We understand that a small parcel of land, (approximately 2 acres), has now been purchased by Tipperary Co. Council, from the Ryan Family, to construct the long awaited inner relief road for Thurles town, same planned to join the N62 at Slievenamon Road, Thurles, exiting northwards, unto the Mill Road.
ProposedThurles Inner Relief Road.
An Bord Pleanala granted permission for the development of this Thurles inner relief road 10 years ago, in July 2014. Same was granted resulting in the annulation and total destruction of the historic Great Famine Double Ditch, which we here at Thurles.Info fought so hard to retain, while local Thurles press and Thurles local radio remained totally silent on the issue.
Late last year the acquisition 4.5 acres of land had been sought in ongoing discussions, however up until recently, no land purchase to provide for such a relief road had been agreed despite the destruction of Thurles history undertaken by Tipperary Co. Council, aided by Thurles local councillors.
In Tipperary Co. Councils Management report of February 2023 (See last item on bottom of page 9), Tipperary Council Council state that the Thurles Inner Relief Road scheme would take approximately 3 years to complete. A consultant was expected to have the tender documentation prepared by Q4 2023, so that a works contractor could be appointed by Q1 2024, with the next stage being to “Secure funding to deliver the Inner Relief Road project and finalise land acquisition.”
So far as the public are aware to date, only €75,000 had been allocated to this project, under the Regional and Local Roads Programme. However, (SEE HERE), Fianna Fáil TD Mr Jackie Cahill stated, (video of October 2021 last), quote “I am delighted to have secured funding for this inner relief road”.
A contract for the purchase is expected to be officially signed on Friday next. Same will also now allow for the construction of a footpath on the Mill Road, previously put on hold by the failure to acquire the same stated property.
The proposed Shannon to Dublin water pipeline will result in Tipperary farmers being hit on the double if it proceeds as planned, according to Independent Clare TD Michael McNamara.
The candidate for Ireland South in the European Elections, who has previously been vocal in the Dáil in his opposition to the Water Supply Project, says farm holdings along the proposed route of the pipeline in County Tipperary may be made unviable for the duration of its construction, or even permanently, at a time when the viability of many farmers’ livelihoods is already being jeopardised by changes to Ireland’s nitrates derogation.
Deputy McNamara said, “Ireland has one of the highest leakage rates of drinking water in Europe and the Dublin City Council area has one of the highest leakage rates in Ireland. As a result of that, it is proposed to build a pipeline across Ireland to ship water from Lough Derg and the River Shannon. That, obviously, would cause huge disruption to landowners, a huge cost to the economy and unforeseeable consequences for the environment.“
“Shannon stocks are already plummeting without further reducing the flow of water along the natural course of the Shannon”, he pointed out, adding “there would be a larger draw on this pipeline during summer months when water levels are already very low along the Lower Shannon.”
“Farmers are being largely blamed for the ongoing deterioration in water quality across the country, while there is rarely any mention of the volume of raw sewage discharged daily into Irish waterways”, he explained.
Deputy McNamara continued, “Instead of spending millions on piping water to Dublin, where it will simply leak into the ground, this government should be investing in delivering the necessary wastewater infrastructure to unsewered communities and upgrading the many facilities that are no longer fit-for- purpose. Not only does the construction of the needed new wastewater treatment plants alleviate the pressure on the future development of vitally important infrastructure in local communities, but it also tackles one of the primary causes of declining water quality in Ireland’s waterways”.
“I cannot support any proposal to divert water from the Shannon until local authorities in Dublin and Uisce Éireann / Irish Water get their act together and put their system in order,” he added. “Otherwise, this project will just further punish farmers by making their holdings unviable while they continue to be squarely and unfairly blamed for water quality issues which could be redressed by diverting proposed expenditure on this pipeline into funding infrastructure that will significantly decrease the amount of wastewater entering our waterways.”
