Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps – Mr Gerard Fogarty, Parnell Street, Thurles reports:-
Ten members of Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps took part in the National First Aid Competitions held in Athlone, Co. Westmeath, recently.
 Members of Order of Malta Thurles at their National First Aid Competitions. Back Row L-R: Michael Quinn, Eoin Fitzpatrick, Mark Cummins, Jaela Burke, Catherine O’Loughlin, Ciara Lanigan, & Gerard Fogarty. Front Row L-R: Carmel O’Halloran, John Wright (National Director), Darren Hehir, & Niamh Fitzpatrick.
The light rescue team comprising of Jaela Burke, Mark Cummins, Ger Fogarty, Carmel O’Halloran, Catherine O’Loughlin, and team leader Ciara Lanigan, won first place, after they transported a patient down Athlone Town Centre on a vacuum mattress.
Darren Hehir came first in the Emergency Medical Technician category, with his colleague James Kershaw from Drogheda.
Michael Quinn, aged 17 year, won first place in the First Aid Responder Individual category, after a very impressive performance.
A proud ‘Officer In Charge’, Catherine O’Loughlin complimented the competitors adding that “Thurles took part in five of the seven tests and came home with three trophies; the only unit attending to come home with more than one. This builds upon the great success that the Thurles Cadet Corps had achieved at their competitions in July. It has been a great year for us in terms of competitions and training. We continuously strive to promote the best training and patient care standards in our members.”
Catherine continued, “We are very grateful to the instructors and all those who assisted in training over the previous couple of months. Well done to Eoin and Niamh Fitzpatrick who took part in the Emergency First Responder, and Assistance with Activities of Daily Living tests respectively. We look forward to building upon this success in Limerick next year.”
Our Cadet Corps would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Tipperary Education and Training Board, the National Lottery, and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs for their recent grant of funding and ongoing support.
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps – Mr Gerard Fogarty, Parnell Street, Thurles reports:-
“You Don’t have to be a Fairy-Tale Hero to Save Lives!”
 Thurles Order of Malta Cadets pictured with their proud Cadet Leaders following their success at the National Cadet Weekend in Limerick University (UL).
Cadets from the Thurles Unit of the Order of Malta travelled to Limerick University recently for their National Cadet Camp. Latter is where all cadet units meet up together annually for the weekend, joining activities and meeting fellow cadets from across the island of Ireland.
During camp, the ‘National Cadet Competitions’ are held. This year, we had competitors entered in the Two-Person First Aid Team, Footdrill, Junior Home Nursing and Junior Cadet of the Year Competitions, following their success in the regional rounds. From these categories, we took home two silver medals, and the Cadet of the Year trophy.
In addition to their success in dressing wounds and marching, they were also recognised for busting moves. This year the talent competition was re-formed into the popular Lip-Sync Battle, showcasing the Cadets abilities to dance and mime to songs. Thurles cha-cha’ed straight into the group first-place with their own choreography, to a melody of classic tunes.
Cadets had the opportunity to swap their uniforms for their favourite animated characters at this year’s ‘cartoon capers’ themed weekend disco. Thurles again made their mark winning the Best Group Costume award for their ‘Shrek’ theme, which saw the UL campus dotted with characters from the fairytale trilogy (or at least what they would be like, if they were from Thurles!). The message from our Cadets, as always, being that with first aid skills, you don’t have to be a superhero, or in this case a fairytale hero, to save lives!
A new event this year saw some of our Cadets earmarked as ‘Future Directors’ when they got the opportunity to grill the National Director in the hot-seat on any topic at ‘Ask the Director’. And they now even have the printed mugs to prove it!
Proud Officer In Charge, Lt. Catherine O’Loughlin, remarked that “This camp is not just about competitions. It is about giving cadets the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills in a safe environment. It must be said that the camp would not have been such a tremendous success without the effort put in from cadet leaders; the senior members who helped with training; parents for bringing them into training, and finally, the cadets themselves, latter who put so much effort into camp preparation.”
“Thurles Unit had a huge footprint on camp this year, with members on the organising committee co-ordinating casualty make-up; supplying audio system, and providing the choir for Mass.
“The unit is hugely grateful to all, and we are so proud of the immense mark that we have left on the event, and the new friendships attained. The most remarkable aspect of our success at camp, is that what our cadets did best, was achieved through working closely together” she added.
