A young man, aged 24 years; named locally as Mr Sean Breen, has sadly died and two passengers, (also aged in their 20’s), have been injured in a single vehicle accident on the Thurles road (R661) about 1km from the village of Dundrum, here in Co Tipperary.
The three men were understood to have been travelling in a jeep, when their vehicle spun out of control, leaving the road to plough into a ditch.
The accident happened at about 5.30am; with the injured passengers removed by ambulance to South Tipperary General Hospital. Same, thankfully, are not believed to be suffering from life-threatening injuries.
The body of the young man, who was pronounced dead at the accident scene, was also brought to South Tipperary General Hospital.
Gardaí are now anxious to speak with anyone who travelled on the road around the time of the crash and those with information are asked to contact Tipperary Garda Station at Tel: 062-80670 or to contact the Garda Confidential Line atTel: 1800 666 111.
This death now brings to 7, in total, the number of persons who have lost their lives on Tipperary roads so far in 2019.
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