
Robbery Takes Place At Bookmakers In Fethard, Co. Tipperary.

Tipperary Gardaí from Fethard and Clonmel are currently seeking your help with regards to a robbery which took place at Ladbrokes Bookmakers, The Square, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, on Thursday night, September 28th 2023, at approximately 8:15pm.
Two men are understood to have entered the premises with their faces covered.
The men gained entry to the staff area of the premises and forced staff to open a safe, before exiting the premises with a quantity of cash and fleeing on foot in the direction of Burke Street, in the town.
Suspect No.1 was of heavy build and wore a grey hoody and blue jeans; while suspect No. 2 was of slim/medium build; was taller than his companion and wore a green hoody and black shorts.

Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have observed these males in or around the Burke Street and or Fethard Square area in or around 7:30 to 8:00pm, or who may have witnessed any suspicious behaviour, which may be linked to this incident.
Similarly, any drivers with dash-cam footage who were in this area at the time are asked to contact Gardaí immediately.
Gardaí are particularly interested in speaking with a male who was walking a large dog, in the Burke Street / Main Street area of Fethard, at that time and may have encountered both these individuals.

Any person with any information is asked to contact Clonmel Garda Station in strictest confidence Tel: 052-6177640 or email or contact the Garda Confidential Line Free-phone 1800 666 111.


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