The Department of Health here in the Republic of Ireland has confirmed 1,456 new cases of Covid-19, within the past 24 hours.
There are 261 people being treated for the virus in our hospitals, down 27 on yesterday. The number of people in our intensive care units currently remains at 66, down seven on yesterday’s reported figures.
Mr Paul Reid (Health Service Executive CEO) has stated that a hugely disproportionate number of unvaccinated patients are entering intensive care suffering from the virus, and he is urging people who still have NOT come forward for vaccination as yet, to do so at their earliest convenience.
In a positive move by the current Irish Government Mr Simon Harris (Minister for Further Education) has confirmed that pop-up vaccination centres will open on many college campuses later this month.
Over 7 million vaccine doses have been administered to date here in the Irish Republic; with more than 83% of people aged between 16-29 having already received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, while more than 79% have currently been fully vaccinated.
In Northern Ireland, their Department of Health has confirmed a further 1,072 cases of Covid-19 within the past 24 hours. Sadly here also 6 further deaths have also been reported in people who tested positive for the disease.
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