
Review Of Safe Countries Of Origin To Be Announced Today.

Review Of Safe Countries Of Origin In Context Of International Protection To Be Announced Today.

The Minister for Justice Mrs Helen McEntee TD is expected to announce the outcome of a review of Safe Countries of Origin in the context of international protection this afternoon at 1:00pm.

A safe country of origin is defined as a country where, on the basis of the legal situation; the application of the law within a democratic system: the general political circumstances, it can be shown that there is generally and consistently no persecution; [as defined in Directive 2011/95/EU (Recast Qualification Directive)], no torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; and no threat by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict.
The announcement of the outcome of review of safe countries of origin, will be made at the Courtyard, Government Buildings, Merrion St. Upper, Dublin 2, [D02 R583].


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