
FSAI Warn Of Recall Of Old Irish Creamery Cheese Cheddar Products.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland instruct the recall of specific batches of various Old Irish Creamery Cheese cheddar cheese products, due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.

Alert Summary dated Friday, 7th February 2025.

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2025.08
Product Identification: Please see table below.
Batch Code: Please see table below.
Country Of Origin: Ireland

Message: The below batches of Old Irish Creamery Cheese cheddar cheese products are being recalled due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.
Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Product Name: Best before dates:Pack Size:Approval number:
Old Irish Creamery Cheese Irish Cheddar Cheese with Irish Whiskey.15.05.2025
All pack sizes.IE 1059 EC
Old Irish Creamery Cheese Irish Cheddar Cheese with Irish Porter.11.05.2025
All pack sizes.IE 1059 EC
Old Irish Creamery Cheese Cheddar Cheese with Siriracha15.05.2025
All pack sizes.IE 1059 EC

Nature Of Danger: Symptoms of Listeria monocytogenes infection can include mild flu-like symptoms, or gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. In rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications. Some people are more vulnerable to Listeria monocytogenes infections, including pregnant women, babies, and people with weakened immune systems, including adults over the age of 65. The incubation period (time between initial infection and first symptoms appearing) is on average 3 weeks but can range between 3 and 70 days.

Action Required: Consumers.
Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated batches of cheese.

FSAI Warn Of Recall Of Lidl Deluxe cheddar Cheese Wedges

Food Safety Authority of Ireland instruct recall of a specific batch of various Lidl Deluxe cheddar cheese wedges due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.

Alert Summary dated Friday, 7th February 2025

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2025.07
Product Identification:

Deluxe Walnut Cheddar Cheese Wedge pack size: 150g; approval number: IE 1059 EC
Deluxe Oak Smoked Cheddar Cheese Wedge; pack size: 150g; approval number: IE 1059 EC
Batch Code: Best before date: 11/05/2025
Country Of Origin: Ireland

Message: Lidl Ireland is recalling the above batch of Deluxe Oak Smoked Cheddar Cheese Wedge and Deluxe Walnut Cheddar Cheese Wedge due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.
Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Nature Of Danger: Symptoms of Listeria monocytogenes infection can include mild flu-like symptoms, or gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. In rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications. Some people are more vulnerable to Listeria monocytogenes infections, including pregnant women, babies, and people with weakened immune systems, including adults over the age of 65. The incubation period (time between initial infection and first symptoms appearing) is on average 3 weeks but can range between 3 and 70 days.

Action Required: Consumers.
Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated batch of cheese.

Aspartame: Let’s Take Action To Have It Banned From Our Food.

Today, Yuka* are launching a major European petition to demand the ban of Aspartame [E number E 951] in our food, alongside the French League Against Cancer* and the NGO Foodwatch*.

* Yuka is a 100% independent mobile Phone App that analyses the impact of food and cosmetic products on health. By scanning the barcode of a product, the application allows you to access the details of the product’s composition and in return indicates a color-coded rating ranging from green to red. The app now has 65 million users in 12 different countries. The aim is to help consumers make more conscious choices, but also to encourage manufacturers to improve the composition of their products.

Please now sign the petition and together, we can make a difference!

Why take action?

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used to replace sugar in many low-calorie or sugar-free products. It has been classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
It has also been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Several studies show that it has no positive effect on weight and may even contribute to long-term weight gain.

Given these unacceptable risks, it’s time to take action.

To Sign the Petition Please Click HERE .

Yuka is calling on you to ban the additive aspartame/E 951 in food and beverages within the EU.

* Foodwatch is an independent non-profit consumer organisation that fights for safe, healthy and affordable food for all people. We give consumers a loud voice, speak up for transparency in the food sector and defend our right to food that harms neither people nor the environment. By conducting research, exposing scandals, mobilising consumers and lobbying governments, foodwatch provides an important counterweight to the power of the food industry.

* La Ligue contre le Cancer (The French Cancer League) is the biggest French independent non-profit association fighting against cancer. It comprises of 103 chapters present all over the French national and overseas territories. It provides advice, support and information to cancer patients and their relatives. It promotes policies for better cancer prevention, early detection and care as well as independent cancer research.

FSAI Recall Batches Of Lidl Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels.

FSAI Recall of a batch of Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate as it may cause a burning sensation in the mouth.

Alert Summary dated Thursday, 06 February 2025.

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2025.06
Product Identification: Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels Milk Chocolate & Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels Dark Chocolate; pack size: 140g
Batch Code: 8509; best before date: 28/02/2025
Country Of Origin: Hungary

Message: Lidl is recalling the above batch of its Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels Milk Chocolate & Alpenfest Style Salted Mini Pretzels Dark Chocolate, as it may cause a burning sensation in the mouth when consumed.

Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Action Required Consumers:
Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated batch.

FSAI Warn Of Recall Of Newcastle Brown Ale.

Food Safety Authority Of Ireland recall batches of Newcastle Brown Ale, due to the presence of glass fragments.

Alert Summary dated Wednesday, 29th January 2025.

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2025.05
Product Identification: Newcastle Brown Ale; pack size: 550 ml bottle
Batch Code: L4321, L4322, L4323, L4324, L4325 and L4326.

Best before date: 30/11/2025

Message: Heineken UK is recalling the above batches of Newcastle Brown Ale, due to the presence of glass fragments upon opening the bottles.
Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores.

Action Required: Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers & retailers:

Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batches from sale and display recall notices at point-of-sale.

Wholesalers/Distributors are requested to contact their affected customers and recall the implicated batches and provide a point-of-sale recall notice to their retail customers.

Consumers: Consumers are advised not to drink the affected batches.