Ms Maura Barrett (Branch Librarian), Cashel Library Service, Comhairle Contae Thiobraid Árann [Tipperary County Council] reports:-
“It is with great regret that I inform you that due to the Covid 19 Virus, all public libraries will close from 6:00pm this evening, until further notice.
This means that the remainder of our MnáMonth events, at Cashel Library, will have to be rescheduled to a later date.
For those of you who have outstanding books, please do not worry about them, they can be returned at a later date when we reopen.
This closure is considered to be in the best interests of our public safety and beyond our control.
We apologise to all of our patrons for any inconvenience caused.”
“Bringing old stories to new audiences”
Ms Maura Barrett (Branch Librarian), Cashel Library Service, Comhairle Contae Thiobraid Árann [Tipperary County Council] reminds us:-
“I look forward to welcoming you all on Tuesday next March 10th @ 7:00pm, when Ms Eimear Burke (Druid, Celebrant & Storyteller) will visit Cashel Library, latter situated at Friar Street, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
Ms Eimear Burke will be a guest of Cashel Library for this free ‘Mná Month’ event, on Tuesday night next.
Ms Burke will become the chosen Chief of ‘The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids’, in June next 2020. She is a psychologist with a deep love of the ancient Irish tales and a passion for storytelling. She brings old tales to new audiences, and while remaining faithful to the stories, often examines them from new perspectives, so that listeners experience them as fresh and relevant.”
Remember: Booking for this free event is essential, so do please Telephone 062 63825 in advance, during Cashel Library opening hours.
Possible one of the largest gathering of successful women, ever to be ’rounded up’ in one place, will be the honoured guests at Cashel Library, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, during the month of March 2020.
Ms Maura Barrett Comhairle Contae Thiobraid Árann (Tipperary County Council) reports:-
Cashel Library has designated March 2020 as “Mná Month“.
“During the month of March 2020, we will host an exciting series of free events, celebrating all aspects of the lives of Irish women, across the spectrum of the ‘Dewey Decimal System’.
This celebration which is entitled “Dewey Eyed Women” aims to be, dare we use the title ‘truly Mnásome’.
Monday 2nd March @2:00pm – ‘Daughters of Dun Iascaigh’.
‘Daughters of Dun Iascaigh’ was the Tipperary Book of the Year in 2018. It shines a light on the history of the women of Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Edited by four women Josephine O’Neill, Karol Defalco, Mary Caulfield and Breeda Ryan who will share their journey into these unique histories and how they broke into the world of publishing.
Wednesday 4th March @7:00pm – ‘An evening with former RTÉ’s legendary redhead presenter, writer and journalist, Ms Bibi Baskin’.
Ms Baskin will give a motivational talk on how you can bring positive change into your life and make your dreams, big and small, come true. Illustrated by her own story; detailing her prestigious ‘TV Presenter’ role, working with the BBC and ITV and onwards to India. It will include a Questions and Answers session and an opportunity to purchase a copy of her current bool ‘Bibi’s Wellness Wisdom’.
Monday March 9th @11:00am ‘Marie Gleeson – Former Irish Navy Ships Captain’.
Ms Gleeson was one of the first female officers in the Irish navy and this gives her a unique insight into the reality of leading in a man’s world. Marie Gleeson honed her leadership style over the course of a twenty-year military career, operating primarily in the harsh and hostile Atlantic Ocean. Her journey from naval cadet to Captain of the LE AOIFE has given her unique insight into people and how to maximise performance even in the most challenging of circumstances. Note: Limited spaces.
Tuesday March 10th @ 7:00pm ‘Eimear Burke – Druid, Celebrant & Storyteller.’
Ms Burke becomes the chosen chief of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids in June 2020. She is a psychologist with a deep love of the ancient Irish tales and a passion for storytelling. She brings old tales to new audiences, and while remaining faithful to the stories – often examines them from new perspectives, so that listeners experience them as fresh and relevant.
