
Motorists Beware When Travelling On Mill Road Thurles.

Motorists travelling south on the narrow Mill Road out of Thurles town, are being warned to take exceptional care.

Mill Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Not one but two major potholes have developed, just some 10 metres apart close to the bridge at Brady’s Mill.
One large pothole has developed over the past two months; while the second one has been developing since January 12th 2022, latter last featured in our ‘Spot the Pothole Competition’, which featured on April 20th, 2023 last.

Yes, Thurles is now, without doubt, the most neglected town in Co. Tipperary, which begs the question why are we continuing to pay road tax and property tax.

There has been no effort to repair either of these wide deep craters, pictured above, but then locals are fully aware and have become used to the total neglect by (1) Thurles Co. Council and (2) Transport Infrastructure Ireland, of road surfaces and drains here in Thurles.

With massive delays in traffic entering Thurles town centre; Mill Road, Thurles has now become a popular alternative route for heavy traffic and machinery, same attempting to gain faster access to the town centre.
The vast majority of this traffic can be found breaking existing speed limits currently in place.

Sadly, Another Death Reported Today On Co. Tipperary Roads.

One man has sadly died and a woman has been seriously injured, following a collision on the N24 (Clonmel to Carrick-on-Suir road) near Kilsheelan, in South Co. Tipperary this afternoon, at approximately 1:20pm.

The deceased man, understood to be aged in his 40s, was declare lifeless at the scene, after the vehicle, latter a van that he was driving, collided with a car. His body has since been removed from the scene to the mortuary at Tipperary University Hospital, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

A female, also understood to be aged in her 40s; who was driving the second vehicle, a car, was also seriously injured as a result of the collision, and was rushed to University Hospital, Co. Waterford, to undergo urgent medical treatment.

The N24 is expected to reopen later tonight, having been is closed between Kilsheelin and Ballydine, as Garda forensic scene investigators carry out an examination.

Gardai are now appealing to the public for witnesses and are asking that they be contacted at Clonmel Garda Station on Tel: 052 6177 640; the Garda Confidential Line on Tel: 1800 666 111 or indeed any Garda station.

Large Truck Rearranges A Half Upgraded Liberty Square, Thurles.

A large 25,000 pound vehicle, latter attempting to pass yet another large vehicle, which was offloading its cargo on Liberty Square, Thurles, has made some changes to the now only half upgraded Liberty Square in the Town centre.

Liberty Square, Thurles rearranged.

The vehicle was obliged to drive over the kerb up unto the flowerbed in order to pass the correctly parked vehicle, ploughing peat unto the narrow single traffic lane.

This rearranging of a flower bed has happened where an already erected directional sign had previously stood in August of 2022.

We note from those who contact us here on Thurles.Info, that housewives with babies and small children, latter required to operate baby seats and seat bases in the rear of their cars, are now avoiding the Liberty Square area. They claim that there is insuffecient room to keep a rear car door open, while strapping in their offspring’s.

But sure what is the worst that can happen in this instant? The peat, now bulldozed onto the narrow single street lane, will be washed into a nearby drain during a heavy rain shower, thus joining the other host of blocked drains in the town.

The Liberty Square, upgrade began officially on August 17th, 2020, and to date, over 3 years later, same has only been half finished.

Question: Is Tipperary County Council in serious financial difficulties or is it evidence of their poor ability to administrate?

Drainage & Road Resurfacing On Kickham Street, Thurles, Postponed Until January.

As the remnants of storm Agnes rages here over Thurles Town presently, as was stated on August 8th, 2023 last “By failing to plan, you plan to fail”. Same is a message we have been preaching since February 20th 2022, with regards the cleaning of Thurles road drains.

It is therefore not surprising that we watched Tipperary Co. Council ground staff, out in the middle of the storm, running sewage rods up a blocked road drainpipe, in Kickham Street, undertaking work which should have been completed during the previous summer month.

Work today (September 27th, 2023) being undertaken by Tipperary Co. Council ground staff, unblocking drains which should have been completed during the previous summer month.

It has become quite obvious to our readers that Thurles has no person taking responsibility for the overall administration of our town, over recent years, with weeds currently allowed to grow up through our footpaths, through blocked drain, with no flowerbeds and tubs planted and no potholes filled.

Nine inch high grass growing from a blocked drain on Kickham Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Yet again, we learn this morning that the promised upgrading of the necessary new drainage system and road surface on Kickham Street, east of Thurles, which was due for upgrading this month (September), has once again been postponed.

It is unlikely that Mr Joe MacGrath (Chief Executive at Tipperary County Council) who visited Thurles yesterday afternoon; drove his high powered Mercedes up to Thurles Barry’s Bridge, to view what he promised would be repaired by end of May last; a project which once again was an unattainable or fanciful hope aimed at fobbing off residents, in what is now the most neglected and mismanaged Town in Co. Tipperary.
Indeed, had Mr MacGrath driven up Kickham Street, he could have viewed at firsthand the loose tarmac gravel, being ricocheted from the wheels of heavy vehicles onto the ankles of otherwise absorbed, oblivious pedestrians.

Loose tarmac gravel ricocheted from the wheels of heavy vehicle on Kickham Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

In answer to a query by Thurles.Info, sent to local elected Fianna Fáil Councillor Mr Sean Ryan, quote, “When can the residents of Kickham Street (N75) expect the road surface and drainage to be upgraded? You already stated September, but this is now unlikely. What is the delay?”

Mr Ryan quickly replied, quote: “I asked this question at the last (Council) meeting. I’m told the upgrade works for the N75 will take place in January. When I get a start date George, I’ll let you know. As you know these works will be done by the TII, (Transport Infrastructure Ireland).” Signed Sean.

Kickham Street remains the busiest main road carrying all of the heavy traffic leading west into Thurles Town and also exiting the town on to the motorway running east of Thurles. It is travelled constantly by our two inactive resident TD’s, namely Mr Michael Lowry & Mr Jackie Cahill, and was used yesterday by Minister for Education Ms Norma Foley, who arrived into Thurles to launch “Much Ado About Nothing”.

Breaking News: Serious Motorway Collision 1km From Urlingford Exit.

At approximately 7:00 am this morning, following very heavy rainfall, an accident has occurred on the motorway, roughly 1km from the Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny exit on the M8.

A large number of emergency service personnel, including Gardaí, Fire & Ambulance services have promptly arrived at the scene.

Motorists travelling from Thurles in the direction of Dublin are advised to divert via Two-Mile-Borris unto the old R639 road, before rejoining the motorway outside of Urlingford.

Motorists are also advised to drive with extreme caution today given forecasted heavy rainfall and poor visibility and otherwise poor driving conditions.

Traffic flow is only now beginning to move slowly forward.