Thurles run video game website TheGamingLiberty.com has been nominated in the “Best Bloggers” category at the 2011 ERICS Awards and they need your votes to ensure they come away with the top prize.
The Gaming Liberty was established in 2009 by two eager gaming enthusiasts, Thurles native Shane Willoughby and Leixlip local Joseph Murphy. The website has now firmly established itself as Ireland’s No 1 video game website, a daily source of the latest gaming news, previews, reviews and interviews, operating from Thurles, here in Co Tipperary .
The site has achieved massive success both nationally and internationally, culminating in this nomination at the 2011 ERICS Awards, and is currently ranked 629th best site in Ireland, ranked 273,676th in the United States and 255,610th best site globally.
As it stands, the site is leading the poll of nominees and look set to take the prize of “Best Bloggers” for 2011. However, there’s still three weeks of voting to take into consideration, so nothing is set in stone.
TheGamingLiberty needs your votes. Head over now to THIS LINK and vote for TheGamingLiberty in the ‘Best Blogger,’ category.
You can vote every day, five times a day, so please support local initiatives and support TheGamingLiberty.
We wish them all the best going forward.
Following the success of our previous free competitions, our readers are invited to enter our latest Christmas competition, with a chance to win the fantastic Wii game “Need For Speed – The Run. ”
This game is sponsored by Europe’s fastest growing Irish Gaming website – The Gaming Liberty.
To take part in this Christmas competition, the simple question to be answered is:- On what day does Xmas day fall ?
So visit the ‘Competition,’ section on the right sidebar of this page and carefully pick your answer. Remember you get just one chance.
Remember: Entry is completely free and this competition will end on December 21st next, in time for Christmas.
Over the coming months and into the new year, we hope to bring you more free competitions, so keep Thurles.Info checked out or ideally, why not subscribe to ‘Daily News To Your Inbox,’ by placing your Email address in the appropriate box, positioned on right sidebar of our home page, thus ensuring you receive each day our up-to-date news and comments by mail.
Best of luck in the competition and our computer will choose the lucky Tipperary winner, who will in turn be notified by Email directly from our site.
 Harry Potter
A Tipperary native now resident in Australia, Katie O.Connell-Knott, is looking for a ‘Tipperary Tourism Slogan,‘ to put on T-Shirts for her next Irish Expats Barbecue.
Katie, a regular visitor and commenter on Thurles.Info and our new tourism site Hidden Tipperary, is looking for a slogan, which will promote Irish Tourism in Australia.
To assist Katie in her quest, we here on Thurles.Info and Hidden Tipperary are putting up a prize for the best T-Shirt slogan received.
Prize: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
The prize winner will be given an opportunity to join in the Battle of Hogwarts and take control of Harry Potter and his friends in their final adventure in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the Nintendo DS video game adaptation of the blockbuster book and movie. This game goes on sale for the first time on Friday next, so send us your ‘Tourism Slogan,’ ASAP, using the ‘Comment Tag,’ underneath this Post, before Wednesday July 20th and the slogan competition winner will get the opportunity to wield powerful magic and engage in epic battles in their quest to destroy the Horcruxes and Lord Voldemort.
(1) Rules are simple, the Judge for this competition will be Katie herself, over in that wonderful Australian State of Queensland, bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean, and her decision will be final.
(2) Send as many slogans as you like, via the Comment Tag, and note, all entries are free and the competition is open to everyone.
(3) Your slogan must contain the words “Hidden Tipperary,” and please do take in to account that your slogan must fit on the front of a T-Shirt, so the fewer words possibly the better, while still getting your Tourism Message across.
We look forward to hearing from you, and the best of luck.
Following the success of our previous free competitions, our readers are invited to enter our latest contest, with a chance to win the fantastic Xbox game Shift 2 Unleashed.
This game is sponsored by Europe’s fastest growing Irish Gaming website – The Gaming Liberty. com
The simple question to be answered is:- On what day does the May Day bank holiday fall?
To enter this competition visit the Competition Section on the right sidebar of this page and carefully pick your answer.
Remember: Entry is completely free and this competition ends May 5th, next.
Over the coming months we will have many other free competitions, so keep us checked out or better still, subscribe to Daily News To Your Inbox, by placing your Email address in the appropriate box, on right sidebar of our home page and thus ensure you receive our up-to-date news and comments by mail, each day.
Best of luck in the competition.
 Winner Miss Evelyn Brereton
Our March EA PS3 free computer game Family Game Night 3 sponsored by Europe’s fastest growing Irish and Thurles Gaming website – The Gaming Liberty. com has been won by Miss Evelyn Brereton, Loughmore, Co.Tipperary who is branch manager at Pat Hickey Tiles, 1 Ikerrin Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. (Tel: 0504 28601).
Miss Brereton, we suspect, spent this weekend spinning the wheel of fate in the GAME OF LIFE, or finding out “whodunit” in CLUE.
Either way congratulations to Evelyn on her win.
Over the coming months we will have many other free competitions, so keep us checked out or better still, subscribe to Daily News To Your Inbox , by placing your Email address in the appropriate box, on right sidebar of our home page and thus ensure you receive our news, by mail, on a daily basis.
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