
Sudden Death Of Mr Matty Ryan

Mr Mattie Ryan

It is with deepest regret, we have learned of the sudden and unexpected death, earlier today, of Mr Matty Ryan, Liberty Square, Thurles Co. Tipperary.

Mr Ryan who was an internationally renowned jeweller and jewellery designer, will be best remembered, over the past number of years, for his momentous work in promoting the North Tipperary Hospice Movement.

A spokesperson for St.Mary’s Famine Museum here in Thurles, of which Mr Ryan was a life time patron stated:
“In his passing the people of Thurles have lost an irreplaceable influential friend, charitable community activist and supporter of all things artistic and his beloved Thurles.”

To his family and numerous friends go our deepest and heart-felt sympathies.

Details of funeral arrangements: Reposing at his residence tomorrow (Tuesday) January 26th, from 3.00pm to 7.45pm, arriving at Thurles Cathedral at 8.30pm.  Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 12.00 noon and cremation afterwards in Little Island, Cork. Donations if desired to North Tipperary Hospice.

Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis.


32 comments to Sudden Death Of Mr Matty Ryan

  • Nairika K. Cornett

    Matty was a dear dear family friend. He will be terribly missed. He flew to Atlanta, Georgia for our wedding in 2000 and made it a most memorable event. Matty we love you and wish your blessed soul much peace and eternal bliss. God Bless. Our love and condolences to Matty’s family and friends. We know you have lost an integral part of your lives. Much love to all,
    Nairika & Tommy Cornett

  • Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal

    Mattie Ryan has been a very dear friend of mine for over 2 decades…..I first met him on his visit to India to attend a wedding. We became really close friends and I visited him several times in Thurles and made friends with his mother, his sisters and his other friends, and he came to Atlanta , Georgia (USA) to attend my daughter’s wedding……we have had such great times together and those will be the memories I will always hold dear to my heart…..he lived life the way it is meant to be lived – fully and with the utmost goodness and richness of heart!!….My heartfelt sympathies to his family and dear friends. Good bye dear friend. I miss you terribly….
    Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal
    (Mumbai, INDIA)

  • Hi Nairika,Tommy and Mahabanoo,
    We here in Thurles share fully in your expressed sentiments and on behalf of the Ryan family I thank you for your kind words of sympathy.



  • Kunwar Yadvendra (George) Singh

    Matthew Ryan,was an institution not to be missed! My family and I feel most priveliged to have known him for he light our lives in the most wonderful way.
    It was shocking to learn about the sad loss, recieving a call from America, we called a dear friend in Ireland from India to confirm, not willing to believe, who to confirm called her father;incidently who had a call from Abu Dhabi. Quite a global feat, but he was a global figure.
    I first met Matty 30 years back, as he was a dear friend of my parents. Today I claim he was closer to me and my wife than my parents, while my children claim he was closest to them. Matty had a magnetic personality. Matty was family, attending our marriage, insisting on being my son’s godparent, coming in too for dad’s final prayer meeting.
    That’s what Matty was all about, every single friend would be special, making this parting even more painful. Matty was probably the kindest, caring and most wonderful soul one could have ever met. He brightened one’s day by calling you, enlightened lives by coming and staying with you, his knowledge was immense.
    My wife and I feel great today to have attended his birthday party in Adare,was it his way of bidding goodbye to all his friends? Rest in peace my dear sir, you shall always be missed. We would like to condole with this great loss with all Matty’s family, friends and Thurles, which he dearly loved.
    Chandrika and Georgie

  • Charlie Fowler

    Oh it is a sad day too day. Matty was a jewel of a man, a one true gem! His loss is priceless, much like his humor!

    In memoria iam minimus nos non alieno.

  • Gerard O'Brien

    On behalf of all those involved in Phoenix Productions I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Matty’s family at this very difficult time. Mattie was a great personal friend of mine and a wonderful supporter of Phoenix Productions.

    Matty was a great ambassador for the town of Thurles over many years and is known internationally as a top-class jeweller.

    He will of course be remembered best for his marvellous contribution and dedication to the Hospice foundation in North Tipperary and nationally. Indeed, Phoenix Productions was honoured to have been associated with him and his fundraising events over the last 10 years. €23,000 was raised at Kilshane House on the 17th of October last for the Hospice.

    Always the perfect host, Matty was the last man standing thanking all the guests for their wonderful and generous contributions at 6:45 a.m.