The current Anti-Semitism continues a centuries-long phenomenon in Europe, having possibly reached its zenith during the Nazi era (1933–1945) in Germany. ‘The Holocaust’ was Nazi Germany’s deliberate, organized, state-sponsored persecution and genocide of European Jews. During WWII, the existing Nazi regime systematically murdered about six million of the Jewish population.
Why are Jews Targeted? The Origins of Antisemitism
Today the “Auschwitz Album,” containing some 193 photographs; compiled between May or June of 1944, either by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, remain the only surviving known visual evidence of the process of the mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Both above named individuals were SS men, who had been tasked with taking ID photos and fingerprints of inmates.
In November 1938, German Jews faced deliberate and orchestrated violence, showing many Jews that their very existence was in danger, if they stayed within the country. In a Nazi-provoked riot, known as Kristallnacht [Night of Broken Glass, or the November Pogrom* ] staged on November 9th, 1938, more than 250 synagogues were destroyed, and 91 people were murdered. Countless Jewish businesses and homes were vandalized and destroyed, and some 30,000 Jewish men were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and other concentration camps, where they were coerced into promising to emigrate, when they were released several weeks later.
* ‘Pogrom’ meaning the organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.
It became difficult for Jews to leave Germany because few countries, were willing to take them in, even though it was widely known that they were suffering under the then Nazi regime.
It was Ms Lilly Jacob-Zelmanovic Meier who donated the album, in the video shown above, to Yad Vashem (The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre) in 1980. When originally assembled, the album was likely not for use as Nazi propaganda, but was most likely prepared as an official document for future German reference.
The Irish Constitution of 1937 specifically gave constitutional protection to Jews. This was considered to be a necessary component to the constitution by Éamon de Valera because of the treatment of Jews elsewhere in Europe at the time. The reference to the Jewish Congregations in the Irish Constitution was removed in 1973 with the Fifth Amendment. This same amendment removed the ‘special position’ of the Catholic Church, as well as references to the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church, the Methodist Church, and the Religious Society of Friends, the Quakers.
Anti-Israeli protests by some 100 students in Trinity College, Dublin, has now resulted in an agreement by college management to the divestment from investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on a UN blacklist. However, It is worthy of note that a one former graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, a Cork woman and a Quaker (Society of Friends) named Mary Elmes used her skills having crossed the border into France working as head of the Quaker delegation in Perpignan, France. Her presence saved the lives of hundreds of Jewish children bound for Auschwitz-Birkenau, via Rivesaltes Camp in the north eastern suburb of Paris, latter the major transit camp for the deportations of French Jews. She is known to have “spirited away” children in the boot of her car, to children’s homes she had previously set up in the Pyrenees. In 1943 she was arrested by the Gestapo and spent six months in jail. On release she continued her mission to save the lives of Jewish children. She refused all suggestion of accolades during her lifetime, but 11 years ago, in 2013 she was named “Righteous Among the Nations” at Yad Vashem (The World Holocaust Remembrance Centre). She is the only Irish person to hold this distinction, given to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jewish people during World War II. On July 9th 2019, the then Cork City Council, in a display of true wisdom, opened a new pedestrian bridge, same now named in honour of Ms Mary Elmes.
A former professor of Hebrew at the same Trinity College, between 1939 and 1979, Mr Jacob (Jack) Weingreen and his wife Bertha must surely have turned in their Dublin graves following the demands by the same students. Both the Weingreen’s were members of the Dublin Jewish community and both were active in education and youth movements, serving for a time with the Jewish Relief Unit, following the end of WWII.
Bertha Weingreen was Chief Welfare Officer responsible for all Jewish Displaced Persons in the British zone and stationed at the former military barracks at the Bergen Belsen, concentration camp.
