
Met Eireann Issue Status Yellow Weather Warning.

High temperatures are set to be felt over all of Ireland this weekend, with same set to rise as high as 33°C in many parts by Monday next. Heat expectations here in Co. Tipperary are expected to rise to in excess of 25° centigrade.

Met Eireann has issued a status yellow warning for the entire country as and from next Sunday, as a consequence of expected freak weather conditions.

Advice on walking your dogs, over the coming days, is to exercise them in the cooler parts of the day, such as early in the morning or late in the evening. Remember, if walking dogs in towns and housing estates; press your hand down on tarmac and cement surfaces for five-seconds. If the surface is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your dog’s paws. Good idea also is to make the walk shorter than usual.
Remember, when leaving water outside for your pet, to ensure same liquid is kept in a cool shaded area. If you are leaving your dog at home alone, make sure its bowl can’t be knocked over.

Frozen ice cubes with a suitable dog treat [e.g. carrot slice, blue berry] contained in the centre, are a perfect way to help your four-legged friend stay cool in hot weather.

While most Irish counties will see temperatures soar into the mid-20s, Met Eireann has identified at least 6 areas in their forecast, where temperatures are set to reach 27°C of heat on Sunday. These include Clare, Dublin, Longford, Meath, Roscommon and Westmeath.


2 comments to Met Eireann Issue Status Yellow Weather Warning.

  • Katie

    Great advise George. But what a beautiful Spaniel. Is he yours George?
    Did you watch the Irish Rugby team against NZ? It was not shown here as usual. But we did see the rugby match between Australia and England. We had a good crowd of Pommies and Irish here. I am sure George some of them will have sore throats today. All the week all we were hearing and seeing on our news was how great the Aussies were. But give credit to the poms they showed them what it was like to win.
    Ireland won and from the news today Ireland was a much better team. So that was good for Ireland.
    Gosh George you are having lovely weather. We are in winter here and oh boy don’t we feel the cold. Take care and look after one another. Love the Thurles news George.

  • George Willoughby

    Dog is my daughters. Watched the rugby – great match. You take care also and glad you enjoy the news.

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