Ireland’s Biggest Tribute Band Festival.
Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th, 2022. Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
On Saturday next, July 9th, beginning at 3.00pm, the first of four live bands will take to the stage on Liberty Square, Thurles, for the ‘Liberty Music Festival’.
Lovers of Rock Band U2 will make sure that they are present for Ireland’s U2 No. 1 Tribute Act, “Zooropa”, who will be taking to the stage, sharp at 4:30pm until 6:30pm, as part of the festival programme, during this Free, two day Thurles Outdoor Music Event.
Also, included in the programme for Saturday, July 9th, beginning at 3:00pm, are Tribute Bands Shania Twain, Abba, & Bon Jovi.
So do come along and enjoy this Free Outdoor Two Day Music Event.
While the wind and heavy rain experienced here in Tipperary over the past few days were a source of regret to sun worshippers; Thurles residents can breathe a sigh of relief, as the rising waters of the river Suir, have today successfully moved on its cesspool appearance and much of its stench.
Framed in the backdrop of deteriorating, graffiti sprayed, woodwork and a closed new car park under The Source Theatre and Library; a plastic sign, (crudely screwed to a broken tree support), excuses the lazy Municipal District Council’s unwillingness to cut the weeds and grass; latter claiming the area is, quote, “Managed for Wildlife” as part of an “All-Ireland Pollinator Plan”. Trust me no self-respecting Bee, Bumble or otherwise, have ever visited this blossom free area.
Pictures shown in the above video amply explain the total lack of maintenance within this area, which we once again are forced to highlight.
Plastic bollards, left behind by the disastrous, half upgraded, Liberty Square, has joined the other litter, within the rivers water.
Back in the mid 1960’s, as young people, we would have swum the base of Niagara Falls to lay our hands on and retrieve two footballs and the numerous tennis balls, currently caught in the reeds of this slow, shallow, river water. But today, in this greedy, whinging society and in an extremely rich county, it appears everything and anything is now disposable.
The stone dam, directly opposite Thurles indoor Leisure Centre and heated swimming pool building, has been dismantled and the two fish ways on the dam underneath ‘The Source’ County Library building, have also been allowed to crumble, both now reducing the water levels.
Manhole covers, taking water-run from our streetscapes, are left unlocked, allowing small sized litter to join the numerous bottles, cans and plastic bags; same which are quickly grabbed by slow moving water, to float on unsightly filamentous green algal growth, thus compromising the life of the river bed. Further down near the foot bridge sewage waters continue to flow, close to the swinging gates for the past 3 years.
Gone are the two water fountains which once helped to aerate the water within 50 meters of each other, close to Barry’s Bridge.
Our locally elected, powerless, doubly employed and highly paid town councillors are now only ‘stored’ as window dressing; in existence solely to provide a political presence for local unquestioning press and radio, while positively announcing leaked information from central government. The silent Thurles electorate have lost all confidence in elected representatives; council officials and their two Dáil Éireann TD’s. Same elected personnel reign over a town, which has long since been ignored, and no longer encourages, supports or attracts voluntarism.
The shame and lack of maintenance here in Thurles, lies clearly at the door of Thurles Municipal Council; TD’s and their lack of foresight and staff availability.
Again, I ask why are we paying Local Property Tax? There will be a day of reckoning.
Geraldine Helbert Reports.
“It’s so exciting and almost here! Yes, tomorrow Saturday June 25th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm The “Village Market”, Holycross, Thurles, invite children and families to celebrate “Schools Out” at our bi-weekly, Mid-Summer Market.
As always, on special market days, we invite the younger members of the Tipperary community to come along and have a little fun with us and celebrate the start of the school holidays.
Dress yourselves up in your sunniest summer outfits and be as creative as you can, to get free entry into a special raffle with a mystery prize, just for the children. Get some personalised hair braiding, refreshments, treats and that all important Ice-Cream. Note: Admission is free to all.
Enjoy a choice of delicious hot lunches from our local catering duo at the “Grub Hub”, have a coffee, hot chocolate and a delicious home baked tasty treat or Granola bar.
