The people of Thurles have long learned not to trust locally elected councillors or elected politicians, when their lips move.
Further proof, if proof was ever in doubt, was the statement published on the Facebook page of Councillor Mr Sean Ryan, dated March 28th last 2024. View HERE. (Note: Cllr Ryan has a habit of removing comments, especially from me; from his social media pages, so this statement of his may also vanish.)
Mr Ryan had stated that, quote, “Temporary repair work will commence on Kickham St. in Thurles, on Thursday April 4th & Friday April 5th. The major scheme for Kickham St. will commence in the summer.”
The people of Kickham Street, Thurles waited all day, today April 4th, and as expected, the potholes in the road surface got deeper and the gravel and muck from previous weeks of patching, continued to hop of the front window of my home, same encouraged courtesy of failings by town engineer Mr Thomas Duffy, in what I refer to as the (view link)“Duffy Pothole Solution.”
Damage caused by the ‘Thomas Duffy Road Surface Solution’ of pothole drainage. Pic. G. Willoughby.
I had fairly pointed out, on Cllr. Ryan’s Facebook page, that an email received by me from Ms Sharon Scully, (TMD administrator), contradicted his timeline of work scheduled for the busiest road in Thurles town, which had been initially highlighted continuously over the past 3 years.
Ms Scully’s email [dated Wed, 27th March, 18:46] read: “I can confirm that I have been to Kickham Street many times including over the last number of days and weeks. I can further confirm that the construction phase for the N75 Liberty Square to Anner Hotel scheme in Thurles is scheduled to take place between August and December of the current year. Temporary patching of the road will continue until this permanent work can take place.
Regards, Sharon Scully.
20.32 centimeters (8 inch) deep crater normally filled twice weekly on Kickham Street, Thurles. Pic. G. Willoughby.
Ms Scully’s reply, having visited Kickham Street, as she stated ‘many times’, further is proof that this county, at least, is governed by Transport Infrastructure Ireland and not by Tipperary Co. Council officials or local Councillors.
I had also pointed out that Cllr. Ryan was involved in an advanced form of electioneering with local elections scheduled on the immediate horizon. (Pictures sent and my comment were removed by Cllr. Ryan in case Mr Micheál Martin might refer to his Facebook.)
Road surface today on Kickham Street, Thurles, (April 4th, 2024.) Pic. G. Willoughby.
Yes, An Tánaiste Mr Micheál Martin was in Two-Mile-Borris yesterday, canvassing. He later dropped into the Arch Bar in Liberty Square, Thurles. Those rubbing of his suit jacket, included TD Mr Jackie Cahill, Cllr. Sean Ryan and European candidate Ms Cynthia Ni Murchu. (His arrival was unannounced.)
I am convinced his formal procession, latter riding in motor vehicles, entered Thurles via Mitchel Street, for surely Mr Martin would have asked why the road surface on Kickham Street, was in such a 3rd world condition entering a town.
I await my request, sent some weeks ago, on how to appeal against property tax payments made over the past 3 years, same request having been sent to the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Mr Eamon Ryan, (, and the Minister for Finance, Mr Michael McGrath, (
I notice TD’s within the present government set themselves above replying to requests made by those who elected them.
Is An Tánaiste, Mr Micheál Martin fully aware that the name Fianna Fáil will most likely vanish within Co. Tipperary over the period of the next 3 elections, [Local, European, and General], due to total political indifference, shown by elected representatives of his political party.
Meanwhile, with regards ‘Temporary patching‘, the waste by Tipperary Co. Council continues.
A female passenger, aged in her 30s has lost her life following a two-vehicle collision on the N24 in Co Tipperary last night, Friday March 29th, 2024.
The collision happened near Kilsheelan at around 10:00pm, with the passenger in one of the vehicles pronounced dead at the scene, before her body was removed to Waterford University Hospital.
The driver of the car, a man in his 40s, was also taken to Waterford University Hospital (WUH) with non-life-threatening injuries.
The driver and a passenger of the second vehicle, understood to be men in their late teens, were also brought taken to WUH, also with non-life-threatening injuries.
Another passenger in the second car, a woman in her late teens, was brought to Tipperary University Hospital again with non-life-threatening injuries.
The scene remains preserved for examination by Garda Forensic Collision Investigators and traffic diversions are in place. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses and anyone with dash-cam footage travelling in that area of the N24 at between 9:30pm and 10:10pm last night, are asked to contact Gardaí, at Clonmel Garda Station Tel: 052 617 7640, the Garda Confidential Line Tel: 1800 666 111, or indeed any Garda Station.
Households across Ireland are bracing themselves for further price increases on Monday next “All Fools’ Day”, April 1st 2024. But the price increases promised for fuel, broadband, mobile phone and television should not be seen as just a practical joke or hoax.
From midnight on April 1st, the cost of petrol and diesel will rise with the price at the pumps rising by an extra 4 cent per litre for petrol, 3 cent per litre for diesel and 1.5 cent for marked gas oil. These increases are a step by the Government to restore excise rates to the levels they were at before a temporary cut was introduced due to the war in Ukraine.
You have two days to fill vehicle tanks, before fuel price hikes take effect.
From April 1st also, customers of Vodafone and Eir will see their bills go up by 7.6 per cent. Customers of Three will see their prices rise by a flat 4.5 per cent. Sky and Virgin Media have not committed to an annual automatic price hikes as yet.
