
Failure To Empty Thurles Clothes Pods Highlights Failure To Administrate.

Thurles Clothes Pods packed to capacity today on the eve of a long holiday weekend.
Pic: G. Willoughby.
Sewing or Sowing?

People arriving to deposit their unwanted textiles in the ‘Clothes Pods’ (latter Textile Recycling units), situated at the Thurles Parnell Street car park, have found same once again packed to capacity on the eve of a long bank holiday weekend.

Having attempted to push items further in and failing in their efforts, full plastic bags are now being dumped on the ground in this provided area by new depositor.

The photograph above, taken today Friday May 3rd 2024, shows that Tipperary Co. Council have failed yet again in their claim of quote; “Sewing the seeds of sustainability”, with articles of clothing strewn on the ground. [And we wonder why people are dumping on our roadsides!]

The ‘Clothes Pods’ previously provided at Aldi on Kickham Street and close to Thurles Swimming pool have both been removed for some reason, over the past few months, thus adding to the lack of recycling space being provided.
In the meanwhile, with regard to the stickers on these ‘Clothes Pods’, stating that Tipperary is “Sewing the seeds of sustainability”, perhaps that should read “Sowing the seeds of sustainability”, but what would I know?


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