
FSAI Warn Of Presence Of Peanut In Batch Of Tesco Garlic Powder.

Presence of peanut in a batch of Tesco Garlic Powder.

Alert Summary dated Friday, March 7th 2025

Allergy Alert Notification: 2025.A07
Allergen: Peanuts
Product Identification: Tesco Garlic Powder; pack size: 45g
Batch Code: 78775; best before date: end 02/2026
Country Of Origin: China

Message: The above batch of Tesco Garlic Powder contains peanut which is not mentioned on the label. This may make the batch unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of peanut and therefore, these consumers should not eat the implicated batch.

FSAI Warn Of Food Allergen.

Presence of peanut in a batch of Sofra Garlic Powder

Alert Summary dated Friday, March 7th, 2025

Allergy Alert Notification: 2025.A06
Allergen: Peanuts
Product Identification: Sofra Garlic Powder, pack size: 100 g
Batch Code: 011124; best before date: end 05/2026

Message: The above batch of Sofra Garlic Powder contains peanut which is not mentioned on the label. This may make the batch unsafe for consumers who are allergic to or intolerant of peanut and therefore these consumers should not eat the implicated batch.

FSAI Warn Of Undeclared Soya In Tayto Waffles Bacon Flavour.

Undeclared soya in a batch of Tayto Waffles Bacon Flavour

Alert Summary dated Friday, 28th February 2025.

Allergy Alert Notification: 2025.A05
Allergen: Soybeans
Product Identification: Tayto Waffles Bacon Flavour, pack size: 100g
Batch Code Best before date: 03/07/2025; time codes between 01:20 and 06:05.
Country Of Origin: Ireland

Message: The above batch of Tayto Waffles Bacon Flavour contains soya which is not declared in the list of ingredients. This may make the batch unsafe for consumers, who are allergic to or intolerant of soybeans.

FSAI Recall Batches Of Nestle Frosted Shreddies.

Recall of specific batches of Nestle Frosted Shreddies due to the possible presence of hard lumps of sugar.

Alert Summary dated Friday, 28th February 2025.

Category 1: For Action
Alert Notification: 2025.13.
Product Identification: Please see table below.
Batch Code: Please see table below.
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom

Message: The below batches of Nestlé Frosted Shreddies products are being recalled due to the possible presence of hard lumps of sugar.
Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores.

Product Name.Pack size.Batch codes.Best before dates.
Nestlé Frosted Shreddies500g42870952
Nestlé Frosted Shreddies.
These packs are sold as part of the Nestlé Box Bowl Mixed Cereals. The following batch codes are printed on the individual Nestlé Frosted Shreddies 40g box

Action Required: Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, caterers & retailers:
Retailers: Same are requested to remove the implicated batches from sale and display recall notices at point-of-sale.
Wholesalers/distributors: Same are requested to contact their affected customers and recall the implicated batches and provide a point-of-sale recall notice to their retail customers.
Consumers: Consumers are advised not to eat the implicated batches.

Food Conference Explores AI’s Transformative Role In Food Safety.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland’s (FSAI) Food Safety Consultative Council today held an open meeting to explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in food safety.
‘AI in Food Safety: Innovation, Risks, and Opportunities’ brought together leading experts to explore the potential of AI and its real-world applications in reshaping the future of food safety systems.

Over 220 people registered for the event, which took place at the Gibson Hotel in Dublin, with a lineup of Irish and international speakers from the FSAI and representatives from UCD, Kerry Foods, Teagasc, TOMRA, Creme Global, and The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.

Chaired by Ms Suzanne Campbell, Author and Journalist, the event also offered insights into the practical applications of AI technologies, including machine learning, predictive modelling, and machine vision, highlighting their potential to revolutionise food safety systems.
Discussions also addressed the challenges and risks associated with AI implementation, underscoring the necessity for robust regulatory frameworks and ongoing research.

Dr Pamela Byrne, (Chief Executive, FSAI), highlighted that while AI offers incredible opportunities for enhancing food safety, it also comes with potential risks.
“Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can enhance our food safety systems in ways we have never seen before. From ensuring traceability in the food supply chain to creating predictive models for disease outbreaks and implementing machine vision systems for quality control, AI is already becoming embedded in the day-to-day operations of the agri-food sector.”

“As we stand at the intersection of innovation and responsibility, we must be mindful of both the tremendous opportunities and the inherent risks associated with these technological advances. We must ask critical questions: How can we leverage AI to enhance food safety while safeguarding public trust? What steps must we take to ensure that AI technologies are applied responsibly, in line with legislation and best practice, and that the reliance on emerging technologies does not compromise food safety standards? The FSAI remains committed to embracing technology while upholding the highest standards of food safety and consumer protection,” said Dr Byrne.

Contributions on the day included Dr Brian McNamee (Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin); Dr Marc Wagner (Data Analytics and AI Lead, Kerry Foods); Dr Geraldine Duffy (Research Officer, Teagasc); Dr Brendan Byrne (Technology Manager, Artificial Intelligence, TOMRA); William O’Sullivan (Head of Data Science, Creme Global); Elske van der Vaart (Data Scientist, Nederlandse Voedsel-en-Warenautoriteit [The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority]); Gail Carroll (Director of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Building, Food Safety Authority of Ireland); and Cormac McElhinney (Acting Manager Data Centric Project, Food Safety Authority of Ireland).

Note: The Food Safety Consultative Council (FSCC) acts as a forum for debate
on food safety issues and provides advice to the FSAI Board on areas of
Food Safety Consultative Council