The digitisation of the citizenship application process is a key milestone in the Department of Justice’s Immigration Service Delivery Modernisation Programme.
The Immigration Modernisation Programme will, over the coming years, digitise a number of currently paper-based immigration processes and introduce a portal system where individuals will be able to manage and view all aspects of their interaction with immigration services. This will improve efficiencies in the immigration system, improve the customer experience through the availability of comprehensive self service functions, improve data management and utilisation, and enhance border security capability and capacity.
The online Citizenship application service will allow potential new Irish citizens to complete their application form, upload necessary supporting documentation and pay fees online, making the application process easier and more efficient in a digital age.
It will also allow the Immigration Service to more efficiently and effectively manage applications for Citizenship, which have increased in recent years.
Note: The paper-based application will still remain available to those who cannot access an online service.
Residents of Thurles will be aware that over the past few months it became necessary for the ESB to interrupt the electricity supply in most areas of the town. The reason for these electricity interruptions was Siro, the Irish fibre broadband network operator, which is expanding its network to Thurles, Nenagh and Tipperary Town in Co. Tipperary.
SIRO is a 100% ‘fibre-to-the-building’network, built on ESB infrastructure. With no copper connection at any point along the network, thus making it faster and more reliable.
Fibre Broadband arrives in Thurles. Pic: G. Willoughby.
SIRO was launched in 2015 as a joint venture between the ESB and Vodafone, with the aim of delivering the first 100% fibre-to-the-building broadband across regional Ireland thus revolutionising the broadband market in Ireland.
Fibre to the Home (FTTH) is an access network method that delivers the highest possible speed of Internet connection by using optical fibre that runs directly into the home, building or office. FTTH is unique, because it removes all the bottlenecks that slow the performance of other types of network. The SIRO Network is built using the ESB’s overhead and underground infrastructure, ensuring a fast, reliable and sustainable network.
SIRO claim that there is up to 60% lower energy usage and 80% lower maintenance required for fibre-to-the-building, versus copper networks.
The Co. Tipperary roll-out will bring fibre broadband to more than 7,000 premises in Thurles and Nenagh. The roll-out in Thurles will be completed in the last quarter of 2023, while the work in Nenagh will be completed soon afterwards.
The roll-out to 2,250 premises in Tipperary town will be completed early-2024. Once these additional towns are connected, Siro’s full-fibre broadband network will be available to more than 50,000 premises across County Tipperary.
The network operator has invested more than EUR 20 million to roll out its fibre network across the county to date.
It was only a matter of time before criminals would begin to target eFlow charges, in an effort to extract funding from the more gullible and those who insist in remaining IT illiterate.
With Tolls having being increased in January 2022 by 10% on 7 of the 8 PPP toll roads around the country – from €2.90 to €3.00 (M4) and from €1.90 to €2.00 (M1, N6, M7/M8, N8, N25WF, LT), it was inevitable that criminals would attempt to expand their existing criminal activities .
In numerous text messages sent out today, same show the senders Tel. No. 35385 1051698, demanding supposed outstanding overdue eFlow payments.
Text Messages Being Received read:-
eFlow: you have an outstanding amount due from a journey made in 2022. Please pay now to avoid incurring any penalty charges. [The link shown to make payments is https://toll-online-]
Note: No details of arrears are shown and attackers on may trick you into doing something silly and indeed dangerous; installing software or revealing your personal information such as your passwords, personal phone number, or credit card details.
All such messages should be immediately deleted on sight, and any attached links should not be activated.
Ireland’s first satellite EIRSAT-1 (Educational Irish Research Satellite 1), which has taken just over five years to develop, is now ready for launching, possibly between mid-January and mid-February of this current year.
The satellite was designed, developed, built and tested at University College Dublin (UCD) and will be launched 520km into the sky from the European spaceport in French Guiana, on the northeast coast of South America, before orbiting the Earth for some five years; to return to earth and UCD.
Assistant professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at UCD, Dr David McKeown, was the engineering manager on the project, and this being the first Irish designed satellite; Dr McKeown hopes this project will lay the ground work for larger satellites into the future.
‘Republic of Work’ offices on South Mall, Cork City.
Co. Cork’s popular co-working hub, ‘Republic of Work’, is to expand; locating in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, thus offering a much-needed solution to Ireland’s fast growing and emerging flexible working quandary.
This first co-working hub outside of Cork city, is expected to open in January 2023, with the team hoping it will encourage people living in Clonmel to ‘stay local‘, rather than having to commute daily or relocate to reside in costly accommodation in Irish cities, in order to work.
‘Republic of Work’ first announced their plans for the Clonmel hub last October on social media and will now hold an open day on Thursday December 15th next, [10:00am to 5:00pm] at the hub on Clonmel’s Dr. Croke Place, to give locals a chance to meet its members and discuss how the new space will operate into the future.
‘Republic of Work’ was first established in Cork city five years ago with a hub situated on South Mall, one of the main streets of Cork city, running from Grand Parade in the west to Parnell Place in the east.
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