Last Sunday (25/04/2021), highlighted a growing litter problem in Thurles Town Park. Stemming from a lack of sufficiently sized rubbish bins, coupled with an apparent failure to empty them regularly, the public’s rubbish began piling up in and around the bins because there wasn’t any room to put rubbish into them.
During a weekend of blue skies and sunshine, the sight of mounting rubbish, was a major disappointment to the many locals hoping to enjoy some outdoor leisure time.
The unacceptable conditions documented in last week’s article were directly communicated to Mr Joe MacGrath (Tipperary Co. Co. Chief Executive) and Ms Sharon Scully, (Thurles District Administrator). is delighted to report, however, that this story of complacency and complaints has had a positive ending. It appears that someone has listened to some of our pleas for better facilities.
Two New Wheelie Bins
In the week since this story broke, two new bins have been installed, seeing a huge reduction in discarded litter in Thurles Town Park area. It would also appear that a more regular system for emptying the bins has been implemented. The prompt and efficient response to this local problem is sincerely welcomed and wish to thank the individuals involved for the wonderful improvements already evident in Thurles Town Park.
Riverside Walk
Last week’s article also highlighted the need for improved rubbish bin facilities along the Riverside Walk. As noted, it is estimated that four to five similar large bins, as pictured above, are desperately needed along the Riverside Walk.
Bins on wheels, like those now to be seen in the Town Park, could be easily interchanged along the Riverside Walk where there is no possibility of vehicle access. If installed they could have a positive impact on its litter and pollution problems, which in turn would significantly enhance the area.
Let’s hope that the care and commitment to respond swiftly to our community’s needs, as seen this week in response to the Town Park litter problem, will soon transfer to the Riverside Walk, thus aiding the many volunteers from “Refresh Thurles” and others who give of their time picking up litter, in their efforts to keep the area in pristine condition.
Time now to invite “Refresh Thurles” and the other Thurles River Walk volunteers to discuss/debate how the recent grant of €120, 000 by government, allocated for this area, should be best spent.
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