Jacob was Director of Education for all Displaced Persons, before setting up a successful Trade School at Belsen which was later transformed into a top-grade technical college. Professor Weingreen was the author of ‘A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew’, latter a textbook that is still recognized as the standard teaching work on the subject. The couple received desperately needed supplies sent from Dublin’s JYRO (Jewish Youth Relief Organisation) and the Linen Mills in Northern Ireland, which were used for the kindergarten Bertha set up for hidden children Bertha Weingreen encountered in Berlin. The Weingreens eventually returned to Dublin in 1947 where they played prominent roles in the Irish Jewish community until their deaths in 1995 and 1999, respectively.
True pro-treaty Irish Republicans will be aware of the fact that on a Friday afternoon in 1920, Black and Tans descended on Longwood Avenue, South Circular Road, Portobello, Dublin 8, blocking off the area between Leonard’s Corner and Kelly’s corner, using a lorry and an armoured car. Same raid came accompanied by a strict curfew.
The Sabbath day observed by Jews begins from sunset on Friday evening to sunset the following day. However, on this same Sabbath day in 1920, the Jewish community made the decision that Tans or no Tans, they were going to visit their local synagogue. When it was time to go to pray, the men were the first to emerge from their homes, followed by wives and children. Rabbi Gudansky followed last, accompanied by his family, while he supported an elderly gentleman, who could barely walk. The old crippled man swore at the Tans in Yiddish, which sounded like nonsense gibberish to the Black and Tan soldiers. It appeared that residents from Longwood Avenue’s Jewish community had somehow lost the ability to speak English that evening, as Tan soldiers were bombarded with Yiddish, Russian, Lithuanian, and Polish dialects. The Black and Tans, in an effort to rid themselves of this now gathering angry crowd, decided to step aside and allow the Jewish community to continue to attend at their place of worship. On reaching Walworth Road, Portobello, Dublin, Rabbi Gudansky and his aged companion, halted briefly before shaking hands. The man removed his hat and boomed: “Thank you! Thank you!” in his strong Cork accent. The ‘cripple’ was none other than Michael Collins (1890 – 1922) in disguise. He winked stating: “I will send for the bicycle later”, before quickly moving on alone. It was learned later that Collins first entered Joseph Kervon’s house, on Longwood Avenue, before he jumped over a wall into Rabbi Gudansky’s back garden, latter situated next door. He entered the residence, unnoticed by the Tans, before borrowing traditional Jewish garb, courtsey of Rabbi Gudansky.
Sadly, to my mind, the current Irish Taoiseach Mr Simon Harris (A former Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science) has informed Israeli President Mr Isaac Herzog of Ireland’s plan to recognise the state of Palestine and has reiterated that the overarching goal should be a two-state solution; latter which Hamas terrorists themselves have denounced, calling instead for the full and complete liberation of Palestine, “from the river (Jordan) to the sea”; an area that includes what is now Israel, and in the context of the current wishes of Hamas can only mean the total destruction of the State of Israel.
In return the Israeli President has warned Mr Simon Harris that any such unilateral recognition of Palestine, as a State, will totally jeopardise any hope of Hamas releasing the hostages it continues to hold in Gaza, and will no doubt encourage further missile and other attacks on the State of Israel.
History will record the outcome of this interference by the present Irish government.
Ireland can now enable spouses and partners of employment permit holders, already in the State, to work to fill vital gaps in the Irish workforce, such as in healthcare and construction.
The Government will begin to roll out a single permit to both work and live in Ireland, creating a smoother, more efficient system for applicants; thereby increasing Ireland’s attractiveness for the skills and talent the economy needs.
Ireland will work towards opting-in to the EU Single Permit Directive as a key part of the EU Skills and Talent Package, working with EU partners.
The Minister for Justice Mrs Helen McEntee TD and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Mr Peter Burke TD, yesterday (Wednesday May 15th), announced that they have secured Government agreement for a number of key actions to increase the competitiveness of Ireland in attracting the skills and talent the Irish economy requires.
