
OPW Heritage Sites Free To Visit

The Swiss Cottage Cahir

Access to most OPW-managed heritage sites will remain free to visit on the first Wednesday of every month, again this year.

Families looking for a cheap day out in areas around Ireland, now have no excuse to remain caged up at home, over the coming weekends, for the duration of the upcoming holiday season.

So if you want to visit the towns of Thurles, Cashel, Cahir, Clonmel, Roscrea, Nenagh, or even further afield, with your family, now is your chance at very reasonable cost for your outing.

Do remember that Tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and visitors are advised to arrive early to avoid delays at some of the busier sites.

Visit for more information.

Tipperary Ladies Vie For The Title “Rose of Tralee”

The Tipperary Rose Of Tralee Centre is proud to present the 2018 Tipperery Rose of Tralee selection at The Anner Hotel, Thurles, this Saturday night, March 31st, with doors opening at 7:30pm.

Tipperary Ladies Who Will Vie For The Title “Rose of Tralee 2018”.

Miss Katie Cleary, representing SuperValu Co-Op,  aged 23, from  Barnaleen, Donohill.
Miss Aine Ryan, representing Whitechurch Consulting, aged 26, from Kildangan, Nenagh.
Miss Danielle Ryan, representing Cashel Stoves and Fireplace Fitters,  aged 18, from Cashel.
Miss Sarah Power, The Old School House, aged 24, from Littleton, Thurles.
Miss Chelsey Power, representing Miss Ellie’s Takeaway, aged 24, from Clonmel.
Miss Aoife O’Neill, representing O’Ceallachains, Carrick-on-Suir, aged 27, from Burncourt, Cahir.
Miss Laura Carroll, representing Campus Life Services, aged 27, from Nenagh.
Miss Siobhan Hynes, representing O’ Sullivan’s Pharmacy, aged 19 from Clonmel, Tipperary.
Miss Michelle Ryan, representing Philips Furniture Nenagh / Susan Ryan Travel Counsellor, aged 26, from Nenagh.
Miss Michelle McLaughlin, representing Pride of Tipperary, aged 20, from Tipperary.
Miss Lauren Enright, representing Dolan’s Supervalu Cahir, aged 20, from Cahir.
Miss Emma Wright, representing Wright Sound and Lighting, aged 18, from Roscrea.
Miss Megan Clancy, representing In the Wardrobe, aged 22, from Clonmel.
Miss Ashlee Hally, representing Lava Rock Restaurant, aged 23, from Grange, Clonmel.
Miss Lauren Fitzgerald, representing Galileo Cafe, aged 19, from Cahir.
Miss Emma English, representing Rea Clarke Hennessy, aged 26, Carhue, from Dundrum.
Miss Laura Durkan, representing Irish Kidney Association, aged 26, from Glenconnor, Clonmel.

Best of luck to all those taking part.

A Day Out In Historic Thurles Costs Just €12 – Read On

Every person aged 66 and over, living permanently in the Irish State, are entitled to avail of the Free Travel Scheme. Some people under 66 also qualify. If you qualify for free travel, you are issued with a card that you must carry with you when using public transport. In some cases, a Free Travel Companion Card is also available which allows a person to travel with the holder (if they are unable to travel alone).

This Free Travel Scheme allows for free travel being made available on all Irish State public transport systems, e.g. Bus, Rail and Dublin’s LUAS service, with some minor exceptions.

Left-Right: Ms Joan Farrally, Mr Vincent McNally (Group Organiser), Mrs Eilish McNally, and Mrs Brid McMenaman. Mr McNally (Pictured above) headed up a most wonderful, friendly, knowledgeable and well travelled group of 45 retired persons from Co. Dublin, on Wednesday, March 7th last, all who arrived by train to Thurles Railway Station.

Answer two simple questions.
(1) “Have any of you retired persons, aged 66 and over ever visited the historic town of Thurles?”

(2) “Do you realise that you can have a most enjoyable day out in Thurles town for a maximum of €12.00?”

So what can you get for €12.00 in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, armed with a Free Travel Scheme pass card?