Friday 13th March @ 11:00am ‘Sr. Patricia Wall – The Flying Nun’.
Sr. Patricia Wall has dedicated her life to volunteering and community work since 1996. In 2013 she took to the airways appearing on The Late Late Show and the skies as The Flying Nun raising over 40k for charity. Committed to education, training and up-skilling as a way out of poverty and disadvantage Sr. Patricia works tirelessly to make our community a great place to live, work and play. An octogenarian who has served over 60 years as a nun; Sr. Patricia Wall has many a tale to share.
Saturday 14th March @11:00am ‘Samantha Lambert –Tipperary All- Ireland Ladies Football Captain.
Samantha is a leader, a captain, a class player and a role model for all women in sport. She will share her experience on the field of play and what it feels like to be a woman lifting the winning cup in Croke Park. The Mary Quinn Memorial Cup will also be in residence.
Saturday 14th March @ 2:00pm ‘Dr. Lucia Gannon – All in a Doctor’s Day: Memoirs of an Irish Country Practice.
The local doctor occupies a privileged position in society. Pillars of the community and privy to the most intimate details of people’s lives, we often imbue them with superhuman qualities and expect them to have all the answers. Step into the surgery of Dr. Lucia Gannon. Journey with her as she builds a life in this tight-knit community, and discover what it means to be the one person to bring their problems to.
Thursday 19th March @ 2:00pm ‘Éanna Ní Lamhna Goes Wild’.
Ms Ní Lamhna has been a freelance wildlife consultant since 1988, working with children and adults alike, she has also been a member of the panel on the RTE’s ‘Mooney Goes Wild’ programme since 1994. She discusses nature and the environment. Note: Limited Places
Monday 23rd March @ 2:00pm Ms Rosemary Smith – Rally Driver ‘A good car and a good road do not a good driver make.’
Ms Smith has been a rally driver since 1961, and holds the distinction of being the oldest person ever to drive a Formula 1 car, reaching speeds of over 160km per hour. Ms Smith is ‘sharp as a tack’ in her 83rd year, still competing in rallies, as well as giving lessons in the driving school she founded some 20 years ago. Ms Smith has a unique insight into a ‘male dominated world’ with many side splittingly, funny anecdotes.
Tuesday 24th March @ 7:00pm ‘Rachel Blackmore – Jockey – Blazing a trail…’.
Ms Blackmore is a superstar; this is the woman who likes winning with over 90 wins chalked up, including wins at Cheltenham. Considered a mould breaker in racing circles, she joins us to share her many insights.
Wednesday March 25th @11:00am – Dr. Elzaan Marnane – Breaking out of your chains’.
Dr. Elzaan delivers a one day workshop, exploring why women limit themselves and explores option on how to step through doors of opportunity and break out of the chains. Note: Limited places.
Thursday 26th March @ 11:00am ‘Deise Medieval – Celebrating Viking Women a Living History’.
In Viking society women held a high status and equality. Come and experience this living history event, see how the Viking women lived.
Friday 27th March @ 7:00pm Breege Phelan and the ‘Wood of O’.
Preceded by world food tasting with nibbles, supplied by Pat Glavin.
Ms Breege Phelan and Mr Will McLellan are sublime singer / song-writers who perform original, innovative material under the name, ‘The Wood of O’ with a ‘Mnásome’ flair.
Saturday 28th March @ 11:00am – Dr. Louise Nugent – Encountering the Sacred.
The Archaeology and Heritage of Pilgrimage, explores a wide range of pilgrimage topics from prehistory to the present day and have an Irish and Cashel focus, with particular emphasis on the role of women and the freedoms gleaned in pilgrimage.
Monday 30th @ 11:00am – Ena Howell – Regional President of the ICA Journeys to the University of Life.
The Irish Countrywomen’s Association brings together both rural and urban women and their communities in fellowship and through co-operative effort. The ICA is the largest women’s association in Ireland, with almost 10,000 members and over 500 Guilds across the Country. They cook, travel, craft and socialise! Ms Howell shares her wisdom from the University of Life.”
