
Cashel Library Heritage Week 2022.

Note Please: Booking Essential To All Events.
RSVP to Tel: 062 63825.

Thurles Musical Festival 2022 – Final Pictures

Final batch of pictures uploaded herewith from the highly successful Thurles Musical Festival 2022, which was held in Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, just last weekend, July 9th & 10th.

You can view some 450 pictures of the earlier uploaded frames, all of which can be found HEREHEREHEREHERE – and HERE.


Thurles Musical Festival 2022 – More Pictures

Yet more pictures from the highly successful Thurles Musical Festival 2022, which was held in Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, just last weekend.

See anyone YOU know – then share?

You can view some 300 pictures uploaded earlier, all of which can be found HEREHEREHERE and HERE.

The last of the pictures to be taken at this event will follow in the coming days, so do stay tuned.

Thurles Musical Festival 2022 – Pictures.

More pictures from the highly successful Thurles Musical Festival 2022, which was held in Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary last weekend.

See anyone you know?

View some earlier 200 pictures all uploaded to date from HEREHERE and HERE.

More pictures to follow in the coming days, so do stay tuned.

Thurles Two Day Musical Festival – Were You There?

For those of you, who for one reason or another, were prohibited from attending the Thurles Musical Festival last weekend; here is a further opportunity to taste the atmosphere, at this most enjoyable event.

[See also pictures HERE and HERE, with more to come over the next day or two].

More pictures hopefully tomorrow, so do stay tuned.