Ms Breda O’Shea, (Tipperary Library Headquarters, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary) reports:-
Tipperary Summer Book Bus is taking to the road again, next week, with a new set of Story Time Puppets.
Last week Goldilocks and the Three Bears came along for the ride, with children using the puppets to produce very interactive and hugely entertaining Story Time sessions.

Next week it’s the turn of The Billy Groats Gruff and the ferocious Troll who will be making their Book Bus début; from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th of August. We would be thrilled if you could come and join us with your children for these most delightful of events.
Please tell your friends, the more the merrier.
Tipperary Summer Book Bus schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 7th August: Clogheen Community Centre – Bus arrives at 10.30am – Story Time is on at 11.30am.
Tuesday 7th August: Mullinahone Health Centre Carpark – Bus arrives at 2.30pm – Story Time is on at 3.00pm.
Wednesday 8th August: Newport Community Centre – Bus arrives at 10.30am – Story Time is on at 2.30pm.
Thursday 9th August: No. 27 Comeragh View, Carrick On Suir – Bus arrives at 10.30am – Story Time is on at 11.00am.
Thursday 9th August: Elm Park Community Centre, Clonmel – Bus arrives at 2.00pm – Story Time is on at 2.30pm.
Ms Breda O’Shea, (Tipperary Library Headquarters, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary) reports:-
Tipperary Libraries Summer Book Bus schedules are now running in full swing, with our Book Bus rolling into five venues around Co. Tipperary each week. This bus is stocked full with an impressive selection of books for children; from babies to those aged 14 years.

You can register on the Book Bus to participate in the exciting Summer Stars Reading Adventure if you cannot visit one of our magnificent twelve public libraries. Simply pick up your registration card from any of the five locations named below and be one of the many children to be presented with a Summer Stars Certificate next September.
We are also giving out incentives along the way and its important to us that every child in these areas have an equal opportunity to become involved.
Our books in stock are a mixed array of exhilarating and knowledge-building volumes, to fulfil the needs of every child. So do come on down and meet our friendly and eager staff.
Remember, it is never too late to register for the “Summer Stars”, or to come along and exchange your books for new material. We really look forward to saying hello and being of service to the following five communities.
Book Bus Schedules run as follows:-
Clogheen Community Centre: Every Tuesday, 10.30am – 12.30pm from 10th July -14th August.
Mullinahone Health Centre Car Park: Every Tuesday, 2.30pm – 4.30pm from 10th July -14th August.
Carrick On Suir – 27 Comeragh View: Every Thursday, 10.30am – 12.30pm from 12th July – 16th August.
Clonmel – Elm Park Community Centre: Every Thursday, 2.00pm – 4.00pm from 12th July to 16th of August.
Newport – Newport Community Centre: Every Wednesday 10.30am – 1.00pm and; 2.00pm-4.00pm from 11th July to 15th August.
Weather permitting, we are hoping to run some events for the children over the summer. Dogs Trust Ireland visited the bus locations on the 10th and 12th of July, much to the delight of the children. Next week we are running a “Story Sack Storytime”, again weather permitting. Our story-time Puppets confirm that they are very much looking forward to breaking out of their sack, to spend some further quality time and having fun with the children! This is a very interactive and enjoyable event.
Schedules for “Story Sack Storytime” are:-
Clogheen – Tuesday 24th July @11.30am.
Mullinahone – Tuesday 24th July @ 3.00pm.
Newport – Wednesday 25th July @ 2.30pm.
Carrick On Suir – Thursday 26th July @ 11.00am.
Clonmel – Thursday 26th July @ 3.30pm.
Membership is FREE and young children must be accompanied by an adult. If your child has special or additional reading needs; please contact Ellen Kilmartin on Tel: (0761) 1066100.
We are encouraging as many families as possible to bring their children along, to avail of this golden opportunity to keep their reading skills up over the summer. The benefits are huge and past experience highlights the enjoyment and fun the children have each year with our Summer Book Bus. It also provides an invaluable service to families who may not live in close proximity to one of our 12 libraries in Co. Tipperary.
The Book Bus for Clonmel, Carrick On Suir have been supported by the South Tipperary Development Company and in Newport by North Tipperary Leader Partnership, through The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP). Same are funded by the Irish Government and co-funded by the European Social Fund.
Ms Breda O’Shea, (Tipperary Library Headquarters, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary) reports:-
“Summer Stars” has been rolled out again this year to all County Libraries nationwide. Interest in this exciting reading-based programme has escalated since the beginning of July in Tipperary Libraries, with more children than ever signing up.