  • First, remember your travel is free and Thurles Town enjoys the luxury of an excellent and regular Iarnród Éireann daily train service.

  • Lunch in the historic Hayes Hotel, Liberty Square, offers a full Lunch Menu in the comfort of their attractive Carvery. [e.g. main course of Roast Beef & 3 Veg, plus Tea or Coffee will cost you just €11.00.]

  • The Davin Room in Hayes Hotel will be made available, free of charge, for groups of twenty persons or more, with a charge of just €1 per head to attend a one-hour lecture on the Great Famine (1845-1850) and to view, up close, some of the extremely rare artefacts, collected from that period; not available to see anywhere else in Ireland.

  • Other activities can also be arranged around your day trip, subject to your particular interests.

    So, here is a perfect opportunity for those of you benefiting from the Free Travel Scheme, to round up a group of friends and give yourselves a well deserved day out; one to remember here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, with an opportunity to meet the friendliest and most obliging people in the world.

    A must for anyone interested in Irish history.
    It was an eye opener for all of us active retirees to learn about the famine history, from a very well spoken orator, who delivered an excellent talk about this sad period in Irish history.

    Lots of very interesting displays of what life was like during the famine. Has original “Gratuitous Relief Ration Record Book” (or the ‘Distribution Book,’ as it was also called,) for the electoral divisions of Holycross, Thurles and Ballycahill for 1847. Admission is only a nominal donation.

    Further details can be had by phoning at any time, Mobile – (086) 8785859, and we will endeavour to ensure you enjoy your day trip to this most historic of Tipperary towns; Thurles.

    [Please Note: All money, in total, collected from these “Great Famine” lectures goes to Thurles Lions Club, for use at their discretion, with a total of €140.00, having already been handed over to this very worthy organisation, to date this year.]

A Valued Piece Of Choctaw Indian Costumery Resides In Thurles

Picture shows a beaded, star shaped, neck tie medallion, latter a gift from International Artist and Choctaw Indian nation member Mr Waylon Gary White Deer, which will go on show at this year’s Lions Club, Vintage & Classic Car Show, scheduled for Sunday May 13th next in St. Patrick’s College Campus Thurles.

The tale of the Choctaw Indian Nation (Name derived from the Choctaw phrase ‘Hacha hatak’ meaning ‘River People’), and their donation to Ireland’s Great Famine (1845-1850) victims is indeed one of firstly, great association and secondly, responsive compassion.

In the year 1847 referred to as “Black 47”, the Choctaw Indian community collected $170 to send to the Irish victims of the Great Famine, which is today’s equivalent of, in or around, €4,000. This great sacrifice by the Choctaw Indian Nation was sent despite the fact that they themselves had undergone a similar hardship involving exposure, disease, and starvation, some 15 years previously; same being forced to move west of the Mississippi by the government of Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), in a journey known and remembered today in history as the “Trail of Tears”.  In 1831, the Choctaw Nation became the first to be removed, and their removal served as the model for all future relocations.

[Note: After two wars, the Seminoles Indian nation were removed in 1832. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation were removed in 1834, the Chickasaw Nation in 1837, and finally the Cherokee Nation in 1838].

Choctaw Indian Nation member Mr Waylon Gary White Deer, himself an Internationally Renowned Artist, visited Thurles back in 1999, leaving a gift of the beaded neck medallion, which can be seen at this year’s Lions Club, Vintage & Classic Car Show, scheduled for Sunday May 13th next in St. Patrick’s College Campus Thurles.

During World War I, Choctaw soldiers served in the U.S. military as the first Native American ‘Codetalkers’. 1

Yesterday the Irish Taoiseach, Mr Leo Varadkar, met with Choctaw leaders and addressed members of the nation community at an event in Oklahoma, 2 the 28th-most populous of the 50 United States of America, where he thanked members of the Choctaw Nation for the generosity shown by their ancestors to the island of Ireland during this period in Irish History.  Mr Varadkar stated that at a time when the Irish people were being oppressed, abused, neglected and degraded by our Irish colonial master, the Choctaw spirit of generosity was at its highest.