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” [Extract from that wonderful book, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut” by Dr. Seuss. (Theodor Seuss Geisel or Theo LeSieg, was an American children’s author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, screenwriter and filmmaker).]
It is possibly one of the very few shops, here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, where you, without difficulty, could solve all of your Christmas gift problems with ease and within one hour. I am referring of course to Eason, situated at the bottom of the main isle in Thurles Shopping Centre.
The store can fulfil the wishes of just about every man, woman and child, and not just in their book title offerings, which are truly extensive; but also through sales of National Lottery Tickets, Toys, Christmas Cards, Jewelry, Diaries, Filofaxes, Calendars, Jigsaws, Mass Cards, Birthday Cards, Get Well Cards, Scented Candles and Back-to-School paraphernalia of every discription, to name but some of the stock being carried this Christmas time.
Yes, this is the same lucky Eason establishment, which successfully sold three winning National Lottery Jackpot tickets, with prize-winners collecting a whopping total of €26 million Euro, in prize money.
But of course this family run store’s greatest asset is the service provided by a dedicated group of employees, latter who instantly takes ownership of their particular role within the Eason organisation. All staff here are fully trained and committed to the mission of their business; living the values that have been created by three generations of the same local O’Toole family.
Why not check out the Eason store for yourself during this festive season?
Incidentally, talking about books and reading; did you know that reading books can add years to your life?
A research team at Yale University tracked some 3600 adults all over the age of 50 years for 12 years. Results of their research indicated that people who read books for just 30 minutes each day, lived nearly two years longer, than those who simply read magazines or newspapers.
Scientific research has proven that reading can achieve many incredible effects on our everyday lives. It can improve our health and emotional understanding, while boosting our intelligence and creativity and reducing stress. The brain’s ability to become fully immersed and distracted in a book, is what makes reading the perfect way to relieve stress.
Indeed, it also seems that the sooner you start reading to your new born child, the better, with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), back in 2012, highlighting research which confirms that children who are read to in their early years, grow to be become better readers themselves, by the age of 15 years.
Ms Suzanne Brosnan (Senior Library Assistant), Tipperary County Council Library Service, reports: –
“It’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas here in Thurles Library as is indicated by our list of events shown hereunder.
Saturday 7th December: Christmas story-time will take place at 11.30am. It’s time to get out those Christmas jumpers and Santa hats and come along to help Santa find his proper suit, when Mrs Claus is sick on our interactive story-line. Raise our voices and sing-a-long to great songs like “Jingle Bells” and lots more!
Wednesday 11th December: Christmas Workshop for Adults at 11.15am. This workshop is facilitated by Bertranda Delaney from the Thurles Flower Club. Some materials will be provided on the day, with more details on booking. Note: Spaces are limited – Bookings please to the Thurles library on Tel: 0761–06-6131.
Tuesday 17th December: Christmas Pyjama Story-time will take place at 6:30pm. Join us for stories and songs with special guest Mrs Claus who will pop-in to visit the children on the night.
Wednesday 18th December: Annual Christmas Coffee Morning takes place from 11:15am. Come along for a cuppa, a mince pie and some wonderful festive entertainment. We will be joined by two choirs this year – The Little Flower National School and The Lámh Choir from Scoil Aonghusa Cashel. We look forward to sharing this special morning with all our customers. Free Event and in this case no booking is necessary!
Friday 20th December: Take time out from the busy Christmas craziness and come along to our Christmas Family Movie afternoon! The movie will start at 2:30pm and we are rolling back the years with this years choice of The Muppets Christmas Carol. Same is a gentle version of the Charles Dickens classic!
Please note that while all our events are free, we are taking bookings for story-times, the workshop and film afternoon. So, please do book at the desk with a member of our staff, or call 0761-06-6131.”
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