It has been proven that children who visit their local Library regularly, develop stronger literacy and numeracy skills, alongside a positive attitude towards reading for pleasure and knowledge building.
As Dr Seuss so perfectly put it, “The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go”. Reading is a powerful motivational developmental tool. Parents who introduce and encourage their young children to read are giving them a huge gift for life. Numerous studies show strong links between reading and a child’s emotional development, imagination, creativity, social skills and overall well-being.
If you have not already registered your child for “Summer Stars”, simply drop into your local Library today and collect your Summer Stars Reading Card to record and track reading progress. It’s never too late to join up! Registration will be accepted right up to the last week in August. Rewards and incentives will continue throughout the summer with a presentation of certificates in early September for all participants who return their cards to their local library.
Don’t forget to check out the Summer Stars website HERE to participate in the online games and activities as well as sampling a range of animated e-books. Keep an eye on our library website HERE, for up and coming Summer Star events at your local Library.
Note: “Summer Stars” is a free programme and events are also free.
Nenagh Library for example will entertain your 5-8-year olds with Arts n’ Crafts sessions on Wednesday mornings at 11.15am and with Storytime on Thursday mornings at 11.15am throughout the Summer months.
Borrisokane Library are hosting Rico’s Magic show and Balloon Modelling on Thursday 9th August at 3.00pm. Booking is essential.
Cashel Library has a Teddy Bears Picnic Storytime on Wednesday 25th July at 3.00pm, and again booking is also essential.
This is just a sample of what is on offer in Tipperary Libraries this summer.
Well done to everybody who has signed up to Summer Stars. Keep up the excellent work and tell all your friends; so that they get to join in the fun too.
Finally, well done also to our excellent Library Staff, who as usual are working tremendously hard to provide a top-class service to everybody in our communities.
Library Membership is free to all ages.
The 2017 GAA MacNamee Award in the category; “Best GAA Club Publication” goes to a Thurles author.
At this time every year the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) rightly seek to honour excellence in the areas of communications, public relations and journalism, specifically related to the activities of their Association.
 Mr Liam Ó Donnchú and Mr Tony Wall at the launch of Thurles Sarsfields GAA Story.
These coveted annual awards are named after the late Mr Pádraig MacNamee, a former President of the GAA, Chairman of the GAA Commission (1969-1971) and a member of the RTÉ Authority.
It will surely come as no surprise to readers that GAA headquarters at Croke Park have recently announced that “Thurles Sarsfields GAA Story Volume 1”, by local author Mr Liam Ó Donnchú, Ballymoreen, Littleton, Thurles, has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 GAA MacNamee Award in the category – “Best GAA Club Publication”.
New GAA president, Mr Seán Ó hOráin, is expected to present these awards at a function in Croke Park, towards the end of this month. To Mr Ó Donnchú go our sincere congratulations, on what is not just simply a sports publication, but also a social commentary on the life and times of the people of Thurles and Co. Tipperary.
This truly enjoyable publication, which was launched in November 2017 by former Tipperary and Sarsfields hurler Mr Tony Wall, details the fortunes of the Sarsfields club, in Thurles, latter being the birthplace of the GAA, (1884) from the earliest times to 1959.
Mr Ó Donnchú has been involved in GAA communications in Tipperary for many years. His work with GAA programmes at Semple Stadium and the annual production of the Tipperary GAA Yearbook, has, in the past, received recognition nationally. In 2015 he published the well researched Tom Semple & The Thurles Blues.
Some few copies of “Thurles Sarsfields GAA Story Volume 1” remain available here in our local bookshops e.g. Bookworm, Lár na Páirce, Eason and Thurles Sarsfields Social Centre. Signed copies can also be ordered direct (Plus €10 extra for postage and packing) from the author, Mr Liam Ó Donnchú, Ballymoreen, Littleton, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
We all know we should be reading more, so it is still not too late to include it in our 2018 list of New Year’s resolutions. To this end, for the year 2018, Thurles.Info (Deo volente) will be recommending for each month, January through to December, a ‘Book of the Month’ blog.
Our first recommendation for this year has to be “Holding” by Graham Norton. You may not be aware, but Graham Norton, the Irish born and much-loved presenter of the BBC’s “The Graham Norton Show”, has written his first fiction novel and it will come as no surprise to fans that same is nothing short of brilliant.
Set in the small west Cork town of Duneen, “Holding” introduces you to a cast of characters whose ordinary lives are irrevocably changed when the body of a young man is found buried on a local building site.
The plot of “Holding” may come as a surprise to readers when one considers Graham Norton’s genius reputation for comedy on ‘Fr. Ted’ and as a T.V. presenter, but “Holding” reveals yet another side to our Mr Graham Norton. His debut novel is a sensitive story of love, loss and hope, punctuated throughout with witty and shrewd observations of life, still to be found, so much in abundance, here in rural Ireland.
A central character in “Holding” is the rotund and often underestimated Garda Sgt. P.J. Collins. In Chapter 5, when a little of Sgt. Collins’ back story is revealed, we discover that our own much-loved Irish town of Thurles, Co. Tipperary gets a mention and plays a part in bringing Garda Sgt. Collins to the remote town of Duneen, quote, “After Graduating from Templemore, he had been stationed in Thurles. He liked the job well enough… In Thurles he worked longer hours than anyone else and was always the first to volunteer for the shifts that nobody else wanted”.
“Holding” by Graham Norton is published by Hodder & Stoughton and is available to purchase at Bookworm Liberty Square, Thurles or online from Amazon.
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