
Workplace Related Death Reported At Roscrea Wastewater Treatment Plant, Tipperary.

An investigation is currently underway into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man aged in his 50s, following a workplace related incident on site at the Roscrea Wastewater Treatment Plant in North Tipperary, shortly after 12:30pm yesterday afternoon.

Uisce Eireann has stated that was with deep regret and sadness that a man, working on behalf of their contractor, lost his life following an incident yesterday, Wednesday May 29th. The incident occurred at Roscrea Wastewater Treatment Plant, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.

They further stated that quote; “Our thoughts are with the family, work colleagues and friends of the deceased at this very difficult time. Uisce Éireann are liaising with the Health and Safety Authority and relevant authorities in relation to this incident.”

Gardai have confirmed that the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) together with the local coroner had been notified and the man’s body was removed to University Hospital Limerick (UHL), with enquires continuing.

The HSA said it is aware of the incident and they have launched a full investigation.


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