
Warning – Significant Rise In Covid Cases Reported In Thurles.

Reports coming in from the public, confirm a worrying increase in Covid cases here in Thurles since Tuesday last.

Fresh Covid-19 wave had been forecast to hit Ireland this summer.

Nationally, 22 Covid-19 cases are confirmed as being in hospital intensive care units, by the HSE, (Figure recorded at 11:30am today, Thursday July 11th, 2024). Confirmed Cases in our hospitals are recorded at 361 Covid-19 cases, (Recorded at 8:00am today Thursday, July 11th, 2024).

At the end of June last (2024), Ireland’s health officials sounded a serious warning after reporting a sharp increase in confirmed Covid cases and hospitalisations. Experts warned that Covid transmission, while presently at moderate to high levels within Ireland; due an increase in travel and attendances at other large social events such as musical festivals, (both which results in crowded settings) the virus is permitted to spread more easily.

The specialist service for the surveillance of communicable diseases have advised anyone with possible symptoms of Covid, (even mild ones), to stay at home until at least 48 hours after their symptoms are mostly or fully gone. Symptom – sufferers should also avoid contact with other people, especially people at higher risk from COVID-19.

Note: The majority of retail outlets in Thurles no longer provide hand sanitizer for their customers.


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