    He’ll be a very hard man to replace!

    Gerard O’Brien — Deputy Mayor and Director Of Phoenix Productions

  • Rene Geiser

    Rene Geiser
    With absolute shock I have heard of Matty Ryan`s passing away. He was such a good friend and I shall miss him so much. He was a gem of a man and had the great gift to make you feel special and appriciated. He was one of the most wonderful persons I have ever met. Condolences to all his family. He will always have a very special place in my heart.
    Rene Geiser

  • Kaizaad Kotwal

    I have had the privilege and honour of knowing Matty – a man who was incomparable in his zest for life and in his generosity and friendship. I have never known someone so full of life and willing to make the most of everything in life…I have thoroughly enjoyed way too many moments with Matty to list here in Ireland, London and America.

    I shall miss him dearly. My sincerest condolences to his family (many of whom I have met) and to his many, many friends who were like his family.

    God bless you Matty. There will be none other like you.

    I think the following epitomizes the essence of Matty:

    Dance as though no one is watching you,
    Love as though you have never loved before,
    Sing as though no one can hear you,
    Live as though heaven is on earth.

    Thanks for being a part of my life Matty.
    Kaizaad Kotwal

  • Brett Broomall

    Matty was the warmest and most giving person I’ve ever known. I remember working in his shop and my parents having him over for dinners. Always the life of the party and never in bad form. There are no words to describe how wonderful a person he was unless you knew him. Matty, we will keep your spirit alive each and every day and thank you for being such a light in our lives.

  • Alan Cooper

    The world is poorer and heaven richer with your passing. God bless you Matty

  • Mary O'Brien

    I learnt of Matty’s death today (Monday Jan 25) on reading the Irish Daily Mail where there was an absolutely wonderful obiturary and tribute paid to him by James Gibbons for almost half the page of the paper and a lovely smiling photograph of Matty too. The heading was ‘The social scene loses one of its glittering jewels.’ How true.
    Gob Bless you Matty

  • Rev. Peter Cole-Baker

    All those who love the volunteer spirit will sadly miss Matty. St. Mary’s extends deepest condolences to his many friends and family. The empty chair will be much noticed!

  • Caroline M

    It’s such a shock to learn of the sudden death of Matty. RIP.
    He was such a lovely man, always happy, never down. As a child, I loved going in with my mum to collect something or bring something in for repair. He was always so nice. After years of admiring the pieces he would show me, I now myself have the privelege of having a piece of his history which I will cherish forever,my engagement ring,which was made with care and affection as was every item he put his hands too. I will miss him dearly but will cherish the memories I have of knowing a wonderful man who fought to the end but never complained.

  • Pam and John Morgans

    We were privileged to be at Kilshane House and The Dunraven Arms in November to see Matty at his best. A generous friend, an expansive host and someone who always lit up a room. Sadly we won’t be able to join all his family and friends for the funeral but he will always be with us in spirit.

  • Anne Williams

    Matty your going it is a sad loss. A true Character. You will be missed

  • Philip

    I have no doubt that Matty, peerless raconteur and social star is dazzling a new audience in some other place with his wit and stories.
    Our ears will be burning!
    Their gain is our loss. We are left with rich memories. A hard act to follow………………

  • Stephen Burns

    He radiated warmth and love, an unforgettable person.

  • Susan Lawrence

    All here on Cape Cod are shocked, saddened, and feeling the loss of our beloved friend Matty. Always the optimist, notwithstanding his difficult medical hurdles of late. I can attest to his zest for life and people that he embraced after attempting to keep up with him for 10 days here in Falmouth and 10 days in Irl just this past autumn. It occures to me that Matty has managed to live such a fulfilling life that in essence, he has managed to squeeze 120 years in just 60. Perhaps we should all go forward with Matty’s legacy in mind…. that of giving, sharing and making a difference in the lives of others. Although the loss is permanent, so too are the wonderful memories he has left to so many,and of course, his laughter with that twinkle in his eyes.
    Thoughts and prayers to all of the family with hopes of gathering with you to remember Matty when we return to Irl.

  • Tony Finnegan

    A light has been extinguished in Ireland…..and around the world. So many will miss Matty’s laughter, wit, smile and sense of fun. Others will miss his generosity of spirit and sense of occasion. More still, his caring nature. More, his innate ability to make everyone feel relaxed and yet energized at the same time. His style…..his class…..his dignity…..
    There are as many words to describe him as he had friends.
    We have just lost a true friend – a man who gave, without expecting anything in return.
    There was no-one like Matty Ryan. R.I.P.

