
Save €700 This Summer

Stretch out and save €700 this summer, says EPA.

  • The average Irish family will save €700 per year by taking simple steps to reduce their food waste.
  • Vegetables, fruit and salad are the foods that are thrown out most often in the home.
  • Ireland has committed to halving food waste by 2030.
  • Scientists estimate that food waste produces up to 10 per cent of all global carbon emissions.

Top Tips Include:

  • Store potatoes in a dry, dark place;
  • Keep tomatoes in the open air;
  • Store carrots loose in the bottom drawer of the fridge;
  • Keep strawberries in the fridge with their green tops on.

As the country prepares for an outdoor summer of picnics and barbeques, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a new campaign to encourage people to reduce their food waste, highlighting simple food storage steps to make their fresh food last longer. The EPA’s website has some great resources to support their ‘Stretch Out and Save‘ campaign and highlights the variety of ways in which different foods should be stored.

Findings from a 2020 EPA survey on food waste attitudes showed that around 40% of Irish people say they waste a lot of fruit and vegetables, and would like to make their fresh food last longer. Fresh fruit, vegetables and salads are Irish summer favourites – but also are the foods we waste the most.

Properly storing fresh fruit and vegetables can help both the environment and your budget, according to Mary Frances Rochford, [EPA Programme Manager]:
“We are calling on everyone to support and share our Stretch Out and Save campaign on social media, and take a simple action to stop food waste. Irish households produce over 250,000 tonnes of food waste per year, at a cost of €700 per household. In addition, wasted food is a significant contributor to climate change – responsible for 8% to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cutting food waste reduces greenhouse gas emissions and also provides real savings to householders.”

The EPA’s Stop Food Waste top tips to stretch out and save your food this summer include:

  • Strawberries: Don’t put yourself in a jam; keep the strawberries in the fridge with the green tops intact.
    Washing strawberries in a mixture of water and vinegar (8 cups of water and 1 cup of white vinegar) will also keep them fresh by killing any spores on the fruit.
  • Tomatoes: Don’t see red when your tomatoes start to have mould spots; Store tomatoes in the open air to keep flavour and texture for longer.
    Did you know? Tomatoes are actually a fruit not a vegetable.
  • Potatoes An app-peeling staple in so many households, some people make the mistake of leaving the bag of potatoes out in the light. In fact, potatoes last longer when stored in a cool, dark and dry place.
    But don’t store them next to onions; the excess moisture in onions can result in potatoes sprouting faster.
  • Carrots: Keep carrots loose in the bottom drawer of the fridge to keep crisp. The most famous vegetable for improving your vision, ensure that you can see the carrots by removing them from plastic packaging. This avoids the ‘sweating’ that leads to mould formation.
    If your carrots come with the leaves intact, cut these off before storing. The leaves draw moisture out of the roots causing your carrots to become bendy much faster.

Environmental scientist with the EPA, Ms Odile Le Bolloch explains:
“Summer is a time for enjoying lots of fresh produce and salads, but these are also the foods that we waste the most. With a few simple tips we can keep the food we buy that bit fresher for that bit longer. The Stop Food Waste A-Z of Foods is a useful online resource on how to best manage common foods at home to prevent food waste.”

As no two foods are the same, different produce will often have different storage requirements. Re-learning habits and implementing them as we put our shopping away will help to get the most out of groceries.

Find out how to store all of your favourite foods, learn about food date marking, and access resources to help reduce food waste in the home by visiting the EPA website.

Environmental scientist Ms Odile Le Bolloch is available for interview.

Further information: Ms Emily Williamson, (EPA Media Relations Office): Tel: 053-91 70770 (24 hours) and

JYSK Chain To Open New Furniture Outlet In Thurles.

An international expanding retail chain, JYSK, is expected to open a new furniture outlet here in Thurles, possibly in November or early December of this year.

The JYSK store currently have plans to open this new retail outlet on Abbey road, taking over the building shortly to be vacated by Lidl, latter who are moving to new premised on the site of the former Erin Foods factory on Slievenamon Road in the town.

