It was with a great sadness that we learned of the death, on Sunday 26th June 2022, of Sr. Bridget Leamy, Stella Maris Convent, Swansea, Wales and late of Roskeen, Drombane, Thurles. Co. Tipperary.
Sr. Bridget passed away peacefully, while in the company of the Congregation of the Ursulines of Jesus.
Pre-deceased by her parents Patrick and Josephine and her sisters Sr. Elizabeth and Sr. Patrick Joseph, her brother Dan, and brother-in-law Seamus Hayes; the passing of Sr. Bridget is most lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her brother Willie, sisters Sr. Mary and Kathleen Hayes, sister-in-law Kathleen Leamy, nephews, nieces, grand nephews, grand nieces, extended relatives, neighbours her convent community, carers and community nurse.
Requiescat in Pace.
Funeral Arrangements.
Interment will takes place in Swansea, on the south coast of Wales, United Kingdom, on Thursday, July 7th.
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated in St. Mary’s Church, Drombane, Thurles, Co. Tipperary on Monday night next, July 11th at 8:00pm.
[NB: Due to C-19 virus fears; those attending on Monday night, will continue to observe strict adherence to social distancing, face covering, with no hand shaking.]
The extended Leamy family and her religious community wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time and have made arrangements for those wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá h-anam dílis.
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