
One Valuable Vintage Picture Postcard Of Thurles.

Perhaps one of the most valuable vintage picture postcards of Thurles, Co. Tipperary, currently owned or sought by collectors, is the picture featured here below. Same is usually entitled/labelled “Ursuline Convent, Castle and Cathedral Thurles, Tipperary, Ireland”.

So why is this vintage postcard so highly prized by collectors, I hear you ask? Take a look at it again, and see if you can guess.

Yes, in reality this image of course does not actually exist. See existing picture hereunder, taken just yesterday 19th August, 2020.

Picture courtesy G. Willoughby

This monochrome vintage picture postcard, photographed around possibly the beginning of the 20th century is indeed a photomontage made up of a series of 2 or perhaps 3 photographs, unless of course our wonderful picturesque Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary building, is slowly slipping eastward, sitting as it does on the edge of the townsland known as “Monacocka”, [Irish – ‘The Shitty Bog’.]

The pictures are indeed the work of a skilled photographer and with the dexterity of an even more experienced photographic printer, sometime later.

From close examination the picture is probably made up of 3 pictures using 3 separate negative of; (1) The River Bed, (2) The Castle, and (3) The Ursuline Convent and Thurles Cathedral, latter one of the few now remaining tourist attractions in Thurles town.

Assuming that the image was printed at the beginning of the 20th century, the printer would have exposed in full, each of the images first, before cutting out masks to cover off and montage each separate image into just one picture.
In the days before the computer editing programme ‘Adobe Photoshop’, same would not have been an easy task to undertake, as each of the 3 images montaged together, would have required different exposure times and precise masking.

Gelatin-coated silver bromide printing paper was coming on stream from 1886, therefore it is most likely that one of the modern upright type photo enlargers, which came into production around 1921, (before ceasing in 2005), was used.

Whatever the time and date of the photographs manufacture, the Cathedral of the Assumption clock informs us that the photographs were taken close to 3:00pm in the afternoon.

Associated Historic Nonsence
The finished historic picture which shows buildings stretched / existing between the 15th century castle and the river however, does make a total nonsense of the claim that “Chieftains would drop fishing lines into the river Suir below. Whoever caught the biggest fish would lay claim to the favourite Wench of the castle.”

This nonsense information exists, suggested to visitors, on a misleading stone plaque erected in 2002, attached to the castle wall. The plaque is long regarded as being totally disrespectful of women, suggesting that rape and / or indeed prostitution was accepted as the ‘order of the day’, during the 15th, 16th and 17th century, or even that women were present in the castle building, itself designed to collect tolls and if necessary defend the river crossing against attack.

This plaque should now be removed, while Liberty Square is being upgraded. Other information on this plaque is also totally misleading to the very few tourists left grinning, that actually do find their way into the Premier County and into Thurles.

Thurles Hospital Of The Assumption Graveyard Remembered 2010

May I first ask our readers to again refresh your memory in relation to the case of Mary Ellen Morris, Thurles, Co. Tipperary; the story of which can be located HERE.

Back in June 8th 2020 last, we asked if any of our readers could shed further light on those named in that story or indeed were any of you in anyway possibly related to either of these families named?

We still would love to hear from you, as indeed would family relatives living currently today, and who are actively tracing their Irish roots.

Back 10 years ago, in early September, the somewhat forgotten burial ground, which can be found to the rear of the Community Hospital of the Assumption, (once the Thurles Workhouse); had sad memories rekindled with the erection of a memorial headstone placed in this cemetery.

I recently unearthed my photographs of that same event, having been contacted by Morris family relatives, which I have now refreshed as a slide show to possibly aid further recollection. Alas, some of the congregation which can be seen back then have since passed on, but thankfully many others are still with us.

This monument was kindly erected by the local Sisters of Mercy Order of Nuns at a special Mass and blessing ten years ago in September 2010.

