
September 29th, Is Feast Day Of St. Michael & All Angels.

Today, September 29th, of course was Michaelmas Day, the Christian Feast day of Saint Michael and All Angels.

Michaelmas Daisies.
Pic. G. Willoughby

One of the few flowers still left blooming at this time of year is the Michaelmas Daisy. (Asters). There is a traditional rhyme about Michaelmas daisies that explains their connection with St. Michael, the Chief of the Archangels

“The Michaelmas Daisy, among dead weeds,
Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds.
And seems the last of flowers that stood,
Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.”

Archangel Michael is regarded as the greatest of all the angels and is honoured for defeating Lucifer in the war in heaven. Religious believers always call therefore upon the Archangel St. Michael, when seeking protection.
The name ‘Michaelmas’ comes from a shortening of “Michael’s Mass”, rather like ‘Christmas’ is “Christ’s Mass”, or indeed ‘Candlemas’, latter the Mass where traditionally the candles to be used throughout the year within the church and elsewhere would be blessed on. These same blessed candles serve as a symbol of Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to St. John Chapter 8. Verse 12. states, “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Michaelmas Day falls near the Autumn Equinox, (September 22nd), and is associated in the northern hemisphere with the beginning of Autumn and the shortening of our days. Today, here in Ireland, was also considered a “gale day” when rents became due, under English rule.

Interestingly in folklore, Lucifer, when defeated by St. Michael, was said to have landed on earth in a briar patch. He became so annoyed, he pissed on their fruit, the humble blackberry; cursing them to be always inedible after September 28th of any future year.

Warning, if you made a batch of apple and blackberry jam today, it may not pass testing by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, (FSAI).

Devils Bit Scabious, Bobby Bright Buttons or Pincushion Flower.

Its Irish name is ‘Odhrach bhallach’; its Scientific name is ‘Succisa pratensis’, but you may know it as ‘Devil’s Bit Scabious’;

Devils Bit Scabious is a tall plant with rounded purple-blue flowers that resemble a pincushion. It is a close relative of the Teasel family and like its relative, it is a rich and valuable late source of nectar and pollen for insects.

Tortoiseshell butterflies feasting on the nectar of the ‘Devil’s Bit Scabious’ plant.
Picture: G.Willoughby

As Tipperary wildflower and insect expert, Mr John Fogarty, explained to me yesterday; all butterflies love it as indeed do all bees, with same a major food-plant for so many insects, both as adults and larvae, attracted to its pincushion-like head. Indeed, this wildflower is the main larval food-plant of the now seriously threatened Marsh Fritillary butterfly, latter said to prefer where the ‘Devil’s-bit scabious’ plant chooses to grow.

Blue-violet Devil’s Bit Scabious growing on the Double Ditch, Mill Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Picture: G. Willoughby.

Blue-violet in colour, this medium sized perennial with deep green, blotchy, oval shaped leaves can be located in marshes and pastures, brightening up areas where it flowers, (in this case on the Great Famine Double Ditch, Mill Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary) from June to October. Sadly this plant can be scarce presently in areas where intensive farming in being carried out.

Mr Fogarty points out that the plant’s more common name ‘scabious’ comes from the herb’s traditional usage as a folk medicine to treat scabies, latter a rather itchy skin condition caused by a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. Legend states that this plant, ‘Devils Bit Scabious’ got its name due to the fact that it has an abruptly truncated, short root which folklore dictates that the Devil bit off in a fit of annoyance, at the medicinal properties of this most attractive plant.

The ‘Devil’s Bit Mountain‘, north of Thurles has no bearing on the plant’s name, but it does confirm that the Devil spent an inordinate amount of time here, over the years, in and around Thurles, with some people claiming that he has actually never vacated the area; and can be seen influencing political outcomes, during years when local and general elections occur.

Thurles Readers – Get Your Watering Cans Out!

It’s time for Thurles gardeners to get their watering cans out and their Factor 50+ on again, because Tipperary is set to enjoy an unexpected spell of warm September sunshine.

A warm plume of air is credited with bringing summer-like conditions to our shores this Autumn. From now until Wednesday, temperatures are set to hit highs of between 21 and 24 degrees Celsius.

Be sure and make the most of this dry spell, because it is not expected to stay with us for very long. Scattered outbreaks of rain, coming from the south, are set to hit us here in Co. Tipperary as early as Thursday next.

With Autumn leaves already starting to fall, this joyous bout of summer sunshine may be our last for many months.

Holycross Village Bi-Weekly Market, Tomorrow Saturday August 21st.

A reminder that the bi-weekly Holycross Village Market is taking place tomorrow, Saturday August 21st, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Ann Lanigan Reports:

“Experience the ultimate village market in Holycross tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, August 21st, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Indulge in a coffee, hot food or an ice cream as you check out all the market has to offer.

Browse the lovely art and crafts stalls and savour local fresh produce including fruit, vegetables, meats and artisan bakes.

Enjoy the live music while the children have their faces painted and hair braided.

There’s something for everyone to enjoy in the beautiful surrounds of the historic village of Holycross , with its ample parking behind the abbey with stewards on hand to help in anyway necessary.”

Spread the word, bring a friend.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there.

Pied Wagtails Halt Lily Sales In Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Two Pied Wagtails, no doubt sick of the continuous long drawn out revitalisation of Liberty Square, in Thurles, moved home in late May of this year to take up residence amongst the sweet smelling Asian Lily collection in O’Driscoll’s Garden Centre, Mill Road, Thurles.

Their reason – to raise possibly their second family.

Choosing a central area to the Garden Centre’s large Lily collection, they located a flower pot which offered suitable central space, the female alone building the nursery for their anticipated brood, using dry grass, horsehair, wool and a few feathers set on a soft peat base.

Pied Wagtails like nesting in farms buildings and gardens and similar inhabited areas, often nesting on the ground and sometimes in old, previously abandoned nests.

Later, mother Wagtail laid five eggs, greyish to blue-white in colour, and some 14 days later five chicks were observed being tended by both the parents.

Lovers of nature and the environment, the O’Driscoll brothers immediately closed off the exhibit area for one month, displaying a sign (not in accordance with truth or fact) declaring their full Lily collection was ‘Previously Sold Out’. However, customer and lovers of garden Asian Lilies, should note their full Lily collection is now back on the market, and a crop of five baby Wagtails and their parents are most exceedingly grateful.

Contact O’Driscoll’s Garden Centre Tel: (0504) 21636.

In all, their nest sojourn lasted 29 days. Having left the nest, they remained in the general area for a further few days, before possibly returning to Liberty Square, where an now overcrowded colony of some 1,000 silent Wagtails currently roost.

Alas, already two large trees in Liberty Square; same previously used by the Wagtails to nightly roost, have been removed as part of the long drawn out Liberty Square revitalisation. So sadly, it is not just businesses that are rapidly leaving the Thurles town centre area; displaced Pied Wagtails are also migrating.