
Irish Parliament’s 18 Space Bicycle Shed Cost Over €335,000.

Politics: From the words Poli (Meaning ‘Many’) and Tics (Meaning ‘Blood Sucking Parasites’).

The Thurles Roofless Bicycle Shed.

A newly erected bicycle shed to house eighteen bikes at Leinster House, latter the seat of the Oireachtas, the parliament of Ireland has cost more than €335,000.
The above expenditure could have purchased a 4 bed, 3 bath, 138 m² detached house, or 3 semi-detached council houses each with 3 Bedrooms, and 1 Bath, here in urban Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Initially hailed by Transport Minister Mr Eamon Ryan TD, as an excellent example of public sector climate action, this shelter, required archaeological advice, to make sure it fitted into the parliamentary complex, at a cost to the taxpayer of €2,952.

We are advised that over 600 civil service staff support the functioning of the Oireachtas in Leinster House. Add this number to the 160 TDs attending for 3 days each working week, [Note: 124 men and 36 women (latter only 22.5%)]; one hopes that this “18 Space Bicycle Shed” can be easily expanded.

Then again many may be working from home or using “The Dart” (“The Dort”, for the benefit of those commuting from Sandymount and Foxrock)“, or (God forbid) these rainy days, using other public transport.
One thing we do know, the vast majority of these 760 workers and their bosses are not arriving on bicycles, but then again we never get to see what is parked around the back of that formidable structure and are the great unwashed permitted to mix with nobility?

We further learn, courtesy of the Office of Public Works, that a high-quality structure was needed because of the building’s sensitive location.

Note: Off the record, and keep tight lipped on this, Thurles does not have even one Bus Shelter, and when Tipperary Co. Council learn of the above costs of an 18 Space Bicycle Shed, local commuters had better continue to carry their parasols and hope for non-windy conditions.

According to numerous press outlets, other breakdown costs; provided by the Office of Public Works, shows that €322,282 was spent on the main construction and finished installation; while €10,816 was paid for quantity surveying services and contract administration services.

However, asked for a copy of the business case for this project, the OPW confirmed that none had been required.
On a more positive note: unlike roofless Thurles Bicycle stalls on Liberty Square, Thurles, shown above, at least the 18 cyclists in Leinster House won’t have to ride home on wet saddles or come out to find someone has reversed into their “High Nelly” .

Looks like Tipperary Co. Council are not the only wasters of taxpayer funding.

River Suir Thurles In Unacceptable State – Continued.

The video which demonstrated the deplorable and completely unacceptable state of the first 50 metres of the river Suir south of Barry’s Bridge, in the very centre of our declining town of Thurles, was further supported by comments on social media. All comments indicated the disappointment felt by residents with regards to council officials and elected councillors and the degrading of Thurles.
Ms Sharon Scully (Thurles District Administrator) was, (as is usual with Thurles.Info), made aware of our dissatisfaction.

We will of course be forwarding an email to Ms Scully again later tonight, seeking further assistance with regards to the next 100 metres of this town’s valued river Suir.

Pic (1) Despite two days with no rain, evidence of ground water continuously flowing from under the Leisure Centre. Note the plastic papers ready to exit, come the next downpour to push open the heavy drain lid.
Pic (2, 3, 4) Supermarket Trolley’s which have remained in the River Suir for months.

What we would like is that Ms Scully would contact three of the local Supermarkets, latter backing unto the river Suir, asking that they remove their shopping trolleys from the water.

I know that Ms Scully will be anxious to observe this area herself, (after all seeing is believing), and so there are two other issues she might help us with, which are as follows:-

(1). Take a walk on now retired Mr S. Hanifin’s tarmac path from the ‘Swinging Gates’, on Emmet Street and examine the crater close to the now deceased Chestnut tree stump, same waiting for some pedestrian to fall into. (Yet another day out in Dirty Dublin, emerging for Tipperary Co. Council to visit the High Court, may still await.)

