
We Do Not Always Mean What We Say

We do not always mean what we say or indeed always say what we mean. The following, well meaning evidence of this, has actually appeared in the past on Church bulletin boards, in magazines and newspapers or has been announced from the Alters in various churches.

The Parish Council have unveiled the church’s new tithing campaign slogan for the coming year: “I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.”

The all day ‘Fasting and Prayer Conference‘, scheduled for the first Sunday in Lent, will includes meals.

The sermon this morning is “Jesus Walks on the Water.” The sermon for our evening ceremony will be “Searching for Jesus.”

Parish Ladies should note, please don’t forget items for the jumble sale. It’s a perfect opportunity to rid yourself of things not worth keeping around the house. Please bring your husbands.

Don’t let depression ruin your life! Please allow your local Church to help.

The ‘Peace Meeting‘ scheduled for today has been cancelled due to unforeseen conflict.

Miss Mary Brown sang “I will not pass this way again,” giving obvious pleasure to the gathered congregation.

For those of you who have children and don’t know it, our New Day Nursery is now open at the rear of our Church.

Tonight Fr. J. Bourke will preach his last farewell sermon after which the Gospel Choir will sing “O Happy Day.”

Mr Thomas Bailey and Miss Ruth Manning were married on October 24th last in our Parish Church and so ends a perfect friendship that began in their youth.

The topic chosen for to-nights evening service will be “What Is Hell?” Come early and listen to our local choir practice.

Please place your Name together with your Donation in the envelope along with the Deceased Person you want remembered in our prayers.

The church will host an evening of Fine Dining, Super Entertainment and Gracious Hostility.

The ladies of the parish have “Cast Off Clothing” of every kind. They may be viewed in the Church basement on Friday afternoon next.

Weight Watchers will meet at 8.00pm in the Church Hall. Please use the large double doors to the side of the building.

The parish Rector would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation could lend him their electric girdles for the Pancake Breakfast next Sunday.

The Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday next at 7 .00pm. Please use the back door.

Our Transition Year Students will be presenting Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ in the Confraternity Hall on Friday at 8.00pm. The parish are invited to attend this great tragedy.

This evening at 7.30pm, weather permitting, there will be Hymn Singing in the parkland across from the Cathedral. Bring a blanket and your Hymn Book and come prepared to sin-.

Sure you got to laugh.


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