The company, which currently operates 9 stores across Ireland employing some 140 staff, is expected to take on approximately 12 staff initially, with recruitment set to begin in August 2021.

JYSK (meaning “Jutlandic”) was founded in Denmark and is owned by the Lars Larsen Group; selling household furniture and other associated furnishings including, office and garden furniture, linen, curtains, while boasting some 3000 outlets globally.

Planning approval for change of use for the current Lidl building on Abbey Road in the town and for the installation of appropriate signage and parking, has received full approval.

Holycross Village Bi-Weekly Market, Tomorrow Saturday June 26th.

A reminder that the bi-weekly Holycross Village Market is taking place tomorrow, Saturday June 26th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Fresh produce at keenest prices

Do attend early to be certain of enjoying their artisan bakes, hot foods, arts and crafts, fresh meats, fruit and vegetables, hair braiding, face painting and much, much, much more.

Showcasing at the market this week is “Purple Cloud Lavender” as seen on Nationwide last Friday (June 18th). This is a must for bee keepers and more.

Padre Pio residents are also joining them this week along with more new vendors and products.

Their pre-order system is up and running and a reminder to anyone who cannot visit the market, all vendors are more than happy to arrange collection or delivery of their products as necessary.

Lucinda O’Sullivan of the Sunday Independent gave the Holycross Market a lovely mention in a recent article, so do go along and see what exactly she was complimenting.

Remember, there is ample parking behind the Abbey church, so do please avail of it and enjoy the beauty that Holycross hamlet has to offer.

Field Buttercups On Emmet Street, Thurles.

“There, on stems waving in the air on a warm gentle breeze,
Buttercups, ebb and flow like restless tides on rolling seas”

[Extract from the poem ‘Sun-Kissed Flowers‘, by Jenna Logan]

The hairy leaved bright yellow field Buttercups growing on the west bank of the river Suir presently, East on Emmet Street, are indeed quite striking. But soon their petals will fall, leaving behind green spiky fruit, reminiscent of tiny chestnuts.

View on Sunday last, June 13th, east on Emmet Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Nowadays the younger generation are more fascinated by their mobile phone screens, rather than playing the childhood game of holding a buttercup under your chin to see if you like butter. As children adults had us believe that the colour of the flowers eaten by cows somehow got into the milk giving rise to the production of yellow farmer’s butter.

Buttercups will grow anywhere and have in the past been used to treat rheumatism and fevers.
The plants flowers contain a chemical ‘Ranunculin’, which, when the plant is broken, crushed or chewed, changes to the toxin called ‘Protoanemonin’.

Protoanemonin is a bitter-tasting oil that irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and is poisonous to horses, cats, and dogs. However, they generally don’t pose any real threat, because the toxin’s bitter taste limits the amount any animal will eat.

When dried these toxins which are part of the Buttercups makeup become harmless and so are edible for animals when found in dried hay.

Planning For Thurles Drive Through Restaurant Withdrawn.

The heavy work which had commenced just a couple of weeks ago, same relative to the upgrade of street frontage outside Thurles Shopping Centre, on Slievenamon Road, Thurles has now been completed.

Enhanced Thurles Shopping Centre Forecourt. Photo G. Willoughby.

A new, attractive, wider pedestrian crossing with flashing amber lights has been installed, together with what appear to be flower beds.

Same landscaping should fall into line with the floriculture/groundskeeping currently being undertaken, fronting onto the new Lidl Supermarket site; same in the course of construction just next door.

Planning Application

Meanwhile a planning application for a 24 hour Drive-Through Restaurant, same to be located on the old Erin Foods site, close to the new Lidl supermarket has been declared “Withdrawn” as of April 26th, 2021.
We understand that necessary information, by those applying for the planning, was not supplied within the legal statutory time permitted and as a result the application was declared “Withdrawn” by Tipperary County Council.