
Funding Sanctioned For Sth. Tipp. General Hospital

“Funding Sanctioned For Additional Staffing of 40 Bed Unit – Fantastic News For South Tipperary General Hospital.” – Deputy M. Lowry.

Announcing the news this morning, Independent TD Deputy Michael Lowry stated, “I am delighted to announce that Minister Simon Harris and the HSE have confirmed to me that approval has been granted for the funds required to staff the new 40 Bed Unit at South Tipperary General Hospital, same which will open towards the end of 2019. It is estimated to cost an additional €7.5 million per year to run the new facility

A national/international recruitment campaign will commence immediately. The Director of Nursing is looking forward to the challenge and is confident that sufficient nurses will be attracted to join the hospital group.

I made the decision to support and facilitate the formation of a government in the national interest after the last general election. I immediately made it my priority to address the bed capacity problems at South Tipperary General Hospital. For years the problems at the hospital were ignored and neglected. I secured a commitment for a 40 Bed Modular Unit to address the overcrowding at the hospital and to ease the burden of pressure on the nurses and staff at the hospital. Despite the negativity and constant effort by others to undermine the project it has now progressed to delivery and will become a reality towards the end of 2019.

I wish to commend the management of the hospital for their unrelenting commitment and their support for my endeavours. This is fantastic news for everybody involved with the hospital and for the people of Tipperary who rely on the hospital for delivery of health care. I would like to thank Minister Harris for his personal interest and his support for this novel initiative.

University Hospital Limerick

Questioned regarding the status of the proposed Modular Ward Block for University Hospital Limerick, which services North Tipperary, Mr Lowry stated, “Minister Simon Harris has also confirmed to me that the Department of Health and the Health Service Executive, are currently engaged in a process to finalise the HSE Capital Plan for 2019. The Minister has committed that the new UHL 60 Bed modular ward block will be included and funded in the 2019 Capital Plan.

This major development will assist in alleviating the bed capacity problems at this hospital. I am very pleased with the Governments commitment to this project as many people from North Tipperary have endured distressing delays in accessing the hospital’s facilities.


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