
“I‘m Sorry, But I Tried”, – Read By Actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

“I want to tell you that I am sorry, and that I tried”

Benedict Cumberbatch CBE [Winner of a BAFTA TV Award; Primetime Emmy Award; Laurence Olivier Award;, two Academy Award nominations; and four Golden Globe awards], reads (as only he can) Stuart Capstick’s letter (Deputy Director at the Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformations in Cardiff) latter document which he wrote to his children.

Voices raised in dissent remain often sadly suppressed by politicians both in government and opposition and local elected representatives, as our rivers, trees, hedgerows and green areas are deliberately destroyed; bowing down to industrial and other unethical profiteering.

River Suir Deplorable & Completely Unacceptable.

“He thought his happiness was complete when, as he meandered aimlessly along, suddenly he stood by the edge of a full-fed river. Never in his life had he seen a river before—this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were caught and held again. All was a-shake and a-shiver – glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble.”

Excerpt From “The Wind in the Willows”, by Kenneth Grahame

The local tourist office does its best to attract both national and foreign visitors into Thurles; with very few local attractions left standing.
But one fantastic Thurles amenity that remains somewhat overlooked on tourism promotional material, and which has indisputable tourism potential, can be located within ‘The Source’ Thurles County library facility on Cathedral Street. I refer of course to the vast knowledge so generously dispensed to the vacationer, courtesy of Ms Mary Darmody and her colleagues working within this busy Thurles history research department.

This said; imagine, if you would, a visiting tourist climbing up the front steps of this same ‘The Source’ building in Thurles Town centre. Their first impression is aided by the south-westerly breeze, same delivering the smell of raw sewage, which emanates from the lower end of Liberty Square, mixed with the not to dissimilar aroma of the river itself.

The visitor then halts momentarily to look westward unto the River Suir. Here now they spot the few remaining ducks still residing in the area, as shown in the video hereunder; resting standing on one foot as if trying to avoid coming into contact with the deplorable condition of the shallow river bed.

Ground water from Cathedral Street and elsewhere, as shown in the video above, continues to carry paper and God knows what else, directly into this river in the town’s centre; with the full knowledge of Municipal District Council officials, who have left a drain cover deliberately unlocked.

The river wasn’t always in this deplorable and totally unacceptable state. Even way back in this river’s ancient history; when horse and donkey carts were driven in at Barry’s bridge, in an effort to retard the release of moisture from wooden spokes in wheels, thus expanding same, or later to wash creamery churns; was this natural stream of what should be turquoise-blue flowing water, allowed to become almost an open sewer to the eyes of our residents and visitors.

This summer season it has rained frequently. One wonders what weather our Autumn, Winter and Spring seasons will bring to an area that is known to regularly floods.

A group of local people, led by engineer, the late Mr Wilbert Houben, fought off officials from Inland Fisheries and local Fianna Fáil councillors, to spent two Summer seasons covering the river banks with limestone, planting the existing trees, and in 1990 installing 3 fountains.
The expensive pump used for the fountains (a Grundfus submersible pump) was gifted to Thurles Tidy Towns, free of charge and courtesy of Cantwell Electrical Engineering Ltd.
It was officially switched on by then Progressive Democrats, Minister of State with responsibility for Environmental Protection, Ms Mary Harney, that same year.
A forgotten memorial plaque now hidden in the weeds and dirt, on the river bank still records this much welcomed event.

So where is this pump now I hear you ask? I was informed recently (rightly or wrongly) that it is now enjoyed by the residents of Templemore, providing a fountain in their local town-park.

