
Warning To Those Entitled To Free Over 70’s GP Care

It was Labour Party TD & Minister Kathleen Lynch, who announced details of the long awaited ‘Over 70’s Scheme’ on Friday July 31st, 2015, at a cost to the taxpayer of an estimated €18 million a year. Minister Lynch you will remember holds special responsibility for Primary Care, Social Care (Disabilities & Older People).


What is NOT included under free over 70’s GP Care

This ‘Over 70’s Scheme’ as it is known, provides for free GP care to all persons aged 70 years and over; who do not have a Medical Card or GP Visit card, regardless of income and who ordinarily resident in the Irish State.

On Monday last a medical card carrying lady aged in her 74th year who was a former Cancer sufferer, attended her local physician here in Thurles. On the previous advice of her doctor she was attending simply to have her annual blood test.

Imagine her surprise, when leaving, to be confronted with an unexpected bill of €20.00 to cover the costs associated with her blood test.  Imagine then being asked that since it was Monday, no blood samples would be collected locally, and could she deliver the blood sample personally to the local Health Centre herself.

From checks made by us, we discover that in fact ‘Blood Tests’ are not free under the 70’s and over supposedly free scheme’.

God be with the days back in the Autumn of 2008 when, following a Fianna Fáil led Government Budget, Jackie Healy-Rae (RIP) and Local Deputy Michael Lowry, both then supporting Fianna Fáil in Government as Independent TD’s, threatened to overthrow the same government, when F.F. attempted to introduce ‘Means Testing’ for Old Age Pensioners, thus cancelling their right to hold a Medical Card.


3 comments to Warning To Those Entitled To Free Over 70’s GP Care

  • Chris

    Because she has a medical card the fee will be reimbursed by the HSE. The HSE will deduct this charge from payments they owe to the GP.

  • George Willoughby

    Chris, Following discussions with personnel at HSE headquarters yesterday, I understand that reimbursement is not the case presently, due to ongoing discussions between HSE officials and doctors.
    I am also reliably informed that some GP’s are charging up to €60 for putting their signature on Claim Forms for disability allowances.
    I hasten to add that not all GP’s are involved in this practice.

  • Michael

    There is nothing free now. It costs a lot of money just to stay alive. When you go to the toilet you pay 20% vat to wipe your bum. 70 years ago there were no toilets in most homes. Out in the field behind the ditch with a dock leaf. Nobody complained. I could go on and on to no avail.

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