
Thurles Shopping Centre’s €250 Eco Art Competition.

Ecological – the set of relationships existing between individual animal, plants, or single-celled life forms and their environment.

Thurles Shopping Centre are rightly proud of their new Eco-Friendly renovations surrounding their shopping centre complex.
They strive to be even more eco friendly for 2022 and are looking for your help.

To celebrate, Thurles Shopping Centre are running an Art Competition for children aged 12 years and under.

Competition: What To Do.

First pick up an entry form leaflet from Thurles Shopping Centre.
The competition itself is to design a wall mural to fit in with a theme for Thurles Shopping Centre, based on “Wildlife”.
Do remember on completion of your chosen design; fill out your Name, Age, Address and Parent Contact Phone Number.
Next, place your entry form into the Box provided in the central Mall area within the Shopping centre; easily located in the area between the Eason bookshop & An Post offices.


Winner will receive a €250 voucher for Thurles Shopping Centre.
Plus, the winning Artwork will be enlarged and painted on the wall at the River Walk entrance at Thurles Shopping centre.

Holycross Village Market, Begins A New Trading Year.

Dust off that Easter Bonnet, it’s market time again at Holycross, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Holycross market Thurles, Co. Tipperary look forward to meeting all their many old customers and hopefully indeed some new consumers, once again next Saturday April 16th, in the village from 1:00pm to 3:00pm for the beginning of yet another trading year.

The market will run, bi weekly, from April 16th until December 10th, with lots of interesting events along the way.
The market welcomes new traders throughout the year, while anchoring it’s personality and stability with a core group of valued old friends.

Come visit a very special Easter market this week, with an Easter raffle and Egg Hunt; come and join us, grab a coffee and a tasty bake, listen to the music, take a seat and chat with friends.

Note: As part of our new initiative to network with local businesses, Holycross Village Market are delighted to have Park 63 @Parkers Restaurant on board this week. Parker’s have put forward a voucher, which will be raffled at the market on next Saturday, April 16th, between 1:00 & 3:00pm.

37th Co. Tipperary Drama Festival Under Way In Holycross.

Author, Poet and Press Correspondent Mr Tom Ryan Reports.

There was palpable excitement in the air last Friday night, when the celebrated actress of stage screen and television, Adjudicator, Ms. Anna Walker [Association of Drama Adjudicators], officially opened the 37th annual County Tipperary Open Drama Festival, which was last held two years ago in pre-Covid times.

Ms. Anna Walker

This festival “rooted in the community” of Holycross/Ballycahill, has been a feature of life in the picturesque village, alongside of the 800 years old Cistercian Abbey, for nigh on 40 years and for almost all that time Mr. Donal Duggan has been its very effective Festival Director.

However, there was added an unexpected drama off stage this year, when the Tuesday before the Festival, the Mullingar Drama Group, who were to stage “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, next Thursday (March 24th), had sadly to withdraw from the festival, due to circumstances outside their control, (believed to be Covid related).

But, in best traditions of theatre “the show must go on”, and instead the Abbeysiders; latter the host group of the festival and the All-Ireland Confined Champions of 2019, opted to stage their own production of John B Keane’s popular “Moll”, on next Thursday night (March 24th).

It was gratifying to see so many familiar festival faces, true theatre loyalists, including members of Drama Groups from Thurles and elsewhere. The attendance included David and Kate McElgunn, Jim Ryan and comedian Tim Curran (Thurles); Han Costello, (Inch); her sister Esther Duggan; Denis Carroll, (Clonoulty); Pat McGrath, (Holycross); Fintan and Frances O‘Gorman, (Athnid), and Mike and Breda Hennessy, (Tipp Mid West Radio, Tipperary Town).

The Festival committee, held their traditional raffle [in which this writer won a box of chocolates]. They also had their traditional tearooms open at the interval, as an excellent thriller, “The Beacon”, by Nancy Harris was played on stage by the Ballycogley Players.

