
TD’s, Councillors & Officials Invited To Walk On Thurles River Walk.

Resident, local Fianna Fáil, TD Mr Jackie Cahill, has stated publicly, confirming his support for the cleaning of the River Suir in Thurles, however he has also admitted, on Tipp Mid-West Radio, that he is unable “to excessively influence policy in this area”.
He also claims that people interested in fishing in the river, struggle to even find access to its banks. But of course there is no difficulty in gaining access to the banks once you have trampled down the three foot high stinging nettles and briars, using a supermarket trolley in an effort to locate water.

[Mr Cahill is the same TD who as, Chairperson of the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee, believes a more “farmer friendly” approach would benefit farmers, in the wake of changes imposed by the EU with regards nitrogen limits; latter which is presently destroying our Irish rivers and lakes].

We now trust that Mr Cahill will have a chat with his sister, councillor Mrs Kay Cahill-Skehan, to brief her, before the next Thurles Municipal District Council Meeting.

River Suir pictured six years apart.
Pics: G. Willoughby

We welcome also the input from re-elected Independent Councillor Mr Jim Ryan, who is committed to, at the next council meeting, quote “calling on all the relevant bodies to come together to formulate a future plan, for the River Suir in Thurles. Currently it is completely overgrown with vegetation. There is no flow or depth and there is always the continuous problem of the green algae forming on the surface. It has become an eyesore and an embarrassment to the town”.
SEE HERE: Thurles. Info first raised this issue on November 7th 2013 so this “calling” now comes 11 years to late.

Perhaps all public representatives can confirm:
(A) Where has our Grundfus submersible water pump gone, latter which fed our three river fountains?
(B) Why has the two weirs, which controlled water levels close to Barry’s Bridge been allowed to deteriorate ?
(C) Why do we constantly continue to highlight new projects, while failing to maintain or support that which already exists?

Meanwhile, elected councillors, while you a talking to those who receive large salaries and who must take direct responsible for this total neglect, please see the short video hereunder.

I feel I should point out that Thurles is trying to attract tourists; albeit with little or no success.
Perhaps our two resident TD’s; our recently re-elected councillors, together with Thurles Municipal District officials, should take a short walk from the River Walk entrance on the N62, (close to Lidl supermarket), and continue their journey, to the Thurles Town park, situated close to “The Source” building.

Note: the messages of hate scrawled on the Rainbow Seat, placed to celebrate Pride and the LGBTQ+ community and also painted on the flood barriers.
See the filth both in and on the surface of the river water.
See also the nettles and briars converging unto the walkway, in the name of biodiversity, which now confines young children to their pushchairs and perambulator devices, when choosing to use this river side walkway.
God knows we have all the biodiversity we need growing out of our drains, currently within the town’s streetscapes.

Ask why hate messages have not been removed by salaried individuals. Same messages do not represent the feelings of the vast majority of Thurles residents and proper administration must now be immediately implemented.

Time now to take back our town and yes this will put a few noses out of joint, but what the hell!
Elected representatives have my full permission to reveal red faces and to feel shame and embarrassed.
So what are we getting for our Property Tax, Rates, Parking Charges etc?


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