Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps will be holding a ‘Cardiac First Responder Community Course’ for anyone wishing to learn or renew their skills on Automated External Defibrillator; CPR, and Choking.
 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Map of Thurles, County Tipperary – Thurles Order of Malta.
This course is the national minimum standard required for AED use. Certification lasts for two years, so anyone whose training has lapsed and is required for insurance or work, etc., is urged to renew immediately. The course has been designed over one evening to accommodate full-time workers. All of our courses are fully certified by Order of Malta Ireland and the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council of Ireland.
The next course begins at 7.00pm on Wednesday 24th May, at the Order of Malta Training Centre at Bohernavoroon, Thurles.
Remaining places are limited and can be booked by calling John on Mobile 087 2390 111, or Mobile 086 3144 126.
Note: Private classes can also be arranged by appointment.
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps have announced dates for public training courses at their training centre situated at Bohernavroon, Thurles, for 2017.
Basic First Aid and Emergency Skills; a five-night course, will begin on Tuesday’s from the 25th April at 7.00pm, with another five-night course scheduled from the 19th September, and with the option to add-on Paediatric / Child First Skills, for a following two nights, to these courses.
Public courses are available for anyone who has an interest in learning life-saving skills or require refreshing their skills or recertification after two years.
Thurles Order of Malta, a registered charity, is officially licensed and regulated by the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) of Ireland, the national regulator for ambulance operation and training services. They are the only PHECC Recognised Institution provider in the Thurles area. All instructors are licensed practitioners, fully-qualified and have the experience that comes with years of front-line first-aid service.
Major changes have come into effect this year for first aid at work. Occupational First Aid has now been replaced by a new national standard First Aid Responder (FAR) course and accredited by PHECC. Approved by the Health and Safety Authority for the workplace, and the Department of Children for childminders, it is available on three Saturdays from the 13th May at 9.00am, and later from the 21st October.
Thurles now has a growing number of private and public-access Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s). The PHECC national standard training course for operating defibrillators, Cardiac First Responder (CFR), a one-night course, will be available on the Wednesdays of the 26th April, 24th May, or 30th August at 7.00pm or Saturday 10th June at 9.00pm.
All courses are officially certified and materials are supplied. In addition to these public dates, we provide private courses by appointment for clubs, groups and employers at the Thurles Order of Malta centre or your workplace, tailored to accommodate your specific needs where at all possible.
Congratulations to Thurles Order of Malta Cadet Corps who had a very successful last weekend in Killarney; attending at the South-West Regional Cadet Competitions.
 Pictured following last Sunday’s First Aid Competitions are some of Thurles Order of Malta Cadet Corps members and their proud Cadet Leaders.
Thurles Cadets were placed in the following categories:- Footdrill first place, Senior Home Nursing Team second place, Senior Two-Person First Aid Team first place, Junior Individual First Aid second place, Junior Cadet of the Year first place, Junior Home Nursing Team first place, Junior First Aid Team second place.
‘Officer In Charge’ Catherine O’Loughlin stated; “We are very proud of our Cadets and their continued success representing us. We are grateful to their Cadet Leaders in particular, and all those who helped in their training, including other Seniors and Cadets, and their parents for transporting them”.
Some Cadets will now go forward to the National Competitions in UL in July next.
Following another busy weekend of duties around town, members and friends will go ‘Bag-Packing’ in Dunnes Stores on Thursday to Saturday next, to assist in raising vital funds for the Thurles Unit’s ongoing operations.
So do remember to congratulate them and do try to assist them in any way possible by contacting Mobile Tel. No. 087-2390111.
Note also: Dates for first aid courses will be announced next week.
Horse and Jockey Singers support Thurles Order of Malta
No break for the Horse and Jockey Singers – Having presented their highly successful and widely acclaimed Tipperary Echoes of 1916, they are now putting the final touches to their Summer Variety Concert.
 The full cast of Horse & Jockey Singers, pictured here during rehearsals for their previous sell-out concert; “Tipperary Echoes of 1916”.
The concert will be staged in the ‘Derrynaflan Theatre’ at the Horse and Jockey Hotel on Friday June 3rd next.
This year’s concert proceeds will go to support the work of Thurles Order of Malta. The Order of Malta is a major provider of first-aid training, ambulance transport, community and elderly care services. Locally, the Thurles Order of Malta is well organised and highly motivated. Members are a regular presence at major games at Semple Stadium and other sporting and community occasions.
Indeed the opening, back in 2014, of their new state-of-the-art Unit Headquarters and Training Centre at Bohervaroon, Thurles, truly signified the vibrancy of the Order, locally.
A great night’s entertainment is guaranteed with many local performers featured, including:- The Doran Family, Michael Molumby, Derrynaflan Male Voice Choir, Comhaltas Cashel, Horse and Jockey Singers, John O’Sullivan, Lorraine Treacy, Jockey Quartet, Margaret Kennedy, Noel Joyce and the Two-Mile-Borris Set Dancers.
The concert starts at 8.00 pm and tickets costing €15 are available from the hotel reception or from Connie O’Keeffe Tel: 087-6667988. Please do book early to avoid disappointment.
Local Councillor Gerard Fogarty reports:
Thurles Order of Malta will be holding a scrap metal collection as part of their fund raising campaign for the final phase of their current new building project.
The collection will take place this weekend, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th May from 12pm-6pm. The drop-off point is at the Order of Malta headquarters, situated at Bohernavroom, Borroway, Thurles.
If you want scrap collected please contact: Joe at Telephone – 0864137272 or Pierce at Telephone – 0872024517, or simply email thurles@orderofmalta.ie.
All scrap metal welcome including: copper, old gates, old doors, aluminium etc.
Please remember no electrical items, i.e. Fridges, Washing Machines etc, as latter are not acceptable for this project.
All proceeds from this fund raising event will go to finance the final phase of the Thurles Order of Malta building project.
So please do support this very important and worthy local project and make a little extra space in that garden shed or garage.
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