
Picture above (L-R) ; Mrs Mary Fitzgerald (Holycross), Mrs Catherine Daly (Thurles) and Mr P.J. O’Connell (Thurles).
Congratulations to Thurles artist Mrs Catherine Daly, the 2013 winner of the North Tipperary County Council’s Solo Art Exhibition Award 2013.
This wonderful exhibition of art, entitled; “The Delighted Eye,” will now go on display at the North Tipperary County Council’s Civic Offices, situated at Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, on Friday September 20th 2013, with an official launch by Mr Eamonn De Stafort, and with a welcome for the many expected to attend by North Tipperary Mayor Cllr. Ger Darcy.
The exhibition will remain on view to the public from September 23rd – November 1st 2013 during the hours 9.30am – 4.30pm (Monday – Friday).
Having already viewed this exhibition myself, I strongly recommend that as many people as possible take a little of their time to halt awhile and cast their eyes over this truly remarkable collection of very fine art collection.
Photo courtesy G.Willoughby
 So How Good Is Your Memory?
Tom Noone Reports:
Exhibition With A Difference
An exhibition with a difference will be launched in Thurles on Thursday of next week. Originating from an idea by Tipperary Libraries and carried to fruition by Thurles Camera Club, the exhibition will show, in very graphic form, the changing face of our town over a 30-year period, pictured in almost 100 photographs.
The members of the Camera Club put together a selection of photographs representing a range of buildings, businesses and various scenes in the town during the early 80’s, and then photographed the same locations from the same aspect over the past few months. The results will provide a fascinating “Do you remember?” slice of nostalgia for townspeople, particularly for those young enough to have only hazy memories of the street-scape from that period.
Thurles Camera Club has been in existence for nearly 40 years and its members have gained wide recognition for the quality of their work over the years, so there is keen anticipation for this latest venture. Both the Club and Tipperary Libraries are certainly to be commended for their initiative in accepting such a challenging task and bringing it to a successful conclusion with the month-long showing of the results.
The exhibition takes place in The Source and will be officially launched on Thursday 8th August at 6.30 p.m. by well-known Gaelscoil principal and local historian, Mr Jimmy Duggan.
The venue is The Source Arts Centre, Thurles; and a hearty Céad Mile Fáilte is extended to the community at large to attend the launch. The exhibition runs from the 8th to the 29th August 2013 and admission is free.

Mum & Dad Please Take Note: The Source Family Open Day in Thurles is the July 6th next, 2013.
As part of Play Day & Recreation Week, The Source Library and Arts Centre, in conjunction with The Source Café and Thurles Leisure Centre are hosting a day of family entertainment and live music. So bring the family and celebrate National Play and Recreation Week with us in Thurles.
Thurles Library (www.tipperarylibraries.ie or Tel: 0504 – 29720).
11.00am – Story Time with Breda. Come along to the library and let Breda entertain the little ones with stories. (Suitable for 3-6 year olds.)
12.00 Noon – Pirate Hat Making. Help us launch the Treasure Island Summer challenge; make your own pirate hat with Jane. (Suitable for 5-9 year olds.)
11.30am – 1.00pm ‘Play Station,’ for under 5 year olds by North Tipperary Childcare Committee.
The Source Arts Centre (www.thesourceartscentre.ie or Tel: 0504 – 90204).
11.00am – Backstage Tours (20 capacity, 20 mins). Get a tech tour behind the curtains. See how lights and sound work to create a great live show. Must be booked in advance at box office.
12.00pm – Whitenoise Beatbox Workshop for 11-14 years, – €10 – Theatre.
2.00pm – Whitenoise Beatbox Workshop for 15-18 years, – €10 – Theatre.
White Noise has performed as a beatboxer throughout the world for over a decade, imitating drum kits and DJ routines. White Noise’s beatbox workshops are immensely popular and have been held throughout Ireland. The workshops serve as an introduction to the fascinating world of beatboxing.
1.00pm – 5.00pm – Kraft Korner – gallery. Claire and Aileen return with their fabulous crafty projects for children.
1.00pm – 3.00pm – Facepainting – gallery. Let Danielle and Sam transform you into a stunning ‘Butterfly’ or a cool ‘Spiderman.’
2.00pm – 5.00pm – Barbecue (BBQ) on the Boardwalk. Enjoy sizzling meats and salad with a refreshing drink from the bar.
4.00pm – Live Music on the Boardwalk. Local band ‘Le Noise,’ will provide afternoon entertainment on the boardwalk. Expect appearances from special guests too!
Thurles Leisure Centre (www.thurleslc.ie or Tel: 0504 – 58640 ).
Pool party for children – further information can be obtained from Thurles Leisure Centre.
In celebration of Ireland’s Presidency of the EU, Irish Film Institute (IFI) National, presents a programme of short films exploring impressions of Ireland and Europe in collections at the IFI Irish Film Archive.
With Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union running until the end of June 2013 and at a time when our relationship with Europe is at the forefront of much local debate, this programme will spark discussion on our relationship with Europe, looking to the past, present and indeed to the future.
This programme of rare footage, which will be visiting The Source Arts Centre here in Thurles on Wednesday June 26th at 8.00pm, will be introduced by Sunniva O’Flynn, Head of the Irish Film Programming Department and Curator, IFI.
The promised programme will include a rare chance to see some of the first films made in Ireland from 1897, captured by the pioneering French company Les frères Lumière. This selection of short glimpses of 19th Century Ireland includes scenes of Dublin’s O’Connell Street, (then Sackville Street).
The programme will also feature work by German travel writer Heinrich Böll. Böll was known in his own country as an authority on Ireland and this film indeed displays his affection for Ireland and its people, as well as his dismay at the freedoms that our children enjoyed, such as late bedtimes and unrestricted cinema access. The film was shown in Germany and later in Ireland as part of the series “As Others See Us,” where it caused great controversy at the time, even leading to one critic demanding an apology from the German government.
It will be interesting to see if, today, Böll’s criticisms still has this same power to provoke our people.
Admission to this event will cost €5.00.
The Source Arts Centre here in Thurles are delighted to present the paintings and studio of Thurles artist P.J. O’Connell.
The exhibition, while not retrospective, consists of paintings painted over a thirty year period, as well as some of his newer work.
At the centre of this show is an art studio especially set up in The Source, where visitors can see O’Connell at work on a daily basis.
All interested persons are encouraged to view his studio and experience the artistic process in motion, where O’Connell will be available to chat about his work processes, his influences or any other art related topic.
A free public lecture will be held by P.J. in The Source Gallery on Wednesday 12 June at 6.30 pm, & all are welcome.
Date: Tuesday June 4th to Tuesday July 2nd.
Venue: The Source Arts Centre Gallery.
Time: 10.00am to 5.00pm. (Later on performance evenings)
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