in the World, each one linked hereunder.

The Natural History Museum, LondonVisit HERE

The Vatican Museum, RomeVisit HERE

The Guggenheim Museum, New YorkVisit HERE

Machu Picchu, PeruVisit HERE


“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you”. Matthew 6:2

Enjoy Your World Tour & Stay Safe.

First Case Of Covid-19 Identified In Northern Ireland

The first case of Coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified in Northern Ireland. This news was further confirmed during a briefing by Northern Ireland’s Public Health Agency earlier this evening.

We understand that the patient is receiving specialist care and the agency says they are working rapidly to identify those persons who may have come into contacts with the identified patient, latter who had visited northern Italy before travelling home to Northern Ireland through Dublin airport.

The patient is now in isolation at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

The Public Health Agency would not comment further on whether the patient used public transport in their effort to travel from Dublin to Northern Ireland.

The Public Health Agency is liaising with public health bodies in the Republic in an attempt to identify persons who may have come into close contact with this patient. Staff will work closely with health colleagues here in the Republic to identify others who may potentially be at risk.

Covid-19 – Chief Medical Officer’s Advice To Parents

The Chief Medical Officer from the Department of Health, Dr Tony Holohan, has issued the following letter to parents of school children travelling from affected regions.

The Department of Education and Skills has updated information for schools, preschools and third level institutions on Covid-19; provided by the Department of Health and HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre, following a meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team.

Public health doctors are available to liaise with schools and advise on precautions if staff and / or students have any concerns.

Anyone who has visited affected regions in the last 14 days and has a cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or fever should self-isolate and phone their GP immediately.

Anyone who has travelled from the affected regions and has no symptoms should visit HERE for further advice.

The most important action we can take to protect ourselves from Covid-19 is regular hand-washing and good respiratory hygiene.

As further advice or information is provided, it will be issued to schools and posted on the Department’s website.

Travel advice for all Irish citizens is provided through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.