
Modern Street Lamps Being Erected In A New Look Liberty Square, In Thurles.

Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord.

(Ref: Book of common prayer).

For those of you wondering why gaps were being left in the paving on our new, state of the art, granite style, footpaths, now taking shape on Liberty Square here in Thurles; today your silent curiosity may have been rewarded by a possible rejoinder.

The next phase of the Liberty Square rejuvenation project is underway and will see state of the art street lighting installed around our town centre.

Claremorris, Co. Mayo based firm ‘Electric Skyline Limited’ are responsible for this stage of the project. The public lighting specialists are installing dual lamplight heads that will provide lighting separately for both the footpath and the main through route.

The style of street lamps chosen [see image above] appear perhaps a shade modern when related to shop buildings, nevertheless they are sure to be admired by many, with the removal of unsightly ESB cables, that for years have relentlessly monopolized the Thurles Town centre skyline.

After months of continuous, yet necessary, plastic bollards and barriers, it is great to see some of the vision behind this major project, starting to materialise above ground level.

Three Tipperary OPW Sites Offering Free Admission To Outside Visitor Spaces.

Pic: G. Willoughby

With the country wisely making staycation holiday plans this year, the government has given hard-pressed families an uplift, by waving the cost of admission charges at all OPW sites for the rest of 2021.

Traditionally, except for the first Wednesday of each month, families had to shell out for an annual OPW heritage ticket to avail of free access to our best-loved castles, gardens and ancient sites, latter costing some €90 for a family pass.

In announcing this decision, Minister of State Mr Patrick O’Donovan stated that with a growing list of open heritage sites and the easing of travel restrictions, we have a renewed opportunity to explore the treasures which the OPW has in trust for the nation.

While the news is no doubt a limited blessing for holidaying families here in Tipperary, currently as yet only some OPW sites in the county are open and those that are, namely Cahir Castle, Ormond Castle and the Rock of Cashel, are only offering admission to their outside areas.

Bi-Weekly Market To Open On Saturday Next In HolyCross.

Village Market – Holycross.

Starting Saturday next 15th May 1:00pm – 3:00pm.

An exciting village initiative, hosting a wealth of skills, talents and creativity from our community and surrounding areas, in Holycross Village Centre.

This market is fully available as a platform for local producers, crafters, artists and musicians.

We would love local schools, their students and start-up businesses to come forward with their ideas also.

The market is delighted to be supported by ‘Domhan Glass Environmental Community’.

Our vision for this market is based on a spirit of welcome and kindness for all those directly involved and to all those who visit.

For further details: –

Email: –
Mobile Telephone Number: – 087 2349003.
Facebook: – thevillagemarketholycross

Thurles Litter Problem

Last week Fine Gael Minister for Rural and Community Development, Ms Heather Humphreys TD, announced the allocation of €2.8m for the Thurles Market Quarter, latter situated close to The Source, building on Cathedral Street.
Earlier €120,000 had been mysteriously allocated in a puzzling move, for the development of the River Walk in Thurles.

Two Tipperary Teachtaí Dála, namely Mr Jackie Cahill and Mr Michael Lowry were quickly “out of the blocks”, using news hungry radio and local press to welcome these announcement, despite having taken no hand, act or part in either of these financial acquisitions.

Meanwhile Cllr. Mr Michael Smith, (Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council), Mr Joe MacGrath (Tipperary Co. Co. Chief Executive) and Tipperary Hurling Manager Mr Liam Sheedy all united to thank the people of Tipperary for their continued support in driving Tipperary towards a cleaner, greener and more sustainable county.

Thankfully Ms Heather Humphreys TD, did not visit Thurles Town Park or the Thurles River walk yesterday, or she might have halted the transfer of taxpayers money. Of course none of the above named individuals were to be seen on the Thurles River Walk or in the Thurles Town Park on yesterday afternoon (Saturday April 24th 2021).

It is possibly best to allow our video hereunder to tell the tale of the events of Saturday April 24th, 2021.

As viewers can observe the litter bins had not been emptied prior to this weekend. The sunny weather did encourage extra persons to gather in the Thurles parkland areas, and unable to deposit their litter in the bins, they for the most part, left same beside and on top of packed unemptied rubbish containers. A warm moderate south-easterly wind took care of the wide dispersal.

