Artmaterials.ie are inviting everyone aged from 5 to 105 to get creative and enter their art competition. Entrants will to be in with a chance to win some great prizes including art supplies, Ríocht hand-made boxes and William Mitchell Joseph Gillot Rolinx calligraphy drawing pens.
Artmaterials.ie are among Ireland’s leading online art materials supply shops. Simply by entering, you receive a promo code entitling you to 20% off an art supplies order. In addition, for every entry they receive, they will donate €1 to their charity partners The Jack and Jill Foundation and Alone.
Entries must reflect the theme ‘Freedom in a Time of Constraint’ and will be accepted from amateur artists as well as those established in the art world.
Entrants can use any media they wish and entries can be submitted by individuals and teams. Entries must be submitted by midnight of June 9th 2020 via the entry form available HERE. Winners will be announced on June 30th.
For more information view the rules for entry which are available HERE.
“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” – Albert Einstein
Have you ever wished to tune into every radio station from around the world?
Well you can with Radio Garden; allowing you to choose your favourite music being played in real time on the numerous radio stations worldwide, while you continue to either listen and/or use your PC or Laptop.
To tune in, simply visit HERE then highlight; drag and drop the link shown (i.e. http://radio.garden/listen/tipp-fm/34UE11wI ) into your Bookmarks, thus granting immediate and quick access, whenever you go online in the future.
On this Radio Garden world map, then simply click on any of the bright green lights indicated; each identifying one of a myriad of Radio Stations located right around our planet, from our own Radio TippFm here in Co. Tipperary, Ireland to Radio Garden Kiev (or Kyiv) in north-central Ukraine, Russia.
If you haven’t already got an Amazon account, it’s worth signing up for one now.
“Why?” I hear you say.
Amazon are giving away hundreds of free books on their Amazon Kindle service. You don’t need a Kindle to access Kindle books. Through the Kindle ‘Cloud Reader’ you can read Kindle books on your PC and laptop. The Kindle Application for iOS and Android also allows you to read Kindle books on your phone or tablet.
For very young readers you can download the hugely popular ‘Biff, Chop & Kipper’ books. For your primary and secondary pupils studying at home, there are plenty of subject specific revision guides (maths, chemistry, biology) as well as free access to the ‘Practise and Learn”: Maths’ series.
Why not take the time to read some of the classics? Download ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson; ‘Moby Dick’ by Herman Melville or ‘The Wind in the Willows’ by Kenneth Grahame.
If the classics aren’t to your taste, there are many more contemporary titles to choose from including ‘The Victory Garden’ by Rhys Bowen and ‘Only Time will Tell’ by Jeffrey Archer.
Why not take up a new hobby through browsing magazines (which are free for a limited time) like ‘Amateur Gardening UK’, ‘The Guitarist’ or ‘Digital Photographer’. You can even access popular magazine titles such as ‘Chat’, ‘Real People’ and ‘Woman’s Own’.
Stay At Home – Stay Safe
A mandatory government decision for Irish people to remain at home for a two-week period, until Easter Sunday April 12th, apart from named exceptions, is now currently in effect across our Republic.
The list of retail outlets which are deemed essential to remain open under the new Covid-19 restrictions are listed hereunder.
These include Food & Beverage stores, Newsagents, premises selling Household Products, Pharmacies, Medical Supply outlets, Fuel Stations, Animal Feed outlets, Pet Stores, Laundries, Banks, Credit Unions, Post Offices, Safety Supply stores and Off-licences; all of the latter now deemed essential.
Opticians, Motor Repair and Bicycle Repair outlets will no longer be able to open their doors and will instead only be permitted to offer an emergency call-out or delivery service; while Electrical, Hardware, Farm equipment, Agricultural supplies, and Gardening outlets, are to have their opening times restricted to call-out or delivery only.
All above named essential retailers remaining open from today, must ensure organised adequate distancing between customers and staff, while ‘queue control’ must be fully implemented.
All private and public gatherings are now banned, however, people can leave their homes for brief physical exercise, but can only travel within 2km (1.24 miles) from their home.
With school closures extended until April 19th, keeping your kids learning and entertained at home is part of everyone’s new reality. Here are another five great websites that offer free access to pupils and parents and are highly recommended by educators.
(1) www.Storylineonline.net – Suitable for all ages.
The above site is the SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website. Simply log-on to storylineonline’s website, YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/StorylineOnline) or download their app to enable your child to listen to their favourite actors read aloud some of the world’s best picture books. There’s even an activity guide linked to each book, so plenty of follow up ideas too.
(2) https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ – Suitable for Junior Infants to 2nd Class.
For younger children, ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ is another award winning website that supports children’s literacy learning and phonics. Their website is free to use and for a limited time their app (which usually costs €5.49) is available for free.
(3) www.readtheory.org – Suitable from 2nd class – Secondary.
It’s hard to believe that this website is free to join, but it is and has almost 14 million users worldwide. This site enables your child to improve their comprehension by reading passages online and answering a series of multiple choice questions. When your child first joins, they do a quick pre-test in order to identify reading ability before assigning reading passages suited to your child’s reading stage.
(4) www.khanacademy.org – Suitable for all ages.
Khanacademy offers free access to lessons and courses primarily in mathematics and science. Pupils can work at their own pace and personalise their learning journey. A great substitute for an actual maths teacher.
(5) Fundamental Movement Skills – Suitable for all ages.
Fundamental movement skills are the skills which support children’s co-ordination and movement. If children are experienced with these fundamental movement skills, they can play any number of sports with greater confidence. The fundamental movement skills include walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, dodging, side stepping, landing, balancing, catching, throwing, and striking.
Now more than ever it is important to balance screen time with exercise, so why not enable your child to strengthen their fundamental movement skills by concentrating on a different one each day.
Do visit https://www.scoilnet.ie/pdst/physlit/videos/ for videos and guidance based on the Irish curriculum’s programme; ‘Move Well, Move Often’.
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