
Election Posters – Local & European Election June 7th 2024 – Rules.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Mr Darragh O’Brien TD, has appointed Friday, June 7th 2024, as the polling day for the European Parliament Elections and Local Council Elections.

European Parliament Elections June 7th 2024.

The Minister has clarified the time period during which candidates can exhibit election posters. Candidates can only erect posters from May 8th 2024, (30 days before the polling date). There is then a requirement for candidates to remove all posters within 7 days of the poll taking place.

Tipperary County Council – Roads Posters Protocol.
There is a protocol in place with respect to the placement of posters along roads and streets in Co. Tipperary in the interests of road safety. The Council needs/must be mindful of the safety of all road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.
The following limitations will apply:
• Posters may only be erected for a certain specified time period before a polling date in accordance with the provisions of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 (as amended) and the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2009. For the forthcoming polls, candidates can only erect posters from May 8th 2024.
Posters must be removed within 7 days of polling day. These requirements are set out in the Litter Pollution Act 1997 (as amended) and the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2009.
Cable ties are considered to be part of the posters and must also be removed.
• No signage is to be erected on a roundabout or within 50m of the entrance to a roundabout.
• No signage is to be erected on existing road signage poles.
• No signage is to be erected where it blocks sightlines from entrances onto any road.
• No signage is to be erected on pedestrian safety barriers.
• Where Tipperary County Council deems a sign to be hazardous, a distraction to safe movement of road users, or in breach of the above rules, it may remove that sign for storage at the local depot where it can
be collected within one week of removal.
Electronic Display Panels, also known as Variable Message Signs (VMS) or VMS display panels are not permitted to be used for any purpose connected with the election/referendum, as they are considered to be advertisement structures requiring an appropriate planning permission.
Motorways/High Speed Dual Carriageways: Candidates and election workers are advised that, with the exception of emergency situations, it is illegal to stop on motorways for any purpose, including the erection of election material.
Similarly, for road safety and efficiency the same applies in the case of dual carriageways.
Bridges: There is an inherent risk in the practice of suspending or attaching banners and posters to/from road overbridges and pedestrian bridges.
• Election candidates should ensure that all campaign workers are made aware of the dangers of working at the road side and not to place themselves or others at risk when erecting posters. Such workers should
take necessary safety precautions for both themselves and other road users.

Liam Brett.
Director of Services Roads and Transportation.


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