He went on to announce a new scholarship programme, which in the future will allow members of the Choctaw Native American community to come here to Ireland to undertake further study; with the first scholarship commencing in the autumn of 2019.

  Codetalkers: The use of obscure or little understood language, in this case the Choctaw language, for to provide a form of coded radio and telephone transmissions during wartime, offering secret communication.

2  Oklahoma: The name is actually derived from the Choctaw words ‘okla’ and ‘humma’, meaning “Red People”.

Official Launch Of 2018 Thurles, St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Mr Johnny Kenehan, (Chairperson),  St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, Thurles, reports:-

The official launch of the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Thurles took place in the Thurles Chamber Enterprise Centre, LIT Campus, Gortataggart, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, on Monday last, March 5th.

Photo Courtesy Sarah Kenehan.

The launch was attended by local dignitaries and sponsors, including the Municipal Area Chairperson, Cllr. Seamus Hanafin, Mr. Michael Carew (Jeweller), Mr. John Butler (President Thurles Chamber), Mr. Gary Roche (President Thurles Lions Club), Fr. James Purcell (P.P. Thurles), Cllr. Seán Ryan, Lt. Michael Black (RDF) together with Thurles St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee and friends.

The wheels are now in motion for the 2018 Thurles St. Patrick’s Day Parade, starting from Abbey Road, Thurles at 4.00pm on Saturday March 17th, 2018.

N.B. The parade starting time has been put back one hour (to 4.00pm); changed from the information previously advertised at the request of Thurles Chamber, to allow a full day Saturday trading, thus making up for lost business as a result of last weeks Storm Emma.

A number of new entries are taking part in this year’s parade and we eagerly await their participation, e.g. Dúrlas Éile Archers and Munster Blades Fencing Club, all feels like the Game of Thrones could be coming to Thurles on St. Patrick’s Day.

We await more entries, and Entries Forms can be downloaded from the following websites;  Thurles Chamber and Thurles St. Patrick’s Day Parade or contact the Chairperson, Mr Johnny Kenehan at Mobile (087) 9964587.

A total of €1,500 in prize funding and trophies are there for the taking for the different, unusual, interesting and entertaining entries. There are a wide variety of categories; from best business entry to best overall entry. There is no special theme for this years parade, leaving scope for all entrants to deliver something special in the way of innovation and entertainment.

There will be a number of attractions, consisting of a marching band, the Thurles Silver Band, the Jim O’The Mills traditional group will also feature and play in the centre of Liberty Square, presenting once again a great treat in live traditional music. There will be a small farm animal attraction in Lower Liberty Square, and in O’Meara’s car park a selection of carnival attractions provided by 5 Star Fun Entertainment.

Thurles St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sponsors:

The Thurles St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee would like to thank all our sponsors to date:-

Lyons Tyre & Battery, Stakelum’s Fashions, Morans Menswear, Silver Needles, Daly’s Seafood, Frank Roche & Sons Ltd., Centenary Thurles Co-Op, Jackie Cahill T.D., Dan Kennedy Funeral Director Inc., Kennedy’s County Bar, Sparrow Insurances Ltd, Orion Broadband & IT Services, Hanafins Furniture Store, Sammons Pharmacy, United Nations Veteran Association, Michaels Jewellers, Supermacs Thurles, Thurles Shopping Centre, Air Impact, Boomerang Recycling, Cleary Motors, Premier Health Clinic, Thurles Golf Club,  Tim Looby Accountants, 5 Star Fun, Bowe Travel, Nico’s Shoe Repairs, Mary Hanna’s Curtains and Blinds, Gordan’s Turkish Barbers, Martin Shanahan’s Tyres, Murphy Machinery, Eoin Dunne School of Motoring, Denis Kinane Motors, Ryans Cleaning, The Monks Bar, The Irish CountryWoman’s Association, Thurles Credit Union, Thurles Hardware, Larry Fogarty Public House, Walter Drohan’s Mace Shop, Peoples of:-  Thurles, Holycross, Ballycahill, Moyne, Drombane, Upperchurch and Borrisoleigh.