The temporary Stop & Go traffic lights, which were in use on the narrow Mill Road, here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, over the past number of weeks have this afternoon been fully removed.
Same temporary Stop & Go traffic light system was in use while the upgrading of the bridge crossing the River Drish, situated close to Lady’s Well, was being repaired.
Some years ago, a motorised vehicle had careered into the north facing, ancient, stone bridge wall, demolishing same into the river bed. Repairs, sadly, had been undertaken using solid modern cement blocks, causing major offence to Thurles residents.
Now some years later, in 2025, this crude offence has been corrected by Triur Construction Ltd, whose Corporate office is situated at No.13 Society Street, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, (Eircode H53 N9X3).
Full Credit Where Credit Is Correctly Due. True to the Triur Construction company pledge, this specialist Civil Engineering & Building Company has most certainly delivered high quality, in relation to this project, with the attending skilled workforce under the supervision of a Lithuanian led supervisor.
The work was undertaken over the past few weeks, despite the most severe of Thurles weather conditions, with scaffolding having to be erected on the bed of a deep and fast moving, swollen river.
The newly replaced stone work is truly excellent and fully in keeping with the existing original structure.
I understand, the company will return soon again, when the flooded river water begins to subside; to carry out further repairs to the underside of this ancient, yet quaint historic structure.
Weekly Planning Alert from Tipperary County Council.
Application Ref: 2460921. Applicant: Emily Gleeson. Agents: Donal Ryan, No.1 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Development Address: Mill Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Development Description: a new treatment system and percolation area, alterations to existing site access and all associated site works Status: Conditional Application Received: 25/10/2024. Decision Date: 12/02/2025 Further Details:
Just last month, Marmoris Limited, trading as Killough Solar, lodged a planning application with Tipperary Co. Council following the purchase of Killough Castle, Killough, Thurles, Co. Tipperary and its accompanying 527 acres of land of by Mr John Magnier’s Coolmore Stud Farm, last year.
Marmoris in their planning application, are seeking a ten-year planning permission for 745,168 square metres of solar panels in the town lands of Killough, Clohoge and Graigue in Co. Tipperary.
Some 30 submissions have since been lodged with the council, condemning the planning application on the grounds of:-
Scale of the development would result in a major visual intrusion.
Present road infrastructure totally unsuitable.
Loss of value to existing homes.
Proposed development could potentially prevent others from getting planning permission for future domestic dwellings.
Golden Vale area traditionally used for food output and brownfield sites with good roads and waste infrastructures should be considered as an alternative.
The planning consultants for the scheme, Fehily Timoney, confirm that the project is led by Coolmore Stud and is designed to complement Coolmore’s environmental and sustainability initiatives, while benefiting the local community and contributing to Ireland’s renewable energy targets.
Locals are asking questions as to why was this recently purchased Killough Castle farm selected over and above the other almost 11,000 acres of land in the ownership of Coolmore Stud?
The Killough solar farm set 6.5km south of Thurles would according to the planning application, create 80 to 100 jobs, during its anticipated 18-month construction period.
A decision is expected on this planning application by the end of this month.
Meanwhile, as we reported on January 30th, 2025, Major opposition, grave concerns and extreme anger has irrupted, due to a planning application for a wind-farm & battery farm on the northern outskirts of Thurles town, in the townlands of Brittas, Rossestown, Ballygammane and Clobanna. The planning application seeks permission for 10 to 12X 185m(1542ft) high turbines, together with an accompanying battery farm, latter to store generated electricity, same to be occasioned by this proposed project. View Here.
Weekly Planning Alerts and Updates from Tipperary County Council.
Application Ref: 2560079 Applicant: Ms Paula Barry Development Address: 18 Sarsfield Street , Thurles , Co. Tipperary Development Description:a) a proposed new extension to the existing dwelling; b) associated alterations to existing dwelling to accommodate proposed new extension & internal layout; c) alterations to the existing detached shed structure; d) all associated site works. Status: N/A Application Received: 07/02/2025 Decision Date: N/A Further Details:
Application Ref: 2461054 Applicant: Ms Marie O’Kelly Development Address: No. 10 Ikerrin Court , Thurles , Co. Tipperary Development Description: an extension to the side of dwelling with minor elevation changes to the existing dwelling with all associated siteworks Status: Conditional Application Received: 07/12/2024 Decision Date: 06/02/2025 Further Details:
Application Ref: 2461043 Applicant: Thurles Sarsfields GAA Club Development Address: Toor, Nenagh Road , Thurles Development Description: the change of design of dressing room building from that previously granted under planning permission number 22/197, and all associated site works and services Status: Conditional Application Received: 05/12/2024 Decision Date: 05/02/2025 Further Details:
Application Ref: 2461016 Applicant: Mr Jack Moore Development Address: 5 Bohernanave , Thurles , Co. Tipperary Development Description: renovations and an extension to the rear of house with all associated site works Status: Conditional Application Received: 28/11/2024 Decision Date: 28/01/2025 Further Details:
At first, we thought it was caused by storm Éowyn, but then we heard that it was possible that proposed notion(or was it motion, whatever), put forward last December, by Fine Gael Tipperary Cllr. Ms Peggy Ryan; latter seeking more short term parking in the centre of Thurles, that had suddenly materialised. But not so, on making enquiries, (facts not yet fully confirmed) it appears that one of the many heavy goods vehicles, laden with some 3500 kg (3.5 Metric tons) of produce; all of which are forced to pass daily through Liberty Square town centre, simply ran out of narrow road, while attempting to progress unto Slievenanon Road.
Railings removed for the second time, on entering Slievenamon Road from Liberty Square. Picture: G. Willoughby.
Thankfully, no Latte Coffee drinking pedestrians, normally seated in this general area, were killed or injured and the rate-paying businesses will happily have no problem in paying for the damaged railings. Engineers who came up with the farcical and ill-conceived planning of this area will not be found financially liable. Sadly however our one remaining local Thurles TD (we learned today) will no longer have speaking rights in Dáil Éireann, to ask for an update on funding for the 50 year old awaited ‘Ring Road’, latter the answer to this ongoing demolition problem.
Railings removed last August for the 4th time and not yet repaired. Picture: G. Willoughby.
However, look on the bright side; one additional benefit has come out of this latest piece of demolition work. Both sides of this junction, entering and exiting unto Liberty Square, are now almost a perfect match, thus greatly enhancing the Thurles town centre.
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