Back almost two years ago (September 2022) local press and radio raised this issue regarding the river’s over growth, algae, the missing fountains and the overall neglect of same, by our local authority.
In a press release, back then, the local authority confirmed that plans were currently being developed in conjunction with Inland Fisheries, LAWPRO and the OPW River Drainage, to carry out maintenance works on the local River channel to mitigate potential flooding.
In tandem with this work the above named organisations claimed, according to the local authority, that same would look to enhance the area down-stream of the bridge crossing in Thurles, including the installation of deflectors which would move on the algae bloom.
They also confirmed proposed works for selective pruning of overhanging vegetation and the removal of bank vegetation encroaching on the channel and acknowledged that illegal dumping on the river banks was an ongoing issue, which was investigated and removed by the Council regularly. (“Regularly” being the operative word. See the wooden pallet lodged near the now demolished second weir, which has remained there since May 2024)
Responding to concerns over a smell and dumping in the area the council says they are not aware of a smell or of there being large amounts of rubbish in the river itself.Presently, to return this river to its oxygenated state, which existed in 1993, same will now cost a small fortune, after 20 years of continuous neglect. Furthermore, distressingly, we no longer appear to have the professionalism, the funding or indeed the will, to turn things around.

The waste and neglect at local authority level continues.

HGV Re-designs Liberty Square’s 9 Week-Old Safety Railing.

On the week before the 2024 Local Elections (June 7th), the then existing crushed railing at the junction of Liberty Square and Slievenamon Road (N62) were replaced, with a somewhat frailer version of the same.

Well between ourselves, this replacement did stop those awkward door stop questions, as our double jobbing local councillors moved from door to door, canvassing for votes. There was always the hope that they could be re-elected and continue to re-offend, while receiving their €35,000 plus, annual salaries for doing and achieving f..k all.
And the voting public didn’t fail to fulfil their hopes and expectations. These same councillors would go on to draw back their lips in a show of amusement, with no evidence of any shyness, embarrassment, or shame, when all were once again re-elected, for another 5 years of indolence.

August 13th 2024: HGV re-designs Liberty Square’s 9 week old new safety railing.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

Today, August 13th, just a mere 9 weeks later, not surprising, disaster has struck once again. The design of this new junction railing has been totally adjusted by an 18.75m heavy goods vehicle (HGV). (See image above). The driver was happy to leave behind the gift of a mudguard from one of his rear wheels.

Please do read Proposed Liberty Square Layout Phase 2 again and weep.

It is interesting to note that according to the Road Safety Authority (RSA), a large Tractor Cab is permitted to tow two trailers and exceed 18.75m in overall length, but NOT in any town with a population exceeding 10,000 people. Here in Thurles, on our medieval streets, we meet at least 4 x 22m HGV’s on a daily basis, due to the constant failure by two resident politicians to acquire funding for a ring road.

The population of Thurles, (according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO) in 2022), stands at 8,185 and since then we have welcomed Ukrainian families (62 x 2 bed modular homes built within the town), latter fleeing their war-torn land, together with a large number of International Protection (IPAS) residents of all nationalities, into our midst. Add also recent births since 2022, a few tourists resident in two hotels, a large number of students currently residing in accommodation in the town, while attending our two 3rd level institutions.

While each of these additional variables, inclusive of the official CSO population number of 8125, may not yet put the town directly in the category of 10,000 persons (not just yet), responsible and considerate mitigation and planning must now be set in motion, as we continue very soon to sprawl closer to this 10,000 person threshold.

Meanwhile, as I have stated on numerous occasions, the massive waste of taxpayer’s money by Tipperary Co. Council engineers and Thurles Municipal District officials/councillors and those they employ to do surveys, continues unabated.

Motorists Attempt To Create Extra Space On Liberty Square, In Thurles.

Our eye in the sky has pictured two attempts to create extra parking spaces in Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, over the past number of days.

Yes, vehicles travelling westward, rushing to exit the centre of Liberty Square, Thurles, have collided with unused chrome bicycle racks/stands.

Local residents report that motorists became anxious to avoid the smell emitted from drains in the area.
Sewer gas, causing this current stink, pervades the lower area of Liberty square; when temperature rise over 6°C, and once the wind remains blowing in a north easterly direction; the west end of town remains stench free.
Same is possibly a mixture of inorganic gases created by the action of anaerobic bacteria emitted through the towns poorly and recently updated drain system, particularly on the east of the town’s square.

Interesting to note that the first underground sewage and drainage system in Thurles, which then operated stench free, was introduced on 2nd December 1846 in 5 undertakings, as shown hereunder and at a total cost of £1226.00.

