
Two Mile Borris Youth For George Best Tournament Belfast

IMG_0491Local correspondent Mr Gerry Bowe reports.

Congratulations to Ryan Hayes, son of Liam and Pauline Hayes, Harkin Park, Two Mile Borris, Thurles, who has been selected on the Cahir Park A. F. C. team, to compete in the George Best Community Cup, hosted by Disability Football UK.

The George Best Community Cup is a major highlight on the disability footballer’s calendar, with over 500 players representing clubs right across Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and Guernsey; all competing for this coveted trophy.

The competition is for both boys and girls, who are aged over 15 years and for Disability Football Clubs, Adult Centres and Disability Organisations with teams made up of players with a learning, physical disability and or Sensory Impairment.  All players are required to be able to play without the need for mobility assistance, e.g. crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, etc.

Cahir Park provide training each Saturday between 2.00pm and 3.00pm. The pitch and facilities are provided free of charge and blitzes are held all over Ireland. Cahir Park A.F.C. Tipperary has become the counties first Football Club to develop a ‘Football For All’ Programme.

This year’s 2016 competition takes place on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June at the Billy Neill Centre of Excellence, on the Comber Road, near Dundonald, in Co. Down, just 8 miles (32Min) from Belfast city. Divided into four divisions, this 5-a-side disability football event is for clubs and adult centres that provide learning, physical or sensory impairment programs for amateur football players across the province.

Cahir Park will compete in the Medium Section which has twenty clubs, playing on a grass surface on a round format. Each team will play a minimum of five games on day one and, depending on results and performances on day one, the teams will be placed into four competitive bands for day 2.

This competition commemorates the legendary George Best, one of the world’s greatest footballers of his era. Ryan is to be congratulated on his being selected and with colleagues Damiem, Liam, Daniel, Luke and Paudie are wished every success.

Fund raising continues to be ongoing for this event and huge thanks is extended to Billy Lanigan and Gerard Cantwell who have both made kind donations.


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