Pic (left) Giant crater on riverside walk near Emmet Street ‘Swinging Gates’.
Pic (right) – Some unknown liquid flowing into the river Suir from behind the future useless and yet unfunded ‘Thurles Inner Relief Road’

(2). What is flowing into the river Suir from a drain at the area where the inner relief road will be built. (Look, it’s possible that it was someone just brushing their teeth). Sure you know the area that I am talking about, didn’t TD Mr Jackie Cahill get the money from government to buy and update this area way back in 2021, or was he joking. [See video HERE quickly, before someone teaches him how to remove it.]

Work To Re-design Thurles Now Moves To Robert Emmet Street.

Thurles.Info’s ‘Eye in the Sky’, swooped down to take a closer look this morning at the most recent re-designing of streets in Thurles.
Robert Emmet Street (often spelt ‘Emmettsituated immediately to the rear of Tesco) has been the scene of the latest attempts by a motorised vehicle to change the Thurles landscape.

Badly damaged ‘Watery Mall’ Famine Wall.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

This time the object of someone’s attention was the Great Famine 1847 stone river wall. This wall in recent years; during the Spring and Summer seasons, has successfully hidden the noxious weeds, the dumped plastic wrappers, the tin cans and the glass and plastic bottles.

Biodiversity sign hidden by supposedly biodiversity during the ‘No Mow May Ever’ season.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

I hasten to mention that this same wall has also hidden the inability of town officials to undertake the cutting of the grass and noxious weeds, which in turn grants cover to water rats, allowing them to frolic freely of an evening; and all in the name of biodiversity which of course includes every bacterium that makes up our natural world.

Does Thurles still needs a Ring Road before 2040 I ask?

A Double-Intendre.

A double entendre is a figure of speech that is open to two interpretations; a way of wording a double meaning; one of which is obvious and the other which conveys a message that could be regarded as socially unacceptable or indeed, to some people, as being offensive, were it to be stated directly.

The late great British actor and comedian Kenneth Williams (1926-1988) must surely have been the best exponent of this art, through his many radio broadcasts (Round the Horne), and films (the “Carry On” series), which still today give us all much laughter.

The Ballad of the Woggler’s Moulie.

Vocals: British actor and comedian the late Kenneth Williams (1926-1988)

The Ballad of the Woggler’s Moulie.

Joe he was a young cordwangler,
Monging greebles he did go,
And he loved a bogler’s daughter,
By the name of Chiswick Flo.
Vain she was and like a grusset,
Though her ganderparts were fine,
But she sneered at his cordwangle,
As it hung upon the line.

So he stole a woggler’s moulie,
For to make a wedding ring,
But the Bow Street Runners caught him,
And the Judge said you will swing.
Oh they hung him by the postern,
Nailed his moulie to the fence,
For to warn all young cordwanglers,
That it was a grave offence.

There’s a moral to this story,
Though your cordwangle be poor,
Keep your hands off others moulies,
For it is against the law.


She’s Bitchin Again.

She’s Bitchin Again.

Lyrics and Vocals: American stand-up comedian, actor, country music artist and songwriter, Rodney Carrington.

She’s Bitchin Again.


There she goes, bitching again,
Saying things she’s heard from all her friends,
And it don’t matter what I do or where the hell I’ve been.
There she goes, bitching again.

I could make a million dollars, I could put it in her purse,
Buy her a big ol’ mansion and things would just get worse.
I could lasso her the moon and throw it in with all her stuff,
And she’d want to know where Neptune was,
Cause the moon ain’t good enough.

[Repeat Chorus]

I could’ve painted the Sistine Chapel.
I could’ve won a nobel prize.
Built the Great Wall there in China,
And that’d be nothing in her eyes.
I could’ve wrote the whole dang Bible and read it to her twice,
And she’d want to know why the yard, ain’t mowed,
And the fridge don’t make no ice.

There she goes and she’s bitching again,
Saying things she’s heard from all her friends,
And it don’t matter what I do or where the hell I’ve been.
Oh, here she comes and there she goes, bitching again.
And she’s bitching again.