  1. To construct 42 perches of sewers from Richd Ryan’s to Derheen, cost £84.
  2. To construct 96 perches of sewers from Danl Dwyer’s to the bridge, cost £192.
  3. To construct 66 perches of sewers from Butler’s Gate to James Maher’s Yard, cost £132.
  4. To construct 9 perches of sewer from the Barracks to the Main Street, cost £185.
  5. To construct 66 perches of covered drain or sewer from the bridge to the turn of the Mall, with a tunnel under the river, and open a drain from the bridge in Thurles to Byrne’s Mill, with a tunnel under Drish River, to carry up the levels for the drains of the town, cost £800.

Hydrogen sulphide (also known as H2S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour dam is a colourless gas, known for its pungent “rotten egg” odour at low concentrations. It is extremely flammable and highly toxic.
It remains a secret as to whether Tipperary Co. Council or our Municipal District Council engineers have undertaken a gas identity safety check, in order to set residents and workers minds at ease.
If Hydrogen sulphide is evident, same is rapidly absorbed by the lungs. Since Hydrogen sulphide is slightly heavier than air same may accumulate in enclosed, poorly ventilated, low-lying areas.
Prolonged exposure to Hydrogen sulphide, even at relatively low levels, may result in respiratory tract irritation, painful dermatitis and burning eyes.

Note: If you do own a bicycle and you attempt to park same in a Thurles bicycle rack, make sure always to use a centre rack; (the outside racks are really crash bars).

The waste continues.

Thurles Town’s 49 Space Car Park Now Closed.

The Thurles Town Car Park, running parallel with Thurles Children’s Playground, Thurles Leisure Centre and Swimming pool, Thurles Library and Thurles Theatre, has now been closed to all motor vehicles.

This new Town Park car park, which was only upgraded and officially opened less than 8 years ago, is now once again to undergo a major upheaval. The new project is expected to make this area unavailable for public use for possibly the next 16 months, at a cost of €3.4 million in Rural Regeneration Funding, with little or no discussion or consultation entered into, with town residents or the local business community.

Sign attached on wooden background using possibly 2.5in cross head wood screws, fixed to a mature tree.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

One of the signs indicating the car park closure is again screwed to a mature tree. We learned recently that earlier this year, Tipperary County Council hired a biodiversity officer, with a climate change officer already in place. At last month’s Thurles-Templemore District meeting, the District Engineer Mr Thomas Duffy and District Administrator Ms Sharon Scully said that from next year, there would be a proper biodiversity plan, so obviously no officials within Thurles Municipal District Council are in a position to request the contractor or other individual responsible, to remove the above sign until next year.

New Café.

Thurles Town’s 49 Space Car Park Now Closed.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

Thurles Farmers Market, following their July 2nd meeting, have learned that the stone agricultural sheds first erected during the Great Famine years, are to be refurbished and expanded by means of a glazed extension.
When completed same is expected to accommodate an 83 seater Café, for which an operator has yet to be located as a tenant. Same café will exist just some 100 metres away from yet another café style restaurant, run by Tipperary Co. Council, which remains closed, after several tenants vacated the space, same unable get a fair return on their initial investment. So we now will have two Café’s existing side by side, erected and paid for by taxpayers, for the financial benefit of Tipperary Co. Council; with both Café’s competing with other similar private rate paying businesses each struggling close-by.

New Market Quarter:
This new now planned ‘Market Quarter’ will see a canopy erected over a section of this car park area, which will be modified to allow access to water and electricity at a number of service points, for future market days. The restructured area is expected to lose 16 car parking spaces, to already struggling businesses in the immediate area.
The canopy, which will be cream in colour with no branding, cannot come lower than 4m from the ground due to the fact that cars are being parked under the canopy. The council says no trader or customer parking will be allowed under the canopy during Market events.

The Source” Car Park, closed in 2020 continues to remain closed today (August 8th 2024).
Pic: G. Willoughby.

“The Source” Car Park, funded through Rates paid by local business, has remained closed, since March 2020, due to malicious damage; today shows no visible effort being made to provide the much reduced and badly needed parking spaces, removed from Liberty Square, during Phase 1 of its upgrade.