
Update On Answers To Questions From Elected Thurles Representatives.

Hereunder, the Site Notice displayed on the old Erin Foods site, signed by Mr Matt Shortt, former Town Manager, Thurles Town Council, on the 6th of January, 2014 last.

Hereunder, the Tipperary County Council map, which appears to indicate either an encroachment or the absolute partial destruction of a National Monument known as the ‘Double Ditch’; same a public right-of-way and a ‘Mass Path’, continuously used by Thurles dwellers for the last 175 years.

Cllr. Mr Michaél Lowry.
Firsts to phone me, yesterday, regarding the above, (at approximately 5:05pm) was Cllr. Mr Michaél Lowry. Mr Lowry, (Lowry Team Member), was informed, by me, that in the interests of public transparency that he should answer the questions in writing as already requested. His reply contained a four lettered profanity contained in the sentence “Who the f..k do you think you are?” One is reminded of the Shakespearian quote from the Richard II play, “I live with bread like you, feel want, taste grief, need friends.” Our conversation lasted all of 55 seconds.

However it was interesting to note that Cllr. Mr Michaél Lowry was live on radio this morning, telling Co. Tipperary all about Question 3 the New Thurles Recycling Centre.

Cllr. Mr Shane Lee.

I received today (1.36pm- 11th Sept. 2020) an email from Cllr. Mr Shane Lee, (yet another Lowry Team Member), some seven weeks and one email reminder later.

His email stated:-
“Hi George,
In response to your query i have forwarded it to the district manager who will revert back to you directly.

Kindest regards
Independent Councillor
Shane Lee

Yet another Tipperary Councillor unable to find answers to simple questions.

Cllr. Mr Jim Ryan

Yesterday, we also received an email; (seven weeks and one email reminder later), from Independent Cllr. Mr Jim Ryan, (10th Sept.2020, 6:19pm). Cllr. Ryan resides 400.05 metres (437.5 yards) from the “Double Ditch”, so it was somewhat of a disappointment that it took such a long time for him to respond.

His email read:-
Dear Mr Willoughby
My apologies for the delay in replying to your email. Regarding your questions emailed to me, I can confirm that I have been in touch with Tipperary County Council seeking clarification on the 3 issues raised. I have been told today that the matter is now in the hands of the Thurles / Templemore District Manager, Mr Eamon Lonergan who will be formally writing to you with a detailed response. I hope this is is satisfactory.


Cllr Jim Ryan

While we thank Cllr. Ryan for his stated apology, he refused to answer any of the 3 questions asked.

And so the saga continues and we await further written responses and updates, for our readers on these developments.

Of the three questions asked seven weeks ago, actually only one question now requires an answer.

Question 1:-
“Will the planned Thurles inner relief road impinge, in a negative way, on the 1846 Thurles “Double Ditch”, which has been a right of way and a Mass Path for almost 175 years and which is the property of the people of Thurles and a National Monument?”

God help us, it is like trying to draw hen’s teeth.
Is it any wonder, based on the current political scene here in Co. Tipperary, that we now have here in Ireland; Serial Litigants; those seeking Direct Democracy; Yellow Vests Movements; National Citizens Movements etc. all spreading false prophesy and their populist idiotic theories.


1 comment to Update On Answers To Questions From Elected Thurles Representatives.

  • Dennis

    Hmmm…… (not) to win friends and influence people…………the Michael Lowry TD webpage states that Councillor Michéal Lowry has represented the Thurles area since 2004. It goes on to add, “During this time, he has brought integrity, determination and focus to every aspect of his Council work. He works in a positive and practical manner to address the concerns and issues raised by his constituents.”………just wondering then how addressing one of his constituents with “Who the f..k do you think you are?” fits in with the preceding description, especially the integrity bit?

    The Thurles inner relief road may just be a local matter but in the wider political context, the failure of these councillors to discharge their duties (in this particular instance just answer some questions raised by one of their constituents) is another sad indictment of what passes for politics today……..and as you suggest, small wonder that locally, nationally and internationally, populism in its various guises is on the increase.

    Whatever – keep up the good work!

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