We have doubled our seating capacity and everyone is in for a really entertaining treat from a very talented male singing group from Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, who will be joining us.
New amazing bakers, crafters and artists join our regulars each market day with home-made jams, granola, low-carb options, tray bakes, vegetables, meat, breads and cakes. Pick up unique crafts and gifts and paintings for all occasions from one of our many talented crafters and artists. Get lots of plants and advice for the garden too.
And there is more! We have two tickets to raffle tomorrow for ‘Cut Loose’ Country Music Festival, latter taking place in Holycross, Thurles, on July 31st next.
Congratulations to the winners of our previous raffles; Johnny Carey won two tickets to ‘The Cavalcaders’ at ‘The Source’ Arts Centre for Sunday June 26th next, while Samantha Irwin was winner of an additional prize of ‘Honey Vinegar’ (naturally brewed and unfiltered), kindly donated by ‘Windmill Honey farm‘.
Do join us tomorrow and indeed every second Saturday for coffee, chat and fresh produce. We enjoy seeing you all in attendance brightening up our village. The market grounds are safe and easily accessible for all; with ease of parking and an opportunity to visit the historic Abbey and enjoy the unique welcome and beauty of Holycross village.”
Note: Students, musicians and new traders are always welcome. [Email us at thevillagemarketholycross@gmail.com]
While acclaimed American actor and comedian Mr Bill Murray’s American motherland is instinctively more basketball than sliotar; more baseball bat than hurl and more NFL than GAA, today’s all Ireland quarter final double header in Semple Stadium didn’t seem to get “Lost in Translation”.
Mr Murray appeared to take great interest in the Cork vs Galway/Clare vs Wexford, double-header, as a guest of businessman Mr JP McManus today, in Semple Stadium, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Note: Mr Murray’s grandfather hails from Co. Cork, while his mother’s family have origins in Co. Galway.
Thurles.Info would like to correct statements made today, by Municipal District Councillors Mr Seamus Hanafin and Mr Jim Ryan, latter who falsely accused the public of littering Liberty Square in Thurles, over last weekend.
The images taken on the above video were photographed on Sunday morning, May 15th, at between 8:00am and 9.30am, before being uploaded around mid-day. View the attempt to cover-up HERE.
Mr Hanafin, the truth is that this administrator observed that all bins within Liberty Square were overflowing on Saturday night, May 14th, last. Early on Sunday morning I checked again, in the vain hope that those we elected at local election time, would arrange to undertake proper administration on our behalf, as indeed you as highly paid councillors are wont to undertake on behalf of the Thurles community, who elected you.
Alas, with no correct action taken by either you or Cllr. Ryan on Saturday evening, people acting totally responsibly, attempted to compact the contents of each bin, with little success. [Cllrs. Pizza Boxes are oversized]. Recyclable items therefore became dislodged, first by a south-westerly breeze and again at first light by crows, latter anxious to glean from the remains of take-away bags and pizza boxes. Councillor Mr Hanafin you owe TippFM Radio an apology and also an apology to your electorate, for attempting to mislead them.
Mr Jim Ryan, you owe the publicans of this town an apology. I covered every inch of Liberty Square on Sunday morning as the video, herewith, shows. Not one piece of broken glass was to be seen on Liberty Square and only three disposable plastic glasses were located. You, sir, should also apologise to TippFM Radio; together with the publicans in Thurles, and your own electorate which each year appear to get less.
The video above shows quite clearly the truth of the matter and confirms that these inferior bins are not fit for purpose in any public setting.
Oh, and bye the way; both of you councillors should stay off TippFM, until you can learn to speak the truth. We now reside; directly because of your failures, in a town long forgotten.
In the meantime these bins need to be emptied last thing on Saturday evening, at least during the Summer months. May I suggest double time off, in lieu, during the week for those who undertake this work. After all, what are we paying Property Tax for or is it just to pay for your inflated salaries, while your tiny workforce work for a pittance.
In the meanwhile, tomorrow would be a good time for you gentlemen to publicaly apologise, before taking back control from your municipal district officials.
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