This will enable all eligible spouses and partners of employment permit holders to work, if they are already in the State and are granted permission to live in Ireland with their family member. Implementing a single permit will eventually allow Ireland to opt into the EU’s Single Permit Directive.
Both of these new measures should significantly enhance Ireland’s ability to compete internationally to attract talent, addressing skills shortages in the Irish economy, thus promoting economic growth.
Presently, applicants must apply to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment for a work permit, before then applying to the Department of Justice to obtain a visa. By introducing one single permission/application, Ireland can reduce the cost and complexity for both the employer and applicant, thus ensuring that Ireland can respond more effectively and quickly to meet the skills needs of the economy.
Skills gaps affect all EU Member States, including Ireland. All EU Member States, except Ireland and Denmark, already operate a single permit for employment and residence. Other key partners, such as the UK and the US, also operate single application procedures and single permits. The currently operated process requiring separate applications, creates greater bureaucracy, risking placing Ireland at a competitive disadvantage in attracting skills and talent to the Irish economy.
By opting in to the Single Permit Directive, the Government will remove barriers in attracting key skills into Ireland, in important sectors such as healthcare and construction and reduce the cost and complexity of the current system.
Many spouses are skilled workers who have left significant jobs and employment oppertunities, in order to join their families within the Irish State, and who wish to continue their careers here in Ireland.
Currently, the ability to work without a permit was only provided to spouses and partners of Critical Skills Employment Permit holders. This has now been extended to include General Employment Permit holders and Intra-Corporate Transferee Permit holders who are already in the State and who have been granted permission to live in Ireland with their family member. Current and future permit holders, whose spouses or partners are not in the State, will still need to apply for family reunification after 12 months
This change will, it is hoped, have an immediate positive impact for the economy and for spouses and partners who wish to work in Ireland, assisting them to contribute to the economy through taxation, to further integrate and to provide for their families.
HSE is ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ with plans to repurpose new Nenagh Community Nursing Unit In Co. Tipperary.
Independent Clare TD and candidate for Ireland South in the European Elections, Deputy Mr Michael McNamara.
Deputy Michael McNamara has accused the HSE and the Department of Health of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”, over their plans to outsource the newly built St. Conlon’s Community Nursing Unit in Nenagh as a step-down facility for patients from University Hospital Limerick (UHL).
Speaking following the weekend protest against the proposal, the Independent Clare TD and candidate for Ireland South in the European Elections, has questioned how the original St. Conlon’s facility, which HIQA deemed to be in need of replacement with a modern expanded facility, “is now suddenly deemed fit for purpose”.
Mr McNamara said, “The new Nenagh community nursing unit was built in response to a HIQA report in 2022 suggesting that a replacement facility was required. The 25 residents of St. Conlon’s and their families are now effectively being told that their needs are secondary, while an additional 25 other residents scheduled to move into the new 50-bed unit must now source an alternative care location if this plan proceeds. This is wholly unacceptable, and I fully support the community in objecting to the plan.”
“We cannot continue to rob “Peter to pay Paul” with our health service”, added Deputy McNamara. “This new unit provides badly needed beds that have been campaigned for, over a long number of years. The considerable anger of the people of North Tipperary is justified. Residents and their families, staff and the wider community are rightly concerned that the outsourcing of the facility to a private provider could become a longer-term arrangement, as the new unit gets changed from the purpose for which it was initially planned”.
Deputy McNamara said the repurposing of St. Conlon’s is “another example of the HSE and Health Minister Stephen Donnelly governing by press release and lurching from crisis to crisis due to a lack of forward planning and their failure to adequately tackle overcrowding at UHL”.
“While I welcome the Minister’s recently announced HIQA-led review of the case for a second Emergency Department for the Mid-West Region, it is very clear that the Government is under pressure. If you want to quell disquiet, announcing a review partly sees to that. This review must proceed without delay and its conclusions followed up speedily”. concluded Deputy McNamara.
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