It is no coincidence that all price rises across telecom industry providers, continue to hike their prices by a similar amount and at a similar time each year. However, consumers can save on their broadband and TV bills each year, by switching. Remember, mobile phones can be used to create WIFI hotspots for internet connectivity with most devices, (USB-tethering), while switching to other, cheaper providers.
Also, from April 15th, 2024, the price of certain beers will be hiked by a 6% increase on Diageo products, namely Guinness, Carlsberg and Smithwick’s, which when tax is included, will come to almost a 10% increase.
Today, on TippFM local radio we learn, through an interview with local elected Independent Cllr. Mr Jim Ryan, that a major upgrade of the road surface and footpaths on Kickham Street, Thurles are likely to start maybe next August 2024.
Kickham Street this evening after the ‘Pothole fixer’ came and went.
According to Cllr. Mr Ryan, some residents of the area have complained of loose chippings, latter flying up into their houses and gardens. He failed to mention the double glazed window broken by flying gravel; the rotting door timbers on houses; school pupils and adult pedestrians being struck by flying gravel and their wet clothing, same soaked by the torrents of water flowing past blocked shores. Truth is Cllr. Mr Ryan resides just one mile from this area, same easily the busiest entrance and exit in and out of Thurles town centre.
Footpath evidence today, proving that pedestrians are being assaulted by stones from disintegrating tarmac, fired from the wheels of passing trucks and motor vehicles.
So, how many times has Thurles.Info contacted Tipperary Co. Council, Mr Joe MacGrath (Chief Executive) and Thurles Municipal District Council, Ms Sharon Scully (Thurles Administrator) together with locally elected councillors? Note: Dates that Thurles.Info highlighted this issue before reading the published links, shown hereunder, starting in 2021, with video and undeniable photographic evidence provided. Note Also: You are going to be asked to vote; to return some of those who have neglected our community, back into office again in the coming weeks.
Cllr Mr Ryan failed to state that Thurles Municipal District Administrator Ms Sharon Scully(twice invited to view this area); and Director of Services Roads/Transportation and Active Travel, Mr Marcus O’Connor, both failed/refused to correspond to numerous emails forwarded to them, between February, 23rd, 2021and January 3rd, 2024.
Kickham Street, Thurles, this evening.
Under the guidance of Local engineer, Mr Thomas Duffy, his staff, in a way observed by locals as being foolish, unreasonable and even amusing, (using what appeared to be a Stihl TS420 14in Cut-Off Consaw), cut a 3.81 centimetre (1.5in inch) wide channel to allow water to flow from one pothole into another. View Here to observe the undeniable evidence and see picture immediately hereunder.
Engineer Mr Thomas Duffy’s pothole irrigation solution.See channel cut to run water from one crater to the next crater.
Interior of front hall of one house on Kickham Street, as water is splashed freely against outer wall, the damp rotting interior timberwork.
Residents in the area can now email to express their total dissatisfaction with Tipperary Co. Council, We ask those corresponding with the customer service desk to please use the reference T-241140-T0G1, latter set up by Thurles.Info, in any future correspondence. See email hereunder, sent from Customer Service Desk
Dear George Thank you for your e-mail (Received March 14th) regarding ” Kickham Street Thurles “ I have forwarded your e-mail to the Thurles District Office for their attention and direct reply to you. (Got no replyfrom Thurles District Office). Should you wish to follow up on this case, please contact Customer Service Desk, quoting reference number T-241140-T0G1 Regards, Customer Service Desk, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Clonmel / Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
Fianna Fáil TD Mr Jackie Cahill, who uses this road at least 4 times each week, in criticizing his own Political Party, may just be right. “Fianna Fáil have stopped listening to the ‘Ordinary People’,”(whoever they are). Mr Jackie Cahill, readers will be aware, is the TD who recently brought a deputation to meet Mr Jack Chambers TD, (Minister of State at the Department of Transport), and failed to get even a future committment to build a ‘Thurles Ring Road‘, first sought 50 years ago. Independent TD and government supporter Mr Michael Lowry also uses this roadway, and both TDs, who reside in Thurles, should be thoroughly ashamed, and embarrassed, because of their total inaction on this matter.
In an email forwarded to the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Mr Eamon Ryan, (, and the Minister for Finance, Mr Michael McGrath, (, Thurles.Info has now asked how residents in this area can appeal against their Local Property Tax, same forcibly removed from the incomes of persons residing on Kickham Street, and whose homes, which have been continuously damaged over the past three years, due to a lack of basic road repair. The request, sent 12 days agoon March 14th last, we now eagerly await a response.
We can be forgiven for believing that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) now govern this troubled country, which is totally lacking in governmental leadership.
Tipperary Roads Policing Unit Host Seminar For Secondary School Students In Garda Training College, Templemore, Co. Tipperary earlier this week.
Tipperary Roads Policing Unit hosted a seminar in the Garda Training College in Templemore, Co. Tipperary earlier this week. Same was attended by some 400 students from Secondary schools across the towns of Thurles, Templemore and Roscrea in north Co. Tipperary.
The Lifesaver Project #BeALifesaver was presented by the Tipperary Road Safety Team consisting of; Garda Anastasia Murphy, Garda Eamonn Rhatigan, Garda Jamie Ryan and Garda Kevin McGuinness.
Two crash survivors, namely Mr Barry Murphy and Ms Gráinne Kealy, very kindly shared their personal experiences with the assembled student cohort.
The event was also attended by the ‘Road Safety Authority of Ireland’, who provided students with Virtual Reality Simulations. Tipperary Roads Policing Unit, demonstrated the latest in vehicles and the technology used, as part of their daily policing duties which generated huge interaction from all participants.
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