It is yet another story, when it comes to the “Thurles River Walk”. Here the problem is no Litter Bins fit for purpose. Two small bin can be found behind the Thurles Shopping Centre building and the Kavanagh Place entrance, both of which can be found overflowing on a daily basis. One similar small bin is also situated on the western entrance on the Slievenamon Road, beside the new LIDL development. A third large bin situated at the junction of Emmet Street and Thomond Road on the North side of the walkway, at the “Swinging Gates”, is permanently kept filled by household domestic waste.

Perhaps it is now time for Cllr. Mr Michael Smith, (Cathaoirleach, Tipperary County Council), and Mr Joe MacGrath (Tipperary Chief Executive) to instruct Thurles District Administrator Ms Sharon Scully, to arrange for 5 large litter bins to be installed, at regular intervals, on this 1200 metre Thurles River Walk and the removal of the 3 existing miniature bins, as already stated, no longer fit for purpose; with immediate effect.

Perhaps also local Councillors, local engineers, together with Ms Sharon Scully, might also like to visit the Emmet Street and Thomond Road junction, about 33 metres inside the swinging gates, to experience and view at first hand the stench from the fast flowing effluent entering the river Suir. Best to undertake soon before someone is taken seriously ill.

Take care of the cents and the euros will take care of themselves

On a personal note, I must say Mr MacGrath, those large hand held posters in your PR photograph look smashing. Were they paid for out of the increased ‘Tipperary Residential Property Tax Fund’ or your salary?
Either way, perhaps you could cut costs next time, by simply following in the footsteps of our delusional TD’s, Mr Jackie Cahill and Mr Michael Lowry and, just like them, pay someone to write a press release on your Facebook or Twitter account.
Thurles is sadly rapidly running out of voluntary unpaid and ignored “Keep Tipp Tidy” personnel, who have no voice within their local community.

Readers Note: In the interests of openness and transparency, Mr Joe MacGrath (Tipperary Co. Co. Chief Executive) and Ms Sharon Scully, (Thurles District Administrator) have been notified. As is usual no reply or explanation is expected.

Thurles River Walk & Other Smelly Problems

The words “River Walk” should flash upon our inward eye, visions of tranquillity, a certain colourful exoticism or romantic allure. Alas, not so when we describe the Thurles River Walk, running southwest beside the River Suir in the heart of Thurles.

The stench from drains, each deliberately designed to flow into the river, from various nearby developments, ensured that walkers, today, kept to the well-trodden Slievenamon Road route.

If local residents, council officials or even politicians, wish to view this offensive run-off into the river, with the help of your nose you can find same, some 50 yards south of the new Thurles footbridge on the west side of the river bank walkway.

See picture above of what appears to be the overflow to a flooded sump, latter designed to collect undesirable liquids.

Even the delusional Jackie Cahill TD, last week; who soon will be responsible for bringing the World Cup to Semple Stadium, Thurles, thankfully, possibly because of the existing stench, kept his weekly concocted, fictitious and mendacious promotional video very short, when announcing €120,000 (amount €30,000 less than his annual salary & expenses) for an extension to this same walkway.

(Ah, yes you do possibly remember the above other J.C.; the guy who sent me the famous misspelt quote in relation to the “Double Ditch”: “Iv done more in 5 years than you have in youre life GEORGIE WILLOBY”. Stop emailing”. On €100,000 plus expenses J.C., we hope you have, but we greatly doubt it.).

Meanwhile, on the east side of Thurles town, the now derelict Munster hotel, situated close to a Medical Pharmacy; two Food Takeaways and two Dine-in Restaurants and opposite a most beautiful Cathedral; has allowed its underground cellar to flood to a depth of at least one metre. Owned by a member of Thurles Chamber of Commerce, we understand; the flood water now attracts water rats from the river to operate behind terraced houses in the area, while also collecting an abundance of litter. Here also we can expect to find a different, yet another unpleasant fragrance.

It would appear no one is in charge in the Thurles Municipal District presently. Maybe we need to have a public demonstration and a change in political direction, when we get this accursed Covid-19 under control.