
Work Begins On Bowe’s Corner, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The half million funding for Bowe’s Corner, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, first trumpeted by all local TD’s; of all political persuasions, at the start of this year, 2022, saw the final design completed in June last.
According to Tipperary County Council, Rathcabbin Tarmacadam Limited, first set up in July 1999, have been appointed as contractors.

Materials being used on the project e.g. paving, kerbing etc. are to be similar to that already used on the half completed Liberty Square projected.

Work was expected to start in July, with drainage works, ducting, excavation etc., followed on with the kerbing and paving.

Little in the new plan shown above is expected to change, over what currently now exists, however there will be a few exceptions: –

  • The existing junctions will be tightened with current signage moved and upgraded.
  • The pedestrian crossing currently in-situ on Friar Street; close to Lacey’s Butcher’s Shop, will be moved closer to the existing junction.
  • A new pedestrian crossing will be introduced on Abbey Road, railway bridge.
  • All pedestrian crossings will remain uncontrolled.
  • Additional public lighting will be provided.
  • The entire junction will be a raised table.

Major delays are expected for traffic using the area.

22nd Annual Visit To Moyasta Co. Clare, By Two-Mile-Borris Community Thurles.

Local correspondent Mr Gerry Bowe Reports: –

This long established annual visit to Moyasta, Co. Clare initially started with the Nell Galvin Music Festival back in the year 2000. Nell Galvin’s son Michael and his wife Phyllis both resided in Two-Mile-Borris for over 50 years and the late Michael was the man who first got “the show on the road”.

Pictured above are members of the Two-Mile-Borris community, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, following their recent 22nd annual visit to Moyasta, Co. Clare.

Sadly, Michael died in March 2011 and his wife Phyllis (nee Kavanagh) passed away in September 2021, thus the main impetus for the continuing of this most pleasurable of reunions.

The group stayed with Michael and Bridie Keane at the Oyster Bar Lisdeen, Kilrush Rd, Garraun, Kilkee, where once again they were treated right royally, in a most homely fashion, during their recent visit. The contact with the Keane family and with Barney and Linda Eustace, Ennis, is always greatly enhanced throughout the year by regular phone communications.

This year 25 members, from the Two-Mile-Borris community, made the annual visit to once again mark this occasion. The group visited Carrigaholt; Fanny O’Dea’s, in Lissacasey, Ennis and Murty Brown’s, in Tullycrine, on the way down, not forgetting a visit to the Keogh family, in Moyasta.

A massive “Thanks You” to all who renewed their friendship during this most enjoyable weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Further Extended Legislation For Pub & Restaurant Outdoor Seating Areas.

Minister Mrs Helen McEntee to further extend legislation for pub and restaurant outdoor seating areas.

  • Proposed to extend Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 until 30th November 2022.
  • Provides certainty for licenced premises serving alcohol in outdoor seating areas as summer season approaches.

Minister for Justice Mrs Helen McEntee has moved to further extend the operation of outdoor seating areas, as licensed premises look ahead, to the busy summer months.

The Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 was first introduced in July 2021, bringing about changes to allow for the sale and consumption of alcohol in relevant outdoor seating areas.

Minister McEntee stated: “Government has today approved my proposal to seek an extension to this legislation for a further six months until 30th November 2022. I will bring the necessary Motions before the Houses of the Oireachtas at the earliest opportunity in advance of 31st May.

The Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021 gave much needed certainty to licenced premises during the pandemic, allowing publicans and restaurant owners across the country serving alcohol in relevant outdoor seating areas to operate lawfully.

Alcohol may be sold in the applicable areas until 11pm, which is considered reasonable and proportionate as a nationwide approach for private land outdoor seating areas.

While most of the Covid-19 restrictions have now lifted, I am very aware of how hard our pubs, restaurants and nightclubs have been hit by the restrictions of the past two years.

Many of these businesses are still struggling and it’s important that we give them the assistance they need to thrive as the busy summer season approaches. The extension of this legislation is a key support in that regard.”

The legislation applies where those outdoor seating areas have been permitted by the relevant local authority on public land, such as a path, or where they are on private land abutting the licensed premises, such as an abutting yard, as provided for in the Act.

Minister McEntee added that the forthcoming legislation on licensing laws – the Sale of Alcohol Bill – will help to further support and revitalise the hospitality industry and Night-Time Economy.

The Minister said: “I am committed to enacting alcohol licensing laws that reflect the changing expectations and lifestyles of 21st century Ireland. A modernised licensing system will play an important role in revitalising existing Night-Time Economy businesses.

To this end, my Department is currently working on the drafting of the General Scheme of the Sale of Alcohol Bill. This is advancing well, and it is my intention to progress this legislation in the months ahead with a view to enacting it this year

M8 Closed To Southbound Traffic Between Thurles & Cashel.

A section of the Dublin to Cork motorway has been closed following a vehicle, becoming overturned, at approximately 8:00pm tonight.

It is not confirmed as yet, if anyone has suffered injuries.

Following the accident, which involved an overturned lorry; Emergency Services were called to the scene on the southbound road between J6 Thurles and J7 Cashel (north).

The road has been closed as a result and Gardaí are diverting traffic through minor roads, to avoid the accident area.

Gardaí have stated on Twitter: “Traffic Alert – Co Tipperary – the M8 is closed to southbound traffic between J6 Thurles and J7 Cashel (north) due to an overturned lorry. Diversions are in place.”

Official Opening Of Dublin Airport Garda Station.

The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, today attended the official opening of the new Garda station at Dublin Airport.

The station has 48 Garda members and will also provides a new base for the Garda Armed Support Unit, to ensure a high visibility presence at Dublin Airport.

The Minister welcomed the new station saying:

“I am delighted to be here today at the official opening of Dublin Airport Garda Station. The first Garda Station at Dublin Airport, which opened in 1987, was just a single room in the main airport Terminal. This new facility is much more in line with the standards we should expect at a busy international airport and I wish to commend Commissioner Harris and the Gardaí and officials who I know have worked very hard on the Dublin Airport Strategic Plan and the resulting station.

As Minister for Justice, supporting the work of An Garda Síochána is a priority for my Department and this year’s unprecedented budget in excess of €2 billion reflects that commitment. Visibility is key when it comes to effective policing and this new station will help maintain a higher Garda presence here at Dublin Airport.”

The new Dublin Airport Garda Station is situated in the former Transaer building at Dublin Airport, in the Garda Division of DMR North, where it forms part of the ‘H’ District.

The station operates on a 24-hour basis with responsibilities including:

  • Policing of Airport.
  • State Security.
  • Emergency Response to critical incidents.
  • Public Safety and Reassurance.
  • Prevention, Investigation and Detection of Crime.
  • Implementation of the Victims Charter.
  • Escort of State movements of VIP’s and valuable cargo.
  • Cooperation and liaison with local stakeholders and our international police colleagues.
  • Safe custody of Persons detained by Garda National Immigration Bureau and other prisoners.
  • Roads Policing and Road Traffic Enforcement including the M50 and M1 motorways.

The Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) also operates from the station and immigration detention facilities have been operational at the building from March 1st 2022. This allows for up to four passengers refused leave to land to be detained for up to 24 hours, within the boundary of the airport, thereby enabling their return for outbound flights, without delay. These detention facilities are used solely for immigration detainees.