
Work Begins On Bowe’s Corner, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The half million funding for Bowe’s Corner, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, first trumpeted by all local TD’s; of all political persuasions, at the start of this year, 2022, saw the final design completed in June last.
According to Tipperary County Council, Rathcabbin Tarmacadam Limited, first set up in July 1999, have been appointed as contractors.

Materials being used on the project e.g. paving, kerbing etc. are to be similar to that already used on the half completed Liberty Square projected.

Work was expected to start in July, with drainage works, ducting, excavation etc., followed on with the kerbing and paving.

Little in the new plan shown above is expected to change, over what currently now exists, however there will be a few exceptions: –

  • The existing junctions will be tightened with current signage moved and upgraded.
  • The pedestrian crossing currently in-situ on Friar Street; close to Lacey’s Butcher’s Shop, will be moved closer to the existing junction.
  • A new pedestrian crossing will be introduced on Abbey Road, railway bridge.
  • All pedestrian crossings will remain uncontrolled.
  • Additional public lighting will be provided.
  • The entire junction will be a raised table.

Major delays are expected for traffic using the area.

Thurles M D Officials Below Par, Ineffective & Lacking In Ability.

Too many people with degrees and not enough people with qualifications to operate drainage rods.”

The video hereunder highlights why just one thunder shower flooded areas within Thurles Town precinct.

Question: How much do we pay our local councillors for representing us at Council level each month?

Answer: On average depending on position, conferences attended, training etc, about €2,667.00 per month or close to €667.00 per week.

You can check exactly what we paid each named councillor HERE.
You can check what each of the abbreviated allowances represent HERE.

Not bad pay for those who refuse to answer emails from the public, and have to attend for a couple of hours at one meeting each month.

Meanwhile, highly paid officials at all levels, each responsible for basic administration within the town of Thurles, have proven themselves to be below par, ineffective and totally lacking in ability.

Motorists Beware Of Severe Flooding Around Thurles.

Drivers are being asked presently to take great care while manoeuvring all vehicles around Thurles.

Due to the total lack of maintenance by Thurles Municipal District Council officials, most of the roads in the area are now flooded, due to a basic maintenance failure; to simply clean road drains.

Kickham Street, Thurles, August 15th, 2022.

Kickham Street east of the town is worst hit, with water running like a river from Willowmere Drive, down Kickham Street, as far as Cathedral Street Roundabout.

The N62 Slievenamon Road as far as Turtulla Cross is also experiencing flooding, due to this same problem, a failure to clean road drains.

Mill Road is seriously flooded, because a builder has waltzed off, leaving road drains packed with clay gravel etc.; no doubt their work signed off on behalf of Tipperary Co. Council, by a county, qualified, council engineer.

Mill Road south, Thurles, August 15th, 2022

At the Junction of Mill Road South and the turn off to the Archerstown Industrial Estate, latter travelling west, flooding is almost making the road impassable, once again, caused by the failure to open the shore into the nearby Poulaneigh river.

Thurles Pending Road Closure.

It is the intention of Tipperary County Council officials to close the L-4253 , at Kilclonagh, Moyne, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The period of closure will be from 7:00am on Monday, September 12th, 2022, until 8:00pm on Friday, September 30th.

Traffic travelling from Templetouhy will now divert at Lisheen Cross before travelling along the L3202, through Moyne Village, L-3200 Moynard, L-4251 Rahealty and L-4119 Athnid.
Traffic travelling from the Thurles direction will now divert at Cassestown Cross, travelling along L-4251 through Rahealty, L-3200 Moynard and L-3202 Moyne Village to Templetouhy.

The reason for next months closure is to facilitate the replacement of a dangerous narrow bridge.

Objections to the proposed temporary closure can be submitted in writing to Road Closures, Roads, Transportation & Infrastructure, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh not later than 12:00 noon on Thursday August 18th 2022 or by e-mail to

Watch Out For Signs In Thurles.

“I see Thurles Municipal District Council has purchased a new sign, currently pointing in the right direction”, said I to Mikey Ryan, as we headed down Cathedral Street, for ‘The Arch Bar‘ yesterday, to drown a slight thirst.

“Surely everyone in Thurles and its environs knows where the feckin Swimming Pool is in Thurles, by now”, said a shocked Mikey.

“I would think it’s something to do with the sudden influx of foreigners coming into Thurles, from the Ukraine and other places”, said I, and then of course people might be attracted to come down from Dublin, on the train, to make use of the facility.

“Some local monkey will end up swinging out of that after sniffing a bit too much white powder some night” said Mikey “Anyway people would be better off paying no attention to those feckin council signs”.

“Why do you say that”, said I, somewhat confused.

“I’ll tell you why”, said Mikey, “a Thurles Garda friend of mine was sitting in his squad car, watching for speeding vehicles, near Two-Mile-Borris last week. He sees a car ‘puttering’ along at 3km and decides that this car is almost as dangerous as a speedering young lad, before pulling it over”.

As he walks up to the car a little old lady rolls down the window and asks “Is there something wrong officer?”

“Well, yes,” says my cop friend, “Why are you driving so slowly?”

“I’m following the speed limit,” says the little old lady, very confused “the sign back there says Turnpike 3km.”

“You’re mistaken ma’am”, said my cop friend “that sign was to tell you that the distance to the Turnpike is 3km, the speed limit here is 60km.”

“Oh deary me ,” says the woman very embarrassed, “I am so sorry officer, I promise I will pay closer attention to the signs in future.”

“At this point”, said Mikey, “the Garda notices the other passengers in the car; three other elderly women, all very pale faced and wide-eyed, clutching their armrests with white-knuckled hands”.

“Ma’am,” asks my now concerned cop friend “are your passengers alright? They look somewhat shaken.”

“Oh, they’ll be fine, dear,” says the elderly woman “we just turned off the M7 and M8, Dublin to Cork route, which said 259km.