  • Sean Ryan

    It would take a book to describe Matty Ryan. A true gentleman, who went about his business in his own quiet way. He rubbed shoulders with the best of them, but you’d never know it. Matty was a real jeweller, and he knew everything about the trade. His greatest achievement of course was his charitable work for North Tipperary Hospice. He was a true Thurles man , who proved that you can travel the world and still be happy in Thurles. One of the town’s greatest citizens, he will be missed. Finally, I will always remember the time years ago, when I was hitching a lift to Dublin. Matty stopped his car at Drish Bridge and gave me a lift all the way to O’Connell Street. The conversation was great on the way, intelligent and full of life itself. God Rest you Matty.

    Sean and Pam Ryan and Family
    Houston , Texas

  • Lucy Murless

    It would take a lifetime to write about Matty Ryans.There are no words to describe Matty Ryan, so I will try my best. It was a joy to know Matty and naming my dog after him was a pleasure. The Murless family will always love him and care for him. We thank him in our hearts for all the good times and the funny times we shared with him. My family will forever mourn him and miss him. We wish him luck in the next life. We love you so much Matty, may you rest in peace.

  • Jenny Horan

    Anyone who met Matty would all agree, there was something special about him. I didn’t meet Matty many times but he kindly offered to teach me to make jewellery in his shop in Thurlas for two days, as he realized I was a bit lost and unhappy in my job. When I think about his gesture again, I am so taken by the generousity with his time and knowledge. Jewellery became a big part of my life for the two years after. He really helped me a lot, when I needed it most. I think if any of us where lucky to have met this man, we should carry on as he did and try to be kinder to our friends and help out people who may be in need, just like he did. Thanks for everything Matty. My thoughts are with Mattys family and his millions of friends.
    RIP Matty, love Jenny x

  • Mr Stephen Bosaglia

    Dear Thomas Ryan and Family
    I was very sorry to learn of the Loss of your Brother, I never had the privlidge of meeting him but indeed had intended to this year (2010), however I wish Mattie Peace, and you my condolence.
    Best wishes ( I didn’t realise such a site existed as I would have left a tribute earlier)
    Stephen Bosaglia

  • Mr Bosaglia,
    Sir, On behalf of the Ryan family, I thank you for your kind words of sympathy. We will be forwarding your email address to the family in due course and they will no doubt be in contact.

  • John Boylan

    Matty and I met during our very first days at school together and remained friends for life, though we saw each other seldom in later years. I know well his charm, large-heartedness and spirit of friendliness. He is and will be sorely missed, and I offer my heartfelt sympathy and condolences to his brother and sisters.

    I’ve attempted to make a donation to the North Tipperary Hospice in his memory, but I haven’t had any success contacting them. I suspect the contacts listed on their website may have changed. If anybody who reads this can put me in touch with them, please contact me. Thank you.

  • Sir, On behalf of the Ryan family, I thank you for your kind words of sympathy. We will be forwarding your email address to the family in due course and they will no doubt be in contact.
    We will also forward your email address to North Tipperary Hospice with your message. Kindest regards, George Willoughby

  • Arnold

    My heart is broken and sad. I know it’s a few years later, but I came across this article today. I met Matty in Cape Town, South Africa approx. 2008. I was suppose to travel to Ireland the following year but it never happened. He also mentioned that he was diagnosed with some type of cancer and was unwell. I was just going through my old contacts from the old computer and came across Matty’s name and his South African mobile number. It is then that I decided to google him. Matty was so good, kind and we shared beautiful times together. I will never forget him and will forever miss him. I remember my car was broken into while we were having dinner one night and he was very helpful to assist me sort out the issue.

    Sad heart,
    Arnold Ntanzi
    South Africa, Johannesburg

  • Paul Mason

    It is with great shock and sadness that I learnt, only today, of the tragic passing of dear Matty some six years ago. For many years we use to meet up on his annual Cape Town holidays and then suddenly he stopped coming. I now know why, I thought he had just chosen somewhere else to enjoy his winter holidays. Generous, gentle, humorous, socialite and Bon Viveur….a man remembered with fondness and affection.. Requiescat In Pace Matty.

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