It was with the deepest regret that we learned of the death, yesterday, Friday 30th April 2021, of Mr John Sheehan, Elm Park, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary and formerly from Mullinahone, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Mr Sheehan passed away peacefully while in the care of staff at South Tipperary General Hospital, Clonmel, following a short illness.
His passing is most deeply regretted by his loving wife Rena, son Jonathan, beloved daughter Noelette and partner Conor, grandchildren Madeline and April, sister Kay, brothers Rickie, Christy, Frankie, Malachy, Pat and Martin, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews nieces, extended relatives, neighbours and friends.
Requiescat in Pace.
Funeral Arrangements.
The funeral cortège, bearing the earthly remains of Mr Sheehan, will be received into the Church of St. Oliver Plunkett & Irish Martyrs, St. Oliver’s Square, Elm Park,Clonmel, on Monday morning, May 3rd, to repose for Requiem Mass at 11:30am, attended by family members and close friends only.
For the many persons who would have liked to have attended the funeral service for Mr Sheehan, but are unable to do so due to current coronavirus pandemic restrictions; same can be viewed online HERE.
[NB: Due to National Public Health Guidelines, regarding C-19 virus restrictions; those attending (limited to 25 family members), will continue to observe strict adherence to social distancing and face covering.]
The extended Sheehan family wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time and have made arrangements for those wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
It is with the deepest regret that we learned of the death, today Thursday 29th April 2021, of Mr Tom Sheedy, Turtulla, Thurles, Co. Tipperary and formerly from Cullohill, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.
Predeceased by his wife Kathleen, Mr Sheedy passed away suddenly, while in the care of staff at South Tipperary General Hospital, Clonmel.
His passing is most deeply regretted by his son John, daughters Catherine, Marita and Majella, cherished grandchildren Christopher, Nichola, Jessica and Rachel, great-grandchildren Samuel and Orlagh, sons-in-law Valentine, Pat and Brendan, daughter-in-law Helen, brothers Tim and Michael, sisters Sr. Mary, Noreen and Rita, sisters-in-law Tess, Margaret and Mary (Egan), brothers-in-law Jim Dunne and Johnny Egan, nephews, nieces, extended relatives, neighbours and many friends.
Requiescat in Pace.
Funeral Arrangements.
In line with government/HSE guidelines and to ensure the safety of all Tom’s family and friends, a private funeral will take place. His family request that, over the coming days, everyone who knew Tom would take some time to light a candle or say a prayer in his memory.
Tom’s funeral cortége will leave his residence on Sunday 2nd May at 10:15am, to be received into the Cathedral of the Assumption, Cathedral Street, Thurles at 10:30am, to repose for Requiem Mass at 11:00am. Interment will take place immediately afterwards in St Patrick’s cemetery, Moyne Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
For the many persons who would have liked to have attended the funeral service for Mr Sheedy, but are unable to do so due to current coronavirus pandemic restrictions; same can be viewed online HERE.
[NB: Due to National Public Health Guidelines, regarding C-19 virus restrictions; those attending (limited to 25 family members), will continue to observe strict adherence to social distancing and face covering.]
The extended Sheedy family wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time and have made arrangements for those wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.
Note Please: House Private .
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
It was with the deepest regret that we learned of the death, yesterday Monday 26th April 2021, of Ms Bridget (Bibi) Hayes, Ballinastick, Glengoole, Ballingarry (South Riding), Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Ms Hayes passed away unexpectedly, while at her place of residence in Ballinastick.
Predeceased by her parents Johnny and Hannah Hayes; her passing is most deeply regretted by her loving partner Pat, sisters Margaret, Ann and Catherine, niece Ashling, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended relatives, neighbours and a large circle of friends.
Requiescat in Pace.
Funeral Arrangements.
The earthly remains of Ms Hayes will repose at her residence in Ballinastick (E41 F658) on Wednesday evening next April 28th, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, with removal on Thursday morning to the Church of St. Patrick and St. Oliver, Glengoole, Thurles to further repose for Requiem Mass at 11:30am. Interment will follow immediately afterwards in the adjoining graveyard.
[NB: Due to National Public Health Guidelines, regarding C-19 virus restrictions; those attending (limited to 25 family members), will continue to observe strict adherence to social distancing and face covering.]
The extended Hayes family wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time and have made arrangements for those wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.
In ár gcroíthe go deo.
The Department of Health this evening has confirmed that there has been 1 further death caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 4,873.
There have been 429 new additional virus cases reported here within the Irish Republic. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception, at 246,633.
Of the cases confirmed today, 78% were under the age of 45 years.
There have been zero Covid-related deaths reported in Northern Ireland, however 73 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 24 hours.
There have been 5,725 virus cases confirmed here in Co. Tipperary, since the pandemic began, same figure relevant up to and including April 23rd, 2021.
There are 174 people with Covid-19 remaining in hospital today, and of that number, 45 are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.
Some 966,611 first doses of Covid-19 vaccines have now been administered here in Ireland up to April 21st, with 393,310 persons having received their second dose. Some 165,000 Covid-19 vaccines due from AstraZeneca, which had been delayed, are now expected to arrive next week, with the head of the task force responsible for distributing vaccines, declaring that next week will be the biggest yet.
The total worldwide number of virus cases identified up to 5:00pm this evening, now stands at almost 145.77 million confirmed, with global deaths at almost 3.09 million.
Please Do Continue To Behave Responsibly.
As part of our series of recent articles in honour of World Earth Day, here are five docuseries and documentaries that highlight the breathtaking beauty of our planet, as well as the many challenges it continues to face.
David Attenborough: “A Life on Our Planet” (2020, Rated PG, Stream on Netflix). In this Netflix original film, the legendary broadcaster David Attenborough considers what our planet has lost and outlines his vision of what the future may hold for our precious earth. A must see for fans of Sir Attenborough’s work.
Our Planet (2019, Rated U, Stream on Netflix).
From the great David Attenborough again, comes the incredible docuseries Our Planet. Across eight episodes, viewers are transported to diverse habitats around the world to explore nature’s beauty and the impact of climate change.
Seaspiracy (2021, Rated 15, Stream on Netflix). Currently ranked in Netflix’s top ten watched features in Ireland, this documentary has shocked and captivated audiences. In it, filmmaker, Ali Tabrizi, examines the damage humans are doing to the earth’s oceans. Although some of Mr Tabrizi’s claims have been disputed (click HERE), there is no doubt that without action our oceans and waterways face irreversible destruction.
Secrets of the Whales (2021, Rated 9+, Stream on Disney+). Released to coincide with World Earth Day 2021, Secrets of the Whales, from National Geographic, explores the habits and habitats of these majestic mammals. Narrated by the acclaimed actress Sigourney Weaver, this docuseries examines the lives of orcas, humpback whales, beluga whales and the giant sperm whale.
Earth Moods (2021, Rated 0+, Stream on Disney+). Of all the docuseries on our list, this is the most novel in terms of goal and scope. Earth Moods from National Geographic transports viewers across deserts, tropics and frozen landscapes without note or narration. The aim of this series is to enable viewers to simply sit back, watch and relax as they take in the high definition soothing photography of epic landscapes from around the world.
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