
Crawford Art Gallery Collection Comes To Thurles

The Way HomeAnn Marie Brophy, Executive Librarian, at Thurles Library, reports:

An exhibition of works, drawn from The Crawford Art Gallery Collection, Cork, comes to The Source Arts Centre & Library, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

This major exhibition, entitled “The Way Home,” is presented courtesy and in collaboration with North Tipperary County Council Arts Services, The Source Arts Centre & Tipperary Libraries.

The exhibition will be opened by Dr. Hugh Maguire, (Director, The Hunt Museum,) on Saturday 6th April 2013, at 3.30pm at The Source Arts Centre & Library, Thurles, Co. Tipperary and an open invitation is extended to all who would like to attend.

This exhibition runs from 6th April11th May 2013 and is a must see for all art students, their teachers, art lovers and indeed the general public.

Exhibition Opening Hours: Mon – Sat 10.00am – 5.00pm & until 8.30pm on Tues & Thurs.

For further details contact: The Source Arts Centre & Library, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Tel: 0504-90204.

Thurles Halloween Festival 2012 Gets Underway

Thurles Halloween Festival

The 5th annual Thurles Halloween Festival came alive last evening, here in the Cathedral town, with a host of events to keep the whole family occupied over the next very spooky 5 day period.

The festival committee have put a huge effort into this years festival and it kicked off last night and will finish on Wednesday 31st October next.

Over the 5 remaining days of this festival, a host of events will be taking place including Art Exhibitions, Drama, Comedy, Various Workshops, Live Music, Street Entertainment, Fireworks, Fire Shows, Public Talks, Poetry Readings, A Soccer Tournament, Street Parade, A Battle of the Bands Competition, Films and a Street Cycle Race.

Sponsors of these events include North Tipperary Leader Partnership, The Arts Council and also the general public here in Thurles, who gave so generously at numerous fund-raising initiatives, over the past 12 months.

So do come along during this week and enjoy the various events including the Annual Fireworks Spectacle, which will finish off this years Festival in its usual unique style.

The Source Theatre Thurles Launch New Website

The Source Theatre & Arts Centre

The Source Theatre & Arts Centre here in Thurles Co. Tipperary are pleased to announce their new website, which has now been fully launched.

The previous layout has been completely redesigned with simplicity and ease of use with customers in mind, as well as the option for all clients, for the first time, to choose their own seat On-line.  When customers activate the ‘Buy Tickets,’ icon they are directed into an interactive seating plan.

Customers can now browse all upcoming events by clicking ‘What’s On.’ & by clicking through on the scrolling images or checking out the highlights on the home page.

Events and offers can also be found on the notice board twitter stream and there is now an option to Like or Share events on Facebook, thus increasing networking information.

Couple of pieces of understandable good business ‘housekeeping,’ information, worth noting on this ‘The Source Website.’ :-

  • All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges are allowed.
  • The maximum amount of tickets that can be purchased per transaction on-line is 10, so for larger group bookings, please do phone (0504) 90204.
  • Wheelchair users, do please phone The Source Box Office on (0504) 90204 to reserve your tickets, in the interests of public safety.
  • Concessions will apply to Students, Recipients of Unemployment Benefit, Assistance or Disability Allowance, Lone Parents and Pensioners. (Valid ID understandably will need to be produced in all such cases.)

One very tiny criticism – Why not display a digital drawing of this fine theatre’s numbered seating arrangements, to enabling those less daring & less IT literate, booking by phone, to choose their preferred seat, – just a thought.

Thurles Tipperary Fayre – Were You There?

The annual Tipperary Fayre 2012, took place on June 2nd last at The Source, Cathedral St, here in Thurles Co.Tipperary, organised by Thurles Chamber Of Commerce for the second year running.

Firstly congratulations to P.J. Shanahan (Chamber President) & Clodagh Duggan both of whom, together with Chamber comrades, organised this magnificent event, bringing together, once again, all that is the very best in Tipperary food products & crafts, produced by local growers and native artisans.

Here are just a few of the highlights of this day-long event, spoiled only by a little ‘gentle rain,’ which fell late into the evening.

Amongst the many ‘Business Stands,’ trading at this event, offering “from a needle to an anchor,’ were:- Duggan Timber Design, Joe Saunders (Public Relations & Media Research), The Craft Corner (Children’s Workshops), Mag’s Home Baking, Tulega Foods, Cabragh Wetlands (Wild Life Sanctuary), HomeBake (Gortnahoe), Thurles Co-Op Creamery, Face Painting, Inch House Restaurant, Thurles Fairtrade, The Green Bowl Company (Fruit & Veg), Jewels (Fashion Jewellery), Juanita’s Bath & Body (Soaps), John Dowling (Wood Turning), The Craft Corner (Children’s Workshops), Crack Pots (Pottery Painting Studio), For The Birds (Bird Boxes), Julia Agnes (Clothing & Head-wear Design), Donal Ryan (Wood Turning), Personalised Canvas (Handmade Gifts), Handmade Toys For U, Fruit & Nut Bakes (Breads & Cakes), Tipperary Green Business, The Tipperary Kitchen, Cooleeney Cheese, Irish Piemontese Beef, Liam Campion (Butcher), Tipperary Aloe Vera, & Fogarty Traditional Sweets, just to name a few.

The fountain spouting up from the river Suir was greatly enhanced by a Chocolate Fountain on the Source Boardwalk, ah yes!, there is something special to be enjoyed in a tub of fresh strawberries & marsh mallows covered in delicious chocolate.

Also in attendance were members of Thurles Farmers Market including Lough Bora Organic Farm, latter which can be found every Saturday morning busily trading from the grounds of Thurles Greyhound Car Park. (Whisper! There is a guy up there, from The Horse & Jockey area, selling potted geraniums for just €2.00. Track him down.)

Of course I cannot sign off without mentioning Premier Meats who passed on much knowledge on available meat cuts, not to mention carving and boning skills.

I also noticed a large turn-out of dedicated teachers in attendance for a lecture by Naomi’s Cafe, Friar Street, Thurles, which expounded the virtues of packing a healthy lunch-box.  (Note to kids: Chocolate Bars & Packets of Crisps may be about to undergo a reduction in consumption in the school yard in the near future. Parents & Teachers are such spoil sports.)

Of course the big attraction at this year’s event was a cookery demonstration by renowned TV chef, Cookery School proprietor and food writer Catherine Fulvio, who operates out of Ballyknocken Cookery School and Ballyknocken House in Co Wicklow.

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable event for all the family and well done to organisers, participants and supporters.

Source Writers Group Launch Website

Tuesday April 17th 2012, will see The Source Writers Group launch their new website, with the event taking place at 7:00pm-8:30pm, here in Thurles Library, Co Tipperary.

All are welcome to attend, to learn more about this group and to listen to some readings, while enjoying some refreshments to mark this special occasion.

The Source Writers Group began originally in January 2010, following in response to Thurles Library’s very kind offer of accommodation. In 2012, like minded people continue to meet twice a month, on Tuesday evenings, to read, evaluate and write in a friendly and constructive environment. Opinions are offered and it is up to each individual how much they want to take on board, during these relaxed and very enjoyable ‘get togethers.’

The meetings are chaired by a different member of this group each time they meet, which allows for varied style and approach.
So please check out their new website which is kept up to date with times of meetings, events and regular writing contributions.

Photograph above shows regular writing contributors (L-R) Michael Mullins, Angie Mullins, Tom Cullen, Patricia Loughnane, Emmet Doyle.