Sr. Mary Barry back then stated: “On behalf of the Sisters of Mercy, and the Staff of the Community Hospital of the Assumption, I extend a warm welcome to you all. Today, as we gather in the graveyard, we remember and pray for all those who are laid to rest here, down through the years. We trust that this headstone will now become a focal point where we can visit, pray and remember.”

The original old Thurles Union Workhouse, which many Thurles residents will well remember, had been originally built in 1840 under plans designed by British Architect, George Wilkinson. The building, designed to accommodate 700 paupers, like all such workhouses then erected, had the appearance of being a grim institution, with conditions inside and out, designed to discourage all but the destitute from attempting to seek refuge within. Nevertheless, it did made some contribution down through the years, especially to the saving of lives from starvation during that period of Irish history known as the Great Famine years, (1845-1849).

Over 15,000 persons were assisted with Indian meal (Ground Maize) in just one week, in 1848 and as many as 3,732 were housed here and in other associated rented buildings in the area back in 1850.

To give us some understanding as to the hardship then being experienced, we must look at primary sources still available. In the minutes of the Thurles and Rahealty Famine Food Committee book, 1846-1847; we can read a report dated 11th February 1847, sent to the British Association for the Relief of Extreme Distress in Ireland and Scotland, shown here as follows:

“Of the population of the united parishes of Thurles and Rahealty 8,000 are on the relief list. The majority obtain very inadequate relief by employment on Public Works. There are about 300 destitute families having no person to work, to whom gratuitous relief must be given; there are other families varying from 10 to 12 having only one member able to work, whose wages 10 pence a day, would not be adequate to the support of two persons at the present famine prices of food. The poor house (Hospital of The Assumption) built to accommodate 700 has now stowed within 940 and there cannot be any more admissions and groups, who cannot be admitted, are to be seen shivering in the cold and wet, anxiously expecting the fragments of cold stirabout, that remains after the inmate pauper meal. We have lived to see the poor sitting at the pauper’s gate, among the crumbs that fall from the paupers table. We have not had any deaths from actual starvation but numerous deaths have occurred from severe and long continual privation. The weekly average of deaths has increased fivefold.”

It was not until November 5th 1877, however, that four nuns from the Sisters of Mercy, set out from Doon, Co Limerick for Thurles town Co. Tipperary, to begin what was to become a long and beneficial association with this once workhouse. They came not to take charge, but to work under the Master and Matron of the Workhouse, Mr and Mrs Pat Russell until 1922, when the Order’s Sister Ita became the first nun to be appointed Matron. These newly arrived Doon Nuns were soon to raise hygiene standards by cleanliness through the scrubbing of floors etc. and bringing about other major change for good through leadership by example and through their rolls as both workers and carers.

Under the management of Sister Ita, the name of the workhouse was changed to “The County Home” and came under the jurisdiction of Tipperary Co. Council. In 1954 the name was again changed, this time to the ‘Hospital of the Assumption‘. Flower beds were introduced to enhance its still grim, grey looking facade, by Sister Baptist and her ‘men’, as she referred to them, latter her resident patients. Occupational Therapy for patients was also undertaken by Sister Bonaventure.

In 1960 the Health board under Mr P.J. Flynn, took on the responsible for the removal of the very high walls, which were in being, simply to keep inmates within the grounds. These were then replaced with railings possibly showing the true building facade to many outsiders for the first time.

Mr Larry Moloney Clerical officer, latter who died in 1970, was remembered at this event, 10 years ago, as being of tremendous help to the Mercy order. Mrs Betty Moore would be the first secular matron to be later appointed.

In February 2006 the old hospital building was replaced with the new present state of the art Community Hospital, which contains accommodation space for up to 72 patient beds.

The celebration Mass for the memorial ceremony 10 years ago was conducted by celebrant Rev. Fr. Jimmy Donnelly, ably assisted by Rev. Fr. Gerard Hennessey, then both in charge of Bohernanave Parish Church.