Festival life has returning to normal in the St. Michael’s Community Hall, Holycross, Co. Tipperary and it was such a nice feeling after all the trauma of the recent years, experienced locally and nationwide.
As Mr. Donal Duggan stated, “The drama festival brings a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and will help us to move from the dark days of Covid to the healthier, brighter and longer days of Spring“.

The hospitality of Holycross, Co. Tipperary, is well known and it is great to see old friendships being renewed and new ones made, during the interval “over that cuppa”.

Mr. Duggan thanked patrons and sponsors, the local media and particularly Tipp FM.

The hard working committee, who deserve to be congratulated on their trojan efforts, comprised this year of Rev. Celsus Tierney (President), Donal Duggan (Festival Director), Tommy Lanigan (Chairman), Claire Ryan (Secretary), Maudie Bourke and Tommy Lanigan (Joint Treasurers), Geraldine O’Neill (PRO), Marty O’Neill and Ger O’Dwyer (sponsorship), Diana Lacey (Raffle), Marty O’Neill and Paddy Connolly (Technical), and Marie Spillane, Peg Ryan, Elaine O’Dwyer, Andy Slattery (Committee).
The Sub-Committee comprised of Jack Henchion, John Glasheen, Aishling Henchion, Gerry Kennedy and Derek Doherty.

Groups are competing for the “Tipperary Star” Cup in the Confined Section and the “Tipp FM Trophy” in the Open Category.

The Festival continues tonight (Tuesday, March 22nd), with “The Beauty Queen of Leenane”, by Martin McDonagh, played by Brideview Drama group.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, March 23rd) will be staged “The Quiet Moment” by Mick Finn (Kilworth DG.).
As already stated, on Thursday next (March 24th) the Holycross/Ballycahill Drama Group will stage “Moll”, [Note, which is not competing in this years Festival competition].
On Friday (March 25th), Skibbereen Theatre Society will stage “Brighton” by Jim Nolan
On the final night, Saturday, (March 26th), Camross Drama Group will conclude this festival fare with Jimmy Murphy’s much-loved “The Kings of Kilburn High Road”.

This will be followed by final adjudication and presentation of awards.

Mr Donal Duggan, who welcomed Ms Anna Walker on her first visit to Holycross, Co. Tipperary; on a poignant note said “Covid took a heavy toll on people and drama did not escape, as we lost one of our founding members, Tom Molony and also Joe and Sally O’Rourke, who were all involved with our local group for many years”.
The late Tom Molony was Chairman of the Festival, after it moved to its new home in Holycross, from Thurles in 1983 and he served on the committee for many years. He was one of the early members of the group and played parts in many plays over the years. “He will be remembered for his readily given advice, tempered with his ready wit”, continued Mr. Duggan.

He further added “I wish to thank our hardworking committee for their time and dedication to the festival which we all love”.

In thanking Tipp FM local radio, he also thanked and welcomed back the audience, “whose presence and support for live drama encourages us to keep trying to improve the festival each year“.

TUS LSAD To Host International “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” Exhibition.

TUS LSAD to host Internationally Acclaimed “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” exhibition, as part of International Women’s Day.

This exhibition, by international artists, is open to the public free of charge, and also features an interpretation of the work by TUS LSAD students.

Students from TUS Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) are adding their voice to an International Posters Exhibition on Gender-based Inequality, Violence and Discrimination, which will open in the TUS LSAD Gallery this International Women’s Day, tomorrow Tuesday March 8th, 2022.

Limerick School of Art and Design (LSAD) Women’s Rights Expo.

The weeklong exhibition entitled “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” will run until Friday March 11th, as one of a number of events across the Technological University of the Shannon’s (TUS) six campuses, (Thurles, Limerick, Athlone, Clonmel and Ennis), to mark International Women’s Day.

Women’s Rights Are Humans Rights: International Posters on Gender-based Inequality, Violence and Discrimination is an exhibition of posters created by both men and women to celebrate and acknowledge the vital role that all citizens play in protecting and promoting human rights, while challenging gender inequality and stereotypes, advancing reproductive and sexual rights, protecting women and girls against brutality, and promoting women’s empowerment, education and participation in society.

