They are gone at last, the old metal lamp standards/poles that, over many years, lit up Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Until today, these lighting standards were the only freestanding, yet silent witnesses, that watched in recent times as traders fled from Liberty Square, each avoiding being slowly strangled to death, by parking charges introduced by Tipperary Co. Council.
The new, slim lighting standards, however, will pose a problem for Tipperary politicians and local councillors, since they do not offer similar opportunities for the erection of photoshopped election posters.
Then of course, ESB Networks have, since 2017, been reminding election campaigners that the erecting of posters on electricity poles is “strictly prohibited” and could result in serious injury to both ESB staff or members of the public.
Posters erected on electricity poles in the run up to previous elections and referendums have led to electric shocks, falls, and poles falling and catching fire, according to the electricity network. Posters on these poles also distract motorists, while restricting visibility to traffic.
To this end, the ESB reminds members of the public, contractors and would be elected representatives that erecting posters on electricity poles is strictly prohibited, and same will in future be removed by ESB staff when & where possible.