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps – Mr Gerard Fogarty, Parnell Street, Thurles reports:-
Order of Malta Ambulance Corps Thurles has recently completed a milestone in raising safeguarding standards. Officer In Charge, Catherine O’Loughlin said “Congratulations to all members who recently completed the Child Protection Awareness Programme last weekend. In line with our Safeguarding Policy, now all members who take part in unit activities have completed the programme. It was a pleasure to host members from across the region in our fantastic training centre to complete the course”.
 Some of the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps Thurles members and Cadets managing the immense emergency medical operation at the Munster Hurling Final recently, with support from Cashel, Nenagh, Limerick, and Shannon colleagues.
We recently celebrated two further milestones with our members. I want especially to pay tribute to Very Rev. Fr. Gerard Hennessy, our wonderful Chaplain, who marks twenty-five years in the priesthood. Fr. Hennessy is a tremendous support to our unit; always travelling to support our Cadets, and attend our meetings. Extremely helpful in assisting us to promote our religious, Christian ethos; he is also always available to celebrate our units’ annual Mass, and our annual Mass for deceased members, in addition to our other pastoral needs”. He recently travelled to UL as a very encouraging face for our Cadets at their national competitions. We wish him the very best and look forward to his next jubilee.
We also joined to celebrate a special birthday with our Nursing Officer Sr. Catherine Keohane. Sr. Catherine is a fountain of knowledge and encouragement to our members, in teaching nursing skills and has been a long serving member of our unit. Her years of experience working in devastated areas abroad, inspires an ethos within our unit of looking past our own homes, towards others. Even at the most difficult of ambulance duties her reassuring smile lends a strong comfort to us all. We were thrilled to join this group in their birthday celebrations; and to acknowledgement the huge part they play in our unit, and their contributing to each of us as members.
We intend to run an ‘Emergency First Responder Course’ for all members who have yet to up-skill to this standard, in the coming weeks, and so I would be grateful if you could provide your name if you are available.
Last, but by no means least, we would like to sincerely thank Adjutant Mr Ray Deery, who recently stepped down from the Order of Malta Units’ Management Committee. His contribution to the Thurles Unit is well noted and greatly appreciated.
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps – Mr Gerard Fogarty, Parnell Street, Thurles reports:-
Order of Malta Collections.
Order of Malta Ireland Ambulance Corps Thurles would like to thank those who contributed so generously to their annual collection recently, in the Thurles, Gortnahoe-Glengoole and Holycross-Ballycahill parishes.
Collections will be taken up next weekend after all masses in the Moycarkey / Littleton / Two-Mile-Borris parish. It should be noted that all funds are used locally for the upkeep of the unit and towards its new ambulance.
 Members of Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps and its Cadet Corps, with colleagues from Nenagh, Cashel, Limerick and Dundrum, pictured here in Semple Stadium on last weekend.
Officer-In-Charge Ms Catherine O’Loughlin has expressed her great pride in the unit, this week, after a very busy weekend in the local GAA calendar.
Ms O’Loughlin stated, “Our members are exceptionally well trained and thankfully all the matches went off without any major incident. We have recently completed our own on-site operational training, in Semple Stadium, to be prepared for any future emergency incident that might occur. We are grateful to the public for their generous support, allowing us to continuously upgrade our emergency ambulance fleet and equipment, and to keep them taxed etc, and fully maintained in pristine condition.”
Recent difficulties with our unit telephone have now been rectified and we can be contacted about ‘First Aid Courses’; ‘Event Cover’ and ‘Transport’, as per usual, on Mobile Telephone No. 087 2390111.
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps – Reminder from Mr Gerard Fogarty, Parnell Street, Thurles:-
Thurles Order of Malta Ambulance Corps will be holding a Cardiac First Responder Course for anyone wishing to learn or renew their skills on Automated External Defibrillator; CPR, and Choking.
 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Map of Thurles, County Tipperary – Thurles Order of Malta.
This course is the national minimum standard required for AED use. Certification lasts for two years, so anyone whose training has lapsed and whose expertise is required for insurance or at work, etc., same are urged to renew and updated skills immediately. This Saturday’s course will hopefully accommodate full-time workers.
Remember all of our courses are fully certified by Order of Malta Ireland and the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council of Ireland.
The next course begins at 9.00am on Saturday next 10th June, at the Order of Malta Training Centre at Bohernavoroon, Thurles.
Remaining places are limited and can be booked at our enrolment night on tomorrow Wednesday, 7th June from 7.00pm–8.00pm or by telephoning John McCarthy on 087 2390 111, or 086 3144 126.
Do remember private classes can also be arranged by appointment.
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