
Heavy Goods Delivery Brings Traffic In Thurles Town Centre To A Standstill.

Twice in the past 4 days we watched as large trucks attempted to offload heavy goods to shopkeepers trading on Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The image shown hereunder, indicates the problems being experienced by lorry drivers going about their daily work.

Liberty Square, April 13th 2023.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

For a full 13 minutes, traffic travelling westward through Liberty Square in the town, were forced to queue in a line, same running back to the Willowmere Drive area, east of the town.

The driver operating without a helper, in order to deliver the heavy duty goods was left with no alternative.

Let us examine his predicament. He was driving from west to east. Traffic was busy and already tailed back. The small loading bays were full as were the now few remaining car parking spaces; same spaces reduced by partial upgrade of the Liberty Square area. Despite a traffic warden being on duty somewhere or other, same was not on hand to assist. The driver had no option but to pull away to his right to deliver his burden of goods, and with rear doors open, thus he blocked the only remaining traffic lane, westward on Liberty Square.

If this situation is Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) vision to lead us in the delivery and operation of sustainable transport, quote, “enabling public transport networks to drive inclusive growth; create job opportunities; thus enhancing the well-being of all persons, including vulnerable groups, while strengthening resilience to address climate change, maintaining the TII’s commitment to the environment and prioritise safety”, then God save us.

Over the past year, motorists and heavy goods vehicles have learned to avoid Thurles town centre, choosing instead to use the Mill Road to travel westward, and here also the narrow roadway has begun to subside. Motorists realising they are going to be late for appointments are now seriously breaking the speed limit on this narrow thoroughfare, happily aware of the absence of the local Garda Traffic Corps.

Aldi; Thurles Shopping Centre and Lidl all positioned, offering free parking, on the outskirts of Thurles must surely be grateful for the gift handed to them at the expense of local established businesses; latter left abandoned by those elected locally and nationally who had been entrusted with the protection our town centre. Local business owners must now, like every other Thurles employee, leave the Thurles area in search of other opportunities elsewhere.

Meanwhile, in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended,
Tipperary County Council have been made available, for public inspection, the plans and particulars of the
proposed development on Slievenamon Road (N62) due to begin – God knows when.
Plans and particulars for this proposed development are available for inspection or can be purchase at
the following locations;
Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Castle Avenue, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmet Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

Again, same development makes for disastrous reading and will lead further, sadly, to the downward demise of Liberty Square, Thurles, unless the town rises up and declare a motion of no confidence in members of our current administration.


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