
American Actor & Comedian Bill Murray Visits Semple Stadium, Thurles.

While acclaimed American actor and comedian Mr Bill Murray’s American motherland is instinctively more basketball than sliotar; more baseball bat than hurl and more NFL than GAA, today’s all Ireland quarter final double header in Semple Stadium didn’t seem to get “Lost in Translation”.

Mr Murray appeared to take great interest in the Cork vs Galway/Clare vs Wexford, double-header, as a guest of businessman Mr JP McManus today, in Semple Stadium, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Note: Mr Murray’s grandfather hails from Co. Cork, while his mother’s family have origins in Co. Galway.

Thurles Municipal District Councillors Condemn Their Own Electorate.

Thurles.Info would like to correct statements made today, by Municipal District Councillors Mr Seamus Hanafin and Mr Jim Ryan, latter who falsely accused the public of littering Liberty Square in Thurles, over last weekend.

The images taken on the above video were photographed on Sunday morning, May 15th, at between 8:00am and 9.30am, before being uploaded around mid-day. View the attempt to cover-up HERE.

Mr Hanafin, the truth is that this administrator observed that all bins within Liberty Square were overflowing on Saturday night, May 14th, last. Early on Sunday morning I checked again, in the vain hope that those we elected at local election time, would arrange to undertake proper administration on our behalf, as indeed you as highly paid councillors are wont to undertake on behalf of the Thurles community, who elected you.

Alas, with no correct action taken by either you or Cllr. Ryan on Saturday evening, people acting totally responsibly, attempted to compact the contents of each bin, with little success. [Cllrs. Pizza Boxes are oversized].
Recyclable items therefore became dislodged, first by a south-westerly breeze and again at first light by crows, latter anxious to glean from the remains of take-away bags and pizza boxes.
Councillor Mr Hanafin you owe TippFM Radio an apology and also an apology to your electorate, for attempting to mislead them.

Mr Jim Ryan, you owe the publicans of this town an apology. I covered every inch of Liberty Square on Sunday morning as the video, herewith, shows. Not one piece of broken glass was to be seen on Liberty Square and only three disposable plastic glasses were located. You, sir, should also apologise to TippFM Radio; together with the publicans in Thurles, and your own electorate which each year appear to get less.

The video above shows quite clearly the truth of the matter and confirms that these inferior bins are not fit for purpose in any public setting.

Oh, and bye the way; both of you councillors should stay off TippFM, until you can learn to speak the truth. We now reside; directly because of your failures, in a town long forgotten.

In the meantime these bins need to be emptied last thing on Saturday evening, at least during the Summer months. May I suggest double time off, in lieu, during the week for those who undertake this work. After all, what are we paying Property Tax for or is it just to pay for your inflated salaries, while your tiny workforce work for a pittance.

In the meanwhile, tomorrow would be a good time for you gentlemen to publicaly apologise, before taking back control from your municipal district officials.

Littering Caused By Meaningless Bin Installations In Thurles Town.

“Sunday Morning Coming Down”

Early this bright, sunny, Sunday morning [as I “watched a small kid cussin’ at a can that he was kicking”.], Liberty Square and along the River Side Walk in Thurles looked like a promotion for the Song “Sunday Morning Coming Down” written by Kris Kristofferson.

The litter was everywhere, 90% caused, once again, more by the type of meaningless litter bins currently provided by our engineers on this €9m to €12m street fiasco, rather than the more irresponsible, prideless individuals we more often are wont to encounter.

Congratulations to the two ladies (representing No. 61 Scanlons News Agency (Nuachtanai) and Sos Beag – Coffee Shop), latter who both ventured out early, to clean the litter widely scattered in front of their respective shop fronts.

Here we have a new, admittedly only half updated town centre, now looking filthier than what it had previously replaced. We had previously warned about these tiny litter bins. We and others within our community, had also warned against the use of light grey Chinese granite on a surface accommodating motor vehicles, but council officials and their inexperienced and expensive town planners felt they knew better. Result on Liberty Square today, oil stains, rubber tyre stains and other liquid stain, all beginning to rear their ugly heads.

(Ask yourself; what idiot buys white carpet flooring for the shed?)

Meanwhile, local residents continue to leave bags of household waste beside litter bins on the River Side Walk and Thurles Park areas, south of the town, which would appear to be acceptable to our Municipal District Council officials.

(Where is the Thurles CCTV system taxpayers paid €100,000 to install?)

But today, Sunday, May 15th, 2022; it’s all about the Litter Bins and the failure and consistent waste of taxpayer’s money, by our Thurles Municipal District Council.

78% Of Ireland’s Bathing Sites Have Excellent Water Quality.

  • The quality of Ireland’s bathing water continued to improve in 2021, with 97% (144 of 148) of sites meeting or exceeding the minimum standard.
  • Of these, 115 bathing sites (78%) had excellent water quality (which is the most stringent standard). This increased from 111 in 2020.
  • These improvements are a result of enhanced management of bathing waters over many years, combined with investments in treatment of urban waste water.
  • The number of beaches with poor bathing water quality reduced to two, compared with four in 2020.
  • Swimmers are encouraged to ask their local authorities to officially identify additional local bathing sites. This will ensure they are managed to protect bathers’ health.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Bathing Water in Ireland report for 2021, which shows that 78% of bathing sites have excellent water quality, while 97% meet the minimum standard. This is attributed to improved management of bathing waters over many years, combined with investments in treatment of urban waste water.
However, while bathing water quality has continued to improve overall, there are still issues which need to be addressed, to protect and further improve bathing waters. Agriculture, urban waste water and fouling from dogs on beaches still impact the quality of bathing waters. In addition, heavy rainfall can also quickly impact by washing pollution into our bathing waters. Swimmers should always check for the latest water quality information for their local bathing site.
Commenting on the report, Dr Eimear Cotter, Director of the EPA’s Office of Evidence and Assessment, said: “Bathing water quality in Ireland is high and last year saw further improvements compared with 2020. This is good news as we approach the summer when we can enjoy our local beaches and bathing areas, which are an important natural amenity for health and wellbeing.
The EPA recognises that swimming is increasingly becoming a year-round activity and encourages the provision of information that will help winter swimmers to make informed choices to protect their health. The findings and outcome of the multi-stakeholder National Bathing Water Expert Group, due later this year, will provide important information in this regard and help identify potential options to better protect bathers who swim year-round.”

The EPA report specifically highlights improvements at Lilliput, Lough Ennell in Westmeath, after three years of poor quality. During 2020 and 2021, the bathing water quality improved significantly due to actions taken by farmers in the surrounding area. This was driven by evidence and science generated by Westmeath County Council, the Local Authority Waters Programme and the Agricultural Sustainability, Support and Advisory Programme working together. As a result, the restriction on swimming has been removed.
The EPA encourages swimmers to engage with Local Authorities to officially identify additional local bathing sites which will ensure they are managed to protect bathers’ health.
Further information on bathing water and updates on monitoring results during the bathing water season (1st June to 15th September) are available at

“Time For Thurles”

Picture shows part of the base for the new inner relief road, wiping out Thurles heritage, and already christened by locals residents as “Hanafin’s Folly”.
Double Ditch is now fully demolished.
Pic. G. Willoughby (28/3/2022)

During a recent meeting of Templemore-Thurles Municipal District Council; councillors and those in attendance were informed that there was to be a move from the current County promotion which had been predominantly about heritage, to a more “heritage plus outdoors focus” which is currently now taking place. Who thought up this fool notion remains a mystery.

This is possibly because, in the case of Thurles town at least, most of our heritage has been removed by those positioned to promote the area.

The phrase ‘Time for Tipperary’ will now be the new buzz word. It appears the five year old failed slogan “Tipperary, the Place, The Time”, used to attempt to attract multinationals and tourists has gone out the window.

Still “Time for Tipperary”; a bit like “Trip to Tipp”, is much shorter than “Tipperary, the Place, The Time”; when “tripped off the tongue” by stuttering politicians.

Like the launch of “Tipperary, the Place, The Time”, here is a great opportunity also for Tipperary Co. Councillors; officials and politicians to banquet at Kilshane House, Bansha, you know the place where Dita von Teese & Marilyn Manson, Una Healy & Ben Foden were all married.

But the leading questions remains; will Covid-19 infected tourists continue to journey past the M50, at Junction 9 on the Red Cow roundabout?

Should we now hijack this proposed new logo and promote “Time for Thurles”, but sure what have we left to use as an attraction?