
FSAI Warn Public Of Food Allergen Alerts

Possible presence of peanut in specific batches of Favourit Hot Curry Powder 500g

Alert Summary dated Friday, October 4th, 2024.

Allergy Alert Notification: 2024.A37 (Update 2).
Allergen: Peanut.
Product Identification: Favourit Hot Curry Powder; pack size: 500g, Batch Codes L24250775, L24206775, L24201775 and L24205819.

Best before date: April 2026,

Message: Further to FSAI food allergen alerts – View Links2024.A37 and 2024.A37 (update 1), the above batches of Favourit Hot Curry Powder (500g) may contain peanut.
Peanut is not declared in the list of ingredients. This may make the batches therefore, unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of peanut.

Presence Of Peanut In Batches Of Dunnes Stores Spice Products.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland warn of the presence of peanut in batches of Dunnes Stores Spice Products.

Alert Summary dated Thursday, October 3rd 2024.

Allergy Alert Notification: 2024.A36
Allergen: Peanut
Product Identification: Dunnes Stores Mild Curry Powder, pack size: 36g; Dunnes Stores Cajun Seasoning, pack size: 35g; Dunnes Stores Medium Madras Curry Powder, pack size: 36g;
Dunnes Stores Hot Curry Powder, pack size: 36g;
Batch Code: Please refer to table below for details

Product.Pack Size.Batch Code.Best Before Date.
Donnes Stores Mild Curry Powder.36g;L24255776;
End April 2026.
Dunnes Stores Cajun Seasoning.35g.L24101723;
End Feb 2026,
End May 2026
and End Jun 2026.

Dunnes Stores Medium Madras Curry Powder.36g.L24264856;
End May 2026.
Dunnes Stores Hot Curry Powder36g.L24254819End April 2026

Message: The implicated batches of Dunnes Stores spice products listed above contain peanut residue in the mustard powder, which is not declared on the label.
This may make the affected batches unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of peanut.

FSAI Warn Recall Of M & S Smooth Butternut Squash Soup.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland warn of recall of a batch of M & S Smooth Butternut Squash Soup due to the possible presence of small pieces of metal.

Alert Summary dated Tuesday, October 1st 2024.

Category 1: For Action.
Alert Notification: 2024.45.
Product Identification: M & S Smooth Butternut Squash Soup; pack size: 600g.
Batch Code Use by 06/10/2024.
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom

Message: Marks & Spencer are recalling the above batch of its Smooth Butternut Squash Soup, due to the possible presence of small pieces of metal. Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Action Required:
Retailers: Same are requested to remove the implicated batch from sale and display a recall notice at the point-of-sale.

Consumers: Customers are advised not to consume the implicated batch.

Incorrectly Declared Crustaceans & Fish On Tasty Nibbles Pickle Products.

Alert Summary dated Friday, September 27th 2024.

Allergy Alert Notification: 2024.A35
Allergens: Crustaceans and Fish
Product Identification: Tasty Nibbles Anchovy Pickle; pack size 400g; Tasty Nibbles Sardine Pickle; pack size 400g; Tasty Nibbles Prawn Pickle; pack size 400g
Batch Code: All batches and all best-before dates

All batches of Tasty Nibbles Anchovy Pickle and Sardine Pickle contain fish which are incorrectly declared on the label. All batches of Tasty Nibbles Prawn Pickle contain crustaceans which are incorrectly declared on the label.

This may make the products unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of crustaceans and/or fish.

Recall Of Mlekpol Zloty Mazur Cheese – Possible Salmonella Newport.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland recall a batch of Mlekpol Zloty Mazur Cheese In Slices due to the possible presence of Salmonella Newport.

Alert Summary dated Thursday, September 26th 2024.

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2024.44
Product Identification: Mlekpol Zloty Mazur Cheese In Slices, pack size: 150g; approval number PL 20041601WE
Batch Code: 30.08/P6; best before date: 28/11/2024
Country Of Origin: Poland

The above batch of Mlekpol Zloty Mazur Cheese is being recalled due to the possible presence of Salmonella Newport. Recall notices will be displayed at point-of-sale.

Nature Of Danger:
People infected with Salmonella typically develop symptoms between 12 and 36 hours after infection, but this can range between 6 and 72 hours. The most common symptom is diarrhoea, which can sometimes be bloody. Other symptoms may include fever, headache and abdominal cramps. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days. Diarrhoea can occasionally be severe enough to require hospital admission. The elderly, infants, and those with impaired immune systems are more likely to have a severe illness.

Action Required by Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers and Consumers:

Wholesalers/Distributors are requested to contact their affected customers and recall the implicated batch and provide a point-of-sale recall notice to their retailer customers.
Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batch from sale and display a recall notice at point-of-sale.

Consumers: Are advised not to eat the implicated batch.