TUS LSAD students have responded to the exhibition and created similarly-themed women’s rights and advocacy posters using RISO print and AR (augmented-reality) elements. This work will exhibit alongside the acclaimed international exhibition, originally organized and curated by Elizabeth Resnick, Professor Emerita, Graphic Design, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston.

TUS Vice President People Culture & EDI Marian Duggan said the poster exhibition argues for the empowerment of women, the achievement of equality between the genders and the elimination of discrimination against women and girls.

“We at TUS are particularly proud of the work of our LSAD students, of all genders, who have responded so well to the theme of Women’s Rights are Human Rights. Their work brings a local as well as global dimension to the exhibition, while also giving insight into the awareness of the challenges of gender inequality among the next generation of leaders, artists and teachers.”

Tamlyn Young, lecturer in Graphic Design Communications and Animation TUS LSAD, added, “We would encourage the public to visit the free exhibition to not only view the powerful posters created by artists from all over the world, but to come and engage with our students’ work by downloading the Artivive app to their phones which will allow them to view the student’s posters through a three-dimensional augmented reality.”

The launch of the “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” exhibition will take place in the TUS LSAD Gallery, Clare Street Limerick at 6:00pm on March 8th, 2022 and will run until Friday March 11th, 2022.

Tomorrow Sat. Oct. 30th Three Hours of Pumpkin Festivities At Holycross Market.

Muppet Monster.

It is “Ready, Set, Go” for Halloween Festivities at Holycross Market, here in Holycross, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, tomorrow, with their extra special “Holycross Pumpkin Fest” taking place.

A host of spooky and other spectacular events will take off, promising to entertain young and old and guaranteeing the very best in family fun.

Market organisers will be seeking those skilled conker fighters to participate in the “Tipperary Conker Championship” which will result in a trophy and prizes for both the winner and runner-up.

Don’t forget Ruadhán Gormally, that incredibly talented Galway born puppet maker, who was recently featured on the Ryan Tubridy Show, will be here in Holycross Market tomorrow, to entertain and delight with a collection of his best puppets.

A “Muppet Monster” style Puppet will also be raffled off as part of the afternoon’s much anticipated festivities.

As stated, the market will be extending their opening time by one hour, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, with lots of extra music, tricks, treats and other shenanigans, for children and adults, in honour of this truly Irish tradition.

Meanwhile; the market organisers of this Holycross Market Pumpkin Fest, want to keep the family fun rolling out over the full Halloween holiday, with other ‘spooktacular’ Halloween activities after their market closes.

Create Your Own Halloween Puppet from Paper

After Ruadhán Gormally’s puppet display, you’ll be inspired to make your own puppets. To make these easy Halloween hand puppets, all you need is paper, glue, scissors and some ‘crafty’ creativity.

Make Some Halloween Garlands.

Street area’s and stalls at the Holycross Market will be decorated for Halloween. Why not have a go at making your own Halloween decorations? Many of us will remember making these paper garlands as children. Why not put a Halloween spin on this oldest of paper crafts. No skill required, just some folding and cutting with a scissors. Just click HERE.

Learn to Draw a Favourite Halloween Monster.

You are sure to see lots of creepy costumes at the Holycross Halloween Market. When you get home, why not learn to draw a few. As always, Art for Kids Hub offers hundreds of free tutorials on how to draw our favourite Halloween characters. With lessons for all ages and abilities it’s no wonder this channel has over 5 million subscribers. Click HERE.

Bake Some Halloween Buns with Mum.

Once you have eaten all the delicious cakes you bought at Holycross Market, try out some of these delicious Halloween bakes, courtesy of Oldlum’s by clicking HERE.

Play Some Halloween Games.

Still feeling competitive after the Holycross Conker Championship? Here are five other Halloween games that will provide lots of fun for young and old.
Halloween Charades click HERE.
Pin the Spider on the Web click HERE.
Wrap the Mummy click HERE. (Persuade Mum to buy a few extra toilet roll)
Halloween Relay Race click HERE.
Guess the Gross Food click HERE.

See you all tomorrow at Holycross Market Pumpkin Fest. It’s the place to be.