Music and song for the event was originally supplied by the wonderful Thurles Tenor, Mr Michael Molumby; Mrs Antonette Ruth; with the magical fingers of Mrs Mary Rose McNally on keyboard and violin.
Alas, no sound recording was taken on that day. However, thanks to the courtesy and generosity of The Cullinane Gospel Band, (Telephone 087 6729242), we have been permitted to use sound from a recent charity CD produced by them.

‘Little Egret’ Visits Thurles Town Centre, Co. Tipperary

This, still considered rare, ‘Little Egret’ flew into Thurles Town centre at dusk yesterday evening, no doubt to “take the waters”, as so often advised in simpler, ancient times. Its intention, no doubt, was to embark on a physical healing, cleansing and rejuvenation venture. God help us, having viewed the River Suir area, it did not stay for very long.

An exotic cousin of the native Grey Heron, Little Egrats are to be found mostly on the Mediterranean and along the coasts of north Africa. I had spotted its nervous presence amongst us, just two years ago, living in more solitary confinement, residing in the Drish River area, east of the town, but this evening it decided to head for those dizzy bright lights of Barry’s Bridge, in our town’s centre.

A ‘Little Egret’ visits River Suir in Thurles town centre.
Pictures: G. Willoughby

Nevertheless, this white, little aquatic Heron-like stranger, with the yellow feet, slender black beak, blue-grey lores, (the lore is the region between the eye and bill on the side of a bird’s head) and streaming plumes, began to visit Ireland for the first time only half a century ago. Back in the 1970’s the species began coming in small numbers and later began staying for long periods.

As courtship approaches, the adults of both sexes grow two slender plumes (nape-feathers) from the nape area of their neck, and more from their throat. They build twiggy nests of sticks, often alongside those of the Irish Grey Herons, before laying and hatching families of between 3 to 5, incubated by both parents.

These streaming head plumes are not simply for physical attraction, but appear to also get used where hostile social display is required. When excited; Little Egrets get noisy, making gulping sounds especially when defending a favourite feeding site, where little fish, crustaceans, molluscs, insects, worms and frogs are plentiful.

Once scarce in the Irish midlands, the Little Egret was considered rare in Ireland, until it was first discovered breeding here around 1997. The species has since expanded its territory to many coastal counties, and has become more visible at a number of wet inland sites, including in Co. Tipperary.

Thurles Can Travel Back In Time Assisted By Dú

Visit Thurles and Tipperary from the 1930’s onwards & enjoy Photographs and Folklore.

Dú is a project that aims to digitise the National Folklore Collection of Ireland.

The overall project consists of three main sections:
(A). The Schools’ Collection (Visit HERE).
(B). The Photographic Collection (Visit HERE).
(C). The Main Manuscript Collection (Visit HERE).

The Schools’ Collection includes approximately 740,000 pages of folklore compiled by pupils from 5,000 primary schools, between 1937 and 1939. Folklore compiled by Tipperary pupils can be viewed HERE.

You can even access records of folklore from pupils who attended local Thurles schools, including the Thurles CBS, (Visit HERE) and Thurles Presentation Convent, (Visit HERE).

The Photographic Collection comprises 80,000 photographs, all mostly taken between 1935 and 1970.

The main Manuscript Collection provides access to records of Ireland’s oral tradition and material culture, the majority of which was collected from 1935 onwards.

Not all of the precious manuscripts held in this great collection have been transcribed, but Dú are inviting users of the site to transcribe, on a voluntary basis, stories that were collected as part of the Schools’ Collection. If you would like to volunteer then please visit HERE.

Rainy Nights In Thurles

Rainy Nights

Poem by Irene Thompson

I like the town on rainy nights
When everything is wet.
When all the town has magic lights
And streets of shining jet.

When all the rain about the town
Is like a looking-glass,
And all the lights are upside down
Below me as I pass.

In all the pools are velvet skies,
And down the dazzling street,
A fairy